2024年11月11日 星期一

關鍵少數 (vital fews )思考、觀測法的重要:川普前總統的國家安全顧問John Bolton接受BBCHARDTalk 訪談;習近平給王滬寧(Wang Huning )新任務:統戰台灣: Winning Taiwan....。習近平研究 (Ben Chen: Books by Kevin Rudd陸克文:On Xi Jinping :How Xi's Marxist Nationalism is Shaping China and the World,華為和小米的晶片都有革命產品?…何立峰:在華美企繞不開的中國經濟守門人… 。我的《源氏物語》入門讀書法 有情世界:書與人 1 略談入門讀書法;心得:《源氏物語》桑原武夫 編《一日一言》小西甚一《日本文學史 》宿世與道心。 《雙城記 》A Tale of Two Cities CHAPTER I. The Period 《法國大革命》



偉大呀,在中國,Apple 新手機為何成長二成。


關鍵少數 (vital fews )思考、觀測法的重要:川普前總統的國家安全顧問John Bolton接受BBCHARDTalk 訪談;習近平給王滬寧(Wang Huning )新任務:統戰台灣: Winning Taiwan....。習近平研究 (Ben Chen: Books by Kevin Rudd陸克文:On Xi Jinping :How Xi's Marxist Nationalism is Shaping China and the World,華為和小米的晶片都有革命產品?……      。我的《源氏物語》入門讀書法                 有情世界:書與人 1 略談入門讀書法;心得:《源氏物語》桑原武夫 編《一日一言》小西甚一《日本文學史 》宿世與道心。 《雙城記 》  CHAPTER I. The Period  《法國大革命》

關鍵少數 (vital fews )思考、觀測法的重要:川普前總統的國家安全顧問John Bolton接受BBCHARDTalk 訪談;習近平給王滬寧(Wang Huning )新任務:統戰台灣: Winning Taiwan....。習近平研究 (Ben Chen: Books by Kevin Rudd陸克文:On Xi Jinping :How Xi's Marxist Nationalism is Shaping China and the World,華為和小米的晶片都有革命產品?…… 。我的《源氏物語》入門讀書法 有情世界:書與人 1 略談入門讀書法;心得:《源氏物語》桑原武夫 編《一日一言》小西甚一《日本文學史 》宿世與道心。 《雙城記 》 CHAPTER I. The Period 《法國大革命》


Mr. Wang is seen pointing to a document as he talks to Mr. Xi, his head slightly bowed toward the leader.
Mr. Wang with Mr. Xi in March at the National People’s Congress in Beijing.Credit...Andres Martinez Casares/EPA, via
Wang Huning in 2022.

A row of men in suits.
Mr. Wang, fourth from right, with the Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, seventh from right, in a North Korean state media photo from Mr. Jiang’s visit to Pyongyang in September 2001.Credit...Korean Central News Agency, via

Ben Chen: Books by Kevin Rudd陸克文:On Xi Jinping How Xi's Marxist Nationalism is Shaping China and the World;The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China. NEW YORK TIMES. Are China and the United States on a Collision Course to War?

On Xi Jinping
How Xi's Marxist Nationalism is Shaping China and the World
Kevin RuddArgues there has been a significant change in China's ideological worldview under Xi Jinping compared with previous ideological orthodoxies under Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao
Summarizes Xi's worldview as a new form of "Marxist-Leninist Nationalism"
Explores the correlation between ideological changes in China and changes in the Chinese politics, economic policy, and a more assertive foreign policy
Written by one of the leading Western commentators on relations between China and the West

陸克文認為,習近平任期可能是台灣問題爆發戰爭風險最高的時​​期。他指出,習近平的「意識形態攻擊」是以犧牲中國人民、中國經濟和北京的全球地位為代價的。「習近平是個聰明人……知道這樣做的代價。但他認為,為了長期維持中共的權力,這些社會、經濟和國際聲譽的代價是值得的。」這樣,中共國對全球體系構成的威脅在習近平時代達到頂峰,世界現在正處於危險時期。如果習近平拿下台灣,將意味著美國全球影響力的下降,從而使習近平的地位「無懈可擊」。 陸克文《論習近平》中的這些觀點不啻是給西方世界也是給台灣的嚴重而且緊急的警告,無疑具有巨大的震撼力。

Ben Chen

“What does Xi Jinping actually believe? And what are his plans for China’s and the world’s future?”
Oxford University doctoral dissertation :China’s New Marxist Nationalism—Defining Xi Jinping’s Ideological Worldview
他本人說:this book is a harder read.

Kevin Rudd
在Asia Society 新書發表會,有orville schell(夏偉)參加

John Bolton on BBC HARDTalk

Hanching Chung
大辦公桌桌面上兩點麥克筆尖/筆跡。Judge Rejects Trump Request for Order Blocking John Bolton’s Memoir Pity, for just an infinitesimal moment, John Bolton. In ‘The Room Where It Happened,’ John Bolton Dumps His Notes and Smites His Enemies https://hcpeople.blogspot.co…… 

有情世界:書與人 1 略談入門讀書法;心得:《源氏物語》桑原武夫 編《一日一言》小西甚一《日本文學史 》宿世與道心。 《雙城記 》  CHAPTER I. The Period  《法國大革命》

有情世界:書與人 1

略談入門讀書法;心得:《源氏物語》《一日一言》小西甚一《日本文學史 》宿世與道心。 《雙城記 》  CHAPTER I. The Period  《法國大革命》





By Charles Dickens


     Book the First--Recalled to Life

     CHAPTER I      The Period
     CHAPTER II     The Mail
     CHAPTER III    The Night Shadows
     CHAPTER IV     The Preparation
     CHAPTER V      The Wine-shop
     CHAPTER VI     The Shoemaker

     Book the Second--the Golden Thread

     CHAPTER I      Five Years Later
     CHAPTER II     A Sight
     CHAPTER III    A Disappointment
     CHAPTER IV     Congratulatory
     CHAPTER V      The Jackal
     CHAPTER VI     Hundreds of People
     CHAPTER VII    Monseigneur in Town
     CHAPTER VIII   Monseigneur in the Country
     CHAPTER IX     The Gorgon’s Head
     CHAPTER X      Two Promises
     CHAPTER XI     A Companion Picture
     CHAPTER XII    The Fellow of Delicacy
     CHAPTER XIII   The Fellow of no Delicacy
     CHAPTER XIV    The Honest Tradesman
     CHAPTER XV     Knitting
     CHAPTER XVI    Still Knitting
     CHAPTER XVII   One Night
     CHAPTER XVIII  Nine Days
     CHAPTER XIX    An Opinion
     CHAPTER XX     A Plea
     CHAPTER XXI    Echoing Footsteps
     CHAPTER XXII   The Sea Still Rises
     CHAPTER XXIII  Fire Rises
     CHAPTER XXIV   Drawn to the Loadstone Rock

     Book the Third--the Track of a Storm

     CHAPTER I      In Secret
     CHAPTER II     The Grindstone
     CHAPTER III    The Shadow
     CHAPTER IV     Calm in Storm
     CHAPTER V      The Wood-sawyer
     CHAPTER VI     Triumph
     CHAPTER VII    A Knock at the Door
     CHAPTER VIII   A Hand at Cards
     CHAPTER IX     The Game Made
     CHAPTER X      The Substance of the Shadow
     CHAPTER XI     Dusk
     CHAPTER XII    Darkness
     CHAPTER XIII   Fifty-two
     CHAPTER XIV    The Knitting Done
     CHAPTER XV     The Footsteps Die Out For Ever

Book the First--Recalled to Life

The Period

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of
despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in
short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Here are seven lessons from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, a story set against the turbulent times of the French Revolution and highlighting themes of sacrifice, justice, and redemption:
The Power of Sacrifice: Sydney Carton’s ultimate sacrifice for Charles Darnay exemplifies the transformative power of love and redemption. Through Carton's actions, Dickens shows that true sacrifice, even at the highest personal cost, can bring about profound meaning and redemption.
Revolution and Its Consequences: The novel captures the brutality of the French Revolution, reminding us that while revolutions can arise from just causes, they can lead to chaos and cruelty when fueled by unrestrained anger and vengeance. Dickens emphasizes that change driven by compassion and justice is more sustainable than that driven by violence.
The Duality of Human Nature: Dickens explores how people are capable of both great kindness and extreme cruelty. This is reflected in the title itself, as well as in characters like Madame Defarge, who begins as a victim of injustice but becomes a figure of merciless revenge.
Justice vs. Revenge: The story raises questions about the fine line between justice and revenge. While Madame Defarge seeks retribution for her family’s suffering, her desire for vengeance consumes her, leading to further violence. Dickens critiques the danger of justice being perverted by personal vendetta.
Love as a Redeeming Force: Love plays a central role in the story, with Lucie Manette’s compassion bringing healing to her father and inspiring Sydney Carton’s transformation. Dickens portrays love as a powerful force that can inspire people to change and give them hope amidst hardship.
The Impact of Social Injustice: The stark contrast between the aristocracy’s excess and the suffering of the common people illustrates the dangers of social inequality. Dickens highlights how systemic injustice can lead to resentment, rebellion, and violence, emphasizing the importance of empathy and equitable treatment for all.
The Idea of Resurrection: Resurrection is a key theme, seen in the literal revival of Dr. Manette after his release from prison and in Sydney Carton’s spiritual rebirth through sacrifice. Dickens suggests that redemption and renewal are possible, even for those who have fallen far from grace.
A Tale of Two Cities is a powerful exploration of human resilience and transformation. Through its characters and themes, Dickens underscores that love, compassion, and sacrifice can triumph over bitterness and revenge, revealing a hope for renewal even in the darkest of times.

桑原武夫 編     一日一言     吳季倫 譯

拉法葉侯爵(Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette)

(西元1757.9.6—1834.5. 20)



