2021年1月21日 星期四

Jan Bergvelt, 貝賀斐;飛利浦羅益強 (1937~2015)、沈德盛。Vanessa Bell (1879~1961)自製月曆1951、雷驤《繪日記》(2000);


Vanessa Bell (1879~1961)自製月曆1951、雷驤《繪日記》(2000);飛利浦羅益強 (1937~2015)、沈德盛

2021.1.21 午後至17點,飛利浦竹北廠的前工程部 department head 沈德盛刻意來找以前同事,補了許多台灣產業發展史的幾頁:他離開飛利浦之後,加入經濟部趙耀東先生倡議的自動化服務團,與許多產業和大老闆有"接觸"......。

我與羅益強 (1937~2015)先生最後的接觸是2000年元旦的"飛友會" (唯一一次參加)......

www.cw.com.tw › 產業 › 科技

2015/05/14 — 很多人都聽說過,台積電創始股東飛利浦,早年投資的二十億元,飆漲成六千億元的「賺三百倍」神話。促成這件關鍵投資的大功臣,前飛利浦全球執行副總裁羅益強日前心肌梗塞辭世。

羅益強- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
zh.wikipedia.org › wiki › 羅益強

羅益強(1937年8月27日-2015年5月11日),(台灣飛利浦建元電子工程師,台灣飛利浦建元電子公司(IC)廠經理),浙江省鄞縣,台灣企業家。在1999年,因健康因素辭職。 取自“https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title= ...


荷蘭在台辦事處 Netherlands Office Taipei

第一本是貝喬思寫的小說《福爾摩沙之王》(暫譯:The Lord of Formosa),以鄭成功為主角,由《蘭船東去》的作者張焜傑擔任中文翻譯。1982年12月,18歲的貝喬思還沒決定大學主修,所以隨著父親來到臺灣,並在師範大學學習中文一年。因為這個因緣,她後來在英國繼續學習漢學,並以鄭成功為論文主題,也是《福爾摩沙之王》的雛型。
Sneak peek before publication! Although we don’t have the chance to meet you at the Taipei International Book Exhibition (TiBE) this year, we still wish to introduce two Dutch books about the history of Taiwan, which will be published in Mandarin by Avangard publishing house.
The first book is Lord of Formosa by Joyce Bergvelt, a novel based on Zheng Cheng-gong (Koxinga), translated into Mandarin by Kim Chang, the author of another book Stories before VOC. In December 1982, 18-year-old Joyce hadn’t decided on her major for college and decided to come to Taiwan with her father, spending a year studying Mandarin at the National Taiwan Norm University. With this experience, she continued her sinology studies in the U.K. She wrote her academic dissertation on Zheng Cheng-gong, which formed the basis for Lord of Formosa.
It is worth mentioning that the father of the author Joyce, Jan Bergvelt, was the president of Philips Electronics Taiwan between 1982 and 1988. Together with Morris Chang, he was one of the ‘founding fathers’ of tSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) in 1987, which was initially a joint venture between Philips Electronics and the Taiwanese government. In early 1993, Joyce went to interview with a recruiting agency looking for a Chinese and English-speaking Dutch national for an undisclosed technological company, and that company turned out to be tSMC. She ended up working for tSMC Europe in Amsterdam as Planning and Logistics Specialist for nearly two years. Isn’t that a bit serendipitous?
Next Friday (Jan. 29) at 16:30 (GMT+8), we are inviting the author Joyce and translator Kim to share with you on the online platform (Facebook page) by TiBE. Stay tuned!
