“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.” ― from TO THE LIGHTHOUSE By Virginia Woolf, 1927
2021年1月16日 星期六
0112 2021
從 「虛而又虛,萬事皆虛。」到 「光明實在可愛,看見太陽實在令眼舒暢。 Truly the light is sweet..」—《Ecclesiastes 傳道書/訓道篇》
簡介Masahiro Yasuoka 安岡正篤( 1898 – 1983)的六中觀
0:00 / 7:19
statehouse/state capitol, Congress. DC, statehouses urgently beef up security as potential for violence looms ahead of inauguration
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董康《書舶庸譚》胡適等序:四卷1930/1939;9卷本整理 或有刪減 ,北京:中華,2013;神田喜一郎〈敦煌五十年‧董授經先生〉
0:00 / 15:27
董康《書舶庸譚》四卷1930/19399卷本有刪減 /2013;神田喜一郎〈敦煌五十年‧董授經先生〉。《封神演義》/陸西星//《醒世恆言》
董康《書舶庸譚》四卷1930/19399卷本有刪減 /2013;神田喜一郎〈敦煌五十年‧董授經先生〉。《封神演義》/陸西星//《醒世恆言》
神田喜一郎〈敦煌五十年‧董 授經先生〉1960,收入林景淵編譯 《 扶桑書物語 第二集 》 〈憶董康 先生〉298~302 ,2020 。 *** 胡適日記全集, 第 6卷 1930-33 頁194-96 1930.7.19 讀《醒世恆言 》引董康《書舶庸譚》記日本宮...
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