屋顶上的轻骑兵 / 让.吉奥诺(Jean Giono)著 ; 潘丽珍译
Giono, Jean, 1895-1970. ; 紀沃諾
不朽/難忘的電影 (8):種樹的男人 (金恆鑣譯,2009); The Man Who Planted Trees ( Jean Giono 影片1987) 。漢清講堂141 金恆鑣博士:環境生態與文學
種樹的男人 (金恆鑣譯,2009); The Man Who Planted Trees ( Jean Giono 影片1987) 。漢清講堂141 金恆鑣博士:環境生態與文學
The Man Who Planted Trees
種樹的男人 金恆鑣譯,台北:時報,2009
種樹的男人,又譯作植樹的牧羊人(法語:L'homme qui plantait des arbres)為法國作家讓·紀沃諾(Jean Giono)於1953年出版的短篇故事,原是應讀者文摘邀請而寫的。
第一次世界大戰期間,一個陸軍步兵偶然經過 普洛旺斯高原,遇見了一個中年牧羊人艾爾則阿·布非耶。牧羊人常揀來許多橡實,再選擇合適地點一顆顆種下。幾十年後,牧羊人八十七歲了,他的橡樹成了大森林,受巡邏員保護,因此而充滿生機。
完整翻譯種樹人 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
French: L'homme qui plantait des arbres
Jean Giono
Born 30 March 1895
Manosque, France
Died 8 October 1970 (aged 75)
Manosque, France
Occupation Writer
Nationality French
Literary movement Popular culture
Notable works
Second Harvest
Un roi sans divertissement
The Horseman on the Roof
Manosque | |
show Location of Manosque | |
Jean Giono (30 March 1895 – 8 October 1970) was a French author who wrote works of fiction mostly set in the Provence region of France.
1First period
3Second period
6Further reading
7External links
Outside France, Giono's best-known work is probably the short story The Man who Planted Trees (and 1987 film version). This optimistic tale of a man who brings a deserted valley back to life by planting trees reflects Giono's long-standing love of the natural world, an attitude that made him a precursor to the modern ecological movement. He thus declined to receive any royalties from this text, and granted free use to anyone who wanted to distribute or translate it.[10]
When Dag Hammarskjöld’s body was recovered from the crash site in Ndola, Zambia, where the Albertina, his chartered DC-6, went down on the night of September 18, 1961, he was lying on his back, propped up against an ant hill, immaculately dressed as always, in neatly pressed trousers and a white shirt with cuff links. His left hand was clutching some leaves and twigs, leaving rescuers to think he might have survived for a time after being thrown clear of the wreckage.Searchers also retrieved his briefcase. Inside were a copy of the New Testament, a German edition of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke, a novel by the French writer Jean Giono, and copies of the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber’s I and Thou in German and English. Folded into his wallet were some copies of American newspaper cartoons mocking him, together with a scrap of paper with the first verses of “Be-Bop-a-Lula” by Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps.
日本 邦訳[編集]
- Colline(1929)
- 『牧羊神』永田逸郎訳 三学書房 1941
- Le Chant du monde (1934)
- 『世界の歌』山本省訳 河出書房新社 2005
- Un roi sans divertissement 1947
- 『気晴らしのない王様』酒井由紀代訳 河出書房新社 1995
- Les grands chemins(1951)
- 『いかさまトランプ師の冒険』酒井由紀代訳 河出書房新社 1997
- L'homme qui plantait des arbres(1953)
- 『木を植えた男』フレデリック・バック絵 寺岡襄訳 あすなろ書房 1989
- 『木を植えた人』原みち子訳 こぐま社 1989
- 『木を植えた男を読む』フレデリック・バック画 高畑勲訳著 徳間書店 1990
- 『木を植えたひと』ウィリー・グラサウア絵 福井美津子訳 世界文化社 2005
- 『木を植えた男』山本省訳 彩流社 2006
- 『対訳フランス語で読もう「木を植えた男」』村松定史、梅比良眞史訳註 第三書房 2011、新版2016
- Le Hussard sur le toit 1951
- 『屋根の上の軽騎兵』酒井由紀代訳 河出書房新社 1997
- Jean Giono (1895-1970法國作家讓·吉奧諾)
- Que ma joie demeure
- 『喜びは永遠に残る』山本省訳 河出書房新社 2001
- 以下は、各・山本省訳の新訳版
- 『憐憫の孤独』彩流社・フィギュール彩 2016
- 『ボミューニュの男』山本省訳 彩流社 2019
- 『二番草』彩流社 2020
- 『青い目のジャン』彩流社 2020
- 『本当の豊かさ』彩流社 2020
- 『大群』彩流社 2021
種樹的男人 (金恆鑣譯,2009); The Man Who Planted Trees ( Jean Giono 影片1987) 。漢清講堂141 金恆鑣博士:環境生態與文學種樹的男人 (金恆鑣譯,2009); The Man Who Planted Trees ( Jean Giono 影片1987) 。漢清講堂141 金恆種樹的男人 (金恆鑣譯,2009); The Man Who Planted Trees ( Jean Giono 影片1987) 。漢清講堂141 金恆鑣博士:環境生態與文學鑣博士:環境生態與文學種樹的男人 (金恆鑣譯,2009); The Man Who Planted Trees ( Jean Giono 影片1987) 。漢清講堂141 金恆鑣博士:環境生態與文學
金恆鑣- 作者 - 博客來網路書店