2021年11月13日 星期六

0605~0606 2019 2021从中国流亡到澳大利亚的35岁艺术家巴丟草..... ; 巴丟草首次國際個展開幕(義大利布雷西亞博物館),多國報導

DW 中文 - 德國之聲DW 中文 - 德国之声都分享了 1 條連結。

從六四鎮壓到新冠疫情—巴丟草首次國際個展開幕| DW | 13.11.2021

DW 中文 - 德國之聲
1 小時 ·

布雷西亞博物館基金會主席Francesca Bazoli表示: "這次展覽無意冒犯中國人民或中國文化和文明,展示這些作品是因為我們支持表達自由。"


DW 中文 - 德国之声

布雷西亚博物馆基金会主席Francesca Bazoli说,这次展览 "无意冒犯中国人民或中国文化和文明",展示这些作品是因为"我们支持表达自由"。


6.6 下午Ken SU 來訪

15:06 280 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵 280 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵 hc iTaiwan forum 18:25 261 日本浮世繪大師 -- 喜多川歌麿 14:49 251…


  • 羅時瑋 多謝老友編派些理由,讓我腦筋多動動,每次來到這藏書滿坑的漢清講堂,都難免要被幾本書電到!
  • Hanching Chung Voir écrire (Christian de Portzamparc with Philippe Sollers) - Calmann-Levy, 2003 《觀看 書寫 建築與文學的對話》姜丹丹譯,桂林:廣西師範,2010;台北書林,2014

曾經企劃出版《世界戴明圈》(未出版) 痛失兩大將:William J. Latzko, Ph.D. (1928 – 2018) 我們出版過他的《戴明博士四日談》;Thomas W. Nolan, Jr., Ph.D. (1947 – 2019),他們三人合作的《透過實驗計畫來改善》,翻譯過前2章;戴明博士《新經濟學》和 Brian Joiner《第四代管理》中都有他在80年代指導其小學生兒子,以上校車的時間作管制圖的故事........
曾經企劃出版《世界戴明圈》(未出版) 痛失兩大將: William J. Latzko, Ph.D. (1928 – 2018) 我們出版過他的 《戴明博士四日談》 ;Thomas W. Nolan, Jr., Ph.D. (1947 – 2019),他們三人合作的 《透過實驗...

Voir écrire (Christian de Portzamparc with Philippe Sollers) - Calmann-Levy, 2003 《觀看 書寫 建築與文學的對話》姜丹丹譯,桂林:廣西師範,2010;台北書林,2014

揭秘巴丟草:華裔異見藝術家和他的作品 BBC.com · 1 day ago 六四30週年異議漫畫家巴丟草首度真面目示人[影] | 兩岸| 重點新聞 中央社 · 14 hours a...

Hanching Chung 的 5 月動態回顧
The Rhinoceros Artist Albrecht Dürer Year 1515 Type Woodcut Dimensions 23.5 cm × 29.8 cm…

Stand News 立場新聞

【前港督彭定康錄影發言 促香港政府撤回修訂逃犯條例】
Former Hong Kong Governor Lord Chris Patten video message Transcript
I know that this week in Hong Kong, thousands of people will be making their views clear, demonstrating against the proposals on extradition, which the government has put forward, extradition to China. It’s a proposal, or a set of proposals, which strike a terrible blow - I think - and so, I think to most people in Hong Kong and so does the international community, against the rule of law, against Hong Kong’s stability and security, against Hong Kong’s position as a great international trading hub. And the surprise is that the government in Hong Kong doesn’t seem to understand that. It does make you wonder sometimes who actually runs Hong Kong these days: is it the Hong Kong government or is it the joint liaison office acting on behalf of the communist regime in Beijing?
Why is this important? Well it’s the latest in a number of things that have happened in recent years which have tightened Beijing’s grip on Hong Kong, and which have profoundly worried people. I think for ten or a dozen years after 1997, things in Hong Kong went pretty well. Of course they could have gone better, I’m sorry that Beijing throttled the development of democracy, much against the promises that have been made earlier. But by and large, I think, Hong Kong remained a very free and successful society.
But ever since the regime in Beijing started to roll back Deng Xiaoping’s reforms and the developments that have taken place under Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji and Hu Jintao, and Wen Jiabao; ever since then, with the Party taking control over everything, cracking down on dissidents, cracking down on human rights, locking people up, incarcerating them in Xinjiang and so on. Ever since then, we know that Beijing has also been tightening its grip, or trying to, in Hong Kong. And I think that the latest proposals on extradition are an example of that.
Now a lot of very spurious arguments are put forward, it said that the present situation is a “loophole” which needs to be filled up - that’s absolute nonsense. People have known exactly why there shouldn’t be an extradition agreement with China for years, and many of the arguments put for the government’s proposals don’t actually pass the laugh-off-your-seat test. The argument that, well, it’s better to have an extradition treaty than to abduct people illegally from Hong Kong - are people really supposed to believe that?
Except for, but of course, Western democracies in Europe have extradition agreements with China, but they’re in a very different position to the position that Hong Kong is in. The reason why international chambers of commerce, why lawyers, why business around the world, why governments have raised their objections is very simple: because what these proposals do is to remove the firewall between Hong Kong’s rule of law and the idea of law - which prevails in Communist China - an idea of law where there aren’t any independent courts, where the courts and the security services and the party’s rules - which are, sometimes, pretty obscure - are rolled altogether. That’s why we’ve seen recently Canadian citizens that are locked up are taken as if it were hostage against things happening in Canada itself under the rule of law there. So it’s not surprising that people are so worried about what is happening.
I know that when people talk about the particular problem in relation to Taiwan, the leaders of the Hong Kong Bar Association over the last few years, I think a dozen of them, have put forward proposals which show how you could deal with that issue building on the existing common law.
So these proposals are bad for Hong Kong, they - I think - raise all sorts of questions which the government hasn’t even thought through, not least about Hong Kong’s economic importance and economic stability. We know very well that Hong Kong needs to be treated separately in economic and commercial matters from the rest of China. When I was governor a long time ago, I used to travel to Washington fairly regularly to argue the case for treating Hong Kong differently from, say, Shenzhen and Shanghai. But if you appear to be regarding Hong Kong from Beijing as though it was just another China city, then sooner or later, economic governments around the world, businesses around the world, when they’re looking even at things like the Belt and Road Initiative, they’re going to regard Hong Kong as just another part of China, and that would be really bad for the standard of living, for the quality of life in Hong Kong!
Above all, of course, if we go ahead, if the government goes ahead with this extradition agreement, it will cause unnecessary worries and anxieties in Hong Kong. That’s a really bad thing. I hope that even at this late stage, the government will back off and leave well alone. It doesn’t have to happen, it shouldn’t happen, and Hong Kong should carry on as a free society, under the rule of law, without having to worry about this extradition.
當然他們又會說歐洲的西方民主國家與中國已經簽訂了引渡協議,但它們與香港根本處於完全不同的地位。國際商會、律師、商人及各國政府之所以提出反對意見的原因非常簡單:因為這些修例將會摧毀香港法治與中國共產黨的法治概念之間的防火牆。中國的法律觀念不包括任何獨立的法院,並把法院、國安部門以及黨的規則 (黨規則亦有時相當模糊)完全混在一起。這就是為甚麼我們最近看到被關起來的加拿大公民被用為人質,反對加拿大本身在她自己國家的法治下所發生的事情。因此,人們如此擔心這修例所帶來的影響並不奇怪。


郭董前天說,「修昔底德陷阱」是美國哈佛教授格雷厄姆•艾利森(Graham Allison)創的,一個崛起中的大國勢必挑戰當前的霸權,而當前的霸權也會對挑戰做出回應,雙方終將一戰,過去大國崛起所引發的對抗,在歷史上一共出現過 16 次,其中有 12 次導致戰爭,如今第 17 次出現,台海危機將被重新定義,因為過去僅是中國大陸和台灣之間的對峙,現在變成美中兩國角力的場所,如果我們過於樂觀,偏向任何一方,就會將台灣推向不可預測的危險。
2018年3月,我曾在「美中新冷戰,臺灣怎麼辦?」一文中說:「臺灣民眾必須認清,世界上只有中華人民共和國一個國家以消滅中華民國,剝奪臺灣人民自決權為其基本國策,並且為實現這一國策而不惜對臺灣使用毀滅性武力。所以,臺灣應該堅持親美外交路線,堅定站在自由民主陣營一邊。臺灣是不可能奉行中立主義,當騎牆派的。中華民國外交的核心是臺灣安全,1985年10月21日,蔣經國接見美國前國家安全顧問克拉克時,強調與美國共同的利益、理想與目標,是雙方合作的基礎,能解決任何的問題:『我們有兩個基本立場,對外來說我們永遠與美國站在一起,對內我們堅持貫徹民主憲政,這兩個基本原則,我們決不改變。… 安全方面我們非常清楚,維持臺灣海峽的安全是目前我們最重要的任務。為了維持臺海的安全,我們現在必須有計劃的堅強自己,使中共不敢隨意侵犯我們。維持自己的力量可以說是維持臺海安全最主要的條件,也是我們為什麼要向美國購買精密武器的理由。臺灣海峽的問題,不僅只是臺灣本身的問題,事實上也是東南亞、東北亞整個的問題』。蔣經國設定的這個基本國策今天仍然適用。特別是,加強臺灣國防實力,才是維持臺灣安全最主要的條件。」
