2021年10月1日 星期五

Zeroing in on the origins of Earth’s “single most important evolutionary innovation”

 In Earth’s “single most important evolutionary innovation,” cyanobacteria developed the ability to turn light and water into energy, releasing oxygen in the process. A new EAPS study suggests that critical turning point happened between 3.4 and 2.9 billion years ago.

在地球“唯一最重要的進化創新”中,藍藻發展出將光和水轉化為能量的能力,並在此過程中釋放氧氣。 一項新的 EAPS 研究表明,關鍵轉折點發生在 34 至 29 億年前。

Zeroing in on the origins of Earth’s “single most important evolutionary innovation”
MIT scientists estimate that oxygenic photosynthesis — the ability to
