2021年10月22日 星期五

數據/資訊的分析與呈現 五部曲 *THE WORK OF EDWARD TUFTE* :讀網路通信課程之海報看到的50年成長之旅 從《戴明領導手冊》247~49頁說起

 數據/資訊的分析與呈現 五部曲  *THE WORK OF EDWARD TUFTE*  :讀網路通信課程之海報看到的50年成長之旅 從《戴明領導手冊》247~49頁說起


Topics covered in online video course:
- Fundamental design strategies for all information displays: sentences, tables, diagrams, maps, charts, images, video, data visualizations, and randomized displays for making graphical statistical inferences.
- A new, widely-adopted method for presentations: meetings are smarter, more effective, 20% shorter.
- New ideas on spectatorship, consuming reports. How to assess the credibility of a presentation and its presenter, how to detect cherry-picking, how to reason about alternative explanations.
- Standards of comparison for workaday and for cutting edge visualizations. How to identify excellent information architectures and use them as models and comparison sets for your own work and for the work of your contractors. Monitoring the designs of others.
- The future of information displays: 4K, 6K, 8K video maps moving in time.
- Practical examples are from everywhere: science, social science, music, business, finance, sports, art, medicine, architecture, NASA, government reports.
The entire online course is taught by Edward Tufte.
The fee for the online course is $250. This fee includes the video and all five paperback books, Visual Explanations, Envisioning Information, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Beautiful Evidence and the new book, Seeing with fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, and truth
You will receive an emailed confirmation. The 5 books will be shipped to you directly. A password to access the online video course will be included with the books. Access to the online course expires 1 year from the date of purchase.
