2021年10月25日 星期一

10月25日今昔 1025 2021:Zero Waste Shopping (英國) 。吳玉印老師;John W. Tukey 80歲大壽的文集THE PRACTICE OF DATA ANALYSIS, Boris Pasternak, 畢卡索(Pablo Ruiz Picasso)Unesco Courier專輯;〈戀人〉Picasso paintings displayed at Las Vegas hotel sell for more than $100m. In self-imposed exile from the backbiting Parisian art world, Pablo Picasso changed his art dramatically.


Few men have achieved such renown or have made such an impact on the twentieth century and its art as Pablo Picasso, who was born almost a hundred years ago, on 25 October 1881, at Málaga in southern Spain.

His life was long and prolific. When he died in 1973 at the age of 91 he had produced some 20,000 paintings, engravings, sculptures, drawings, constructions and collages. But he was remarkable not only for the prodigious volume and variety of his output; perhaps no other artist of modern times has responded so intensely and so imaginatively to events, to the changing conditions and challenges of this century.

Although after his early years in Málaga, Madrid and Barcelona Picasso moved to France where he spent three-quarters of his life, he always remained in his habits, his temperament and his outlook fundamentally Spanish (perhaps the greatest genius his country has produced since Goya). And yet his art achieved a universal significance, as an expression of the triumphs and tragedies, the vitality and the restless searchings of twentieth century man. It was nourished by many tributaries from the past, including the work of his great Spanish predecessors and the painters of the late nineteenth century. At the same time, Picasso absorbed many lessons from art outside the classical, European tradition - archaic Iberian art, the art of Black Africa. His vast work reveals not only its creator's sensitivity to wider issues and to purely artistic problems, it also tells much about Picasso the man. It is a compelling personal record of his everyday life, his moods, his rages, and his dilemmas. From beginning to end this man of unflagging creative vitality embodied many paradoxes and contradictions, both in his life and in his art, yet he was never false to himself or to his inspiration. One distinguishing quality of this revolutionary, iconoclastic artist was, for instance, the way in which he constantly returned to tradition, confronting time and again the work of the great painters of the past. Another seeming paradox: while he relished life and loved the human body with an ogrish vitality, his depictions of the body are characterized by brutal distortions of an expressive power unmatched in Western art. Expression is everything! - his work seems to proclaim. For Picasso life and art were one.

This issue of the Unesco Courier is devoted to this inexhaustible, contradictory, astonishing creative genius.
Read this issue. Download the PDF.

Picasso paintings displayed at Las Vegas hotel sell for more than $100m.

8 hours ago

Picasso's works sell for nearly $110 million in Las Vegas auction.

2 hours ago

”Everything you can imagine is real.”
Few people have made such an impact on the 20th century and its art as Pablo Picasso, born on this day in 1881.
When Picasso died in 1973 at the age of 91, he had produced some 20,000 paintings, engravings, sculptures, drawings, constructions and collages. But he was remarkable not only for the prodigious volume and variety of his output; perhaps no other artist of modern times has responded so intensely and so imaginatively to events, to the changing conditions and challenges of the 20th century.
Check out our 100th anniversary issue from 1981, devoted to this inexhaustible, contradictory, astonishing creative genius: https://on.unesco.org/2BEI33p
#UNESCOCourierArchives #PabloPicasso #Picasso #OnThisDay #Art #Painting #Creativity #Culture #History #Spain #Malaga

 In self-imposed exile from the backbiting Parisian art world, Pablo Picasso changed his art dramatically.



畢卡索(Pablo Ruiz Picasso)



Hanching Chung
畢卡索的幾任太太的回憶錄,幾乎都讀過。Françoise Gilot, Matisse and Picasso: A Friendship in Art, Doubleday, 1990 可以一讀: http://hccart.blogspot.tw/....../picassos-birthday......

Art & Design: Picasso's Birthday: Toast & Tour (MoMA)
Art & Design: Picasso's Birthday: Toast & Tour (MoMA)



周末,記得寄書。臺大傅園外的羅斯福路旁,擺個長長的攤位:真善忍:這是很妙的中國民俗變形:"美"太奇怪了;"忍"則是很古東方:忍者.....那家據說是出版人開的飲料店人滿,牆上告訴你如何點Panini (sandwich) .....想起三十幾年前在加州科技城的sandwich 店,服務生念一串三明治名字,我完全無知,這可把我窘死。1983
正如之前1977在英國大學內的bar的滿牆烈酒,幾乎叫不出一杯酒名......肯德基內那個小孩瞪著那半根豐飽的玉米.....桌上擺著"夏濟安日記",原來卞之琳先生到英國前就失戀了,.....近70年前,夏先生寫下kissable 這字眼;同一說法,想起那位朋友珍吾,在大肚山跟我說,我的朋友的嘴真美......如今分散在這島國兩處的"情人"安在否?
東海大學1971年入學前的retreat (校牧室主辦,我以為是必修的,就報名參加 3天在中台神院靜修,認識劉牧師和團契的學長,同屆的外文系張嚶嚶等.....)
正式的orientation,還記得IE系的郭東曜老師介紹工學院的三系,美其名為真善美,旁邊漢寶德老師這位"美學之神",有點靦腆地笑著 (那一年《境與象》雙月刊創立,充滿朝氣.......)
Harvard College has officially institutionalized the pre-orientation program First-Year Retreat and Experience, which aims to orient under-resourced incoming students to life at the University. http://ow.ly/5lcY50wSH57


我特別去附近專作英國糕點的店買些scones,有點特殊,淡鹹味,可口。我將Kevin 送的咖啡豆,分一半轉送給他們父子。
附近一家賣自助餐的店,少說開了十來年,換成一家名為J Plus 的美容院---此行業近十來年大興,店的密度頗高。(2021補,當然,可能又換數家,現在的室內設計公司,應該會好點,更穩定點......)
我到台大圖書館去借Leading Personalities in Statistical Sciences,因為Deming博士的學生有他的簡傳 (為什麼沒有W. A. Shewhart的,搞不清楚)。我在書架附近,看到普林斯頓大學慶祝John W. Tukey 80歲大壽的文集THE PRACTICE OF DATA ANALYSIS,當然不會錯過。


【第二外語】 #日語 #韓語 #競爭力
讓我想起:2008年我寫的吳玉印(Yuin Wu)先生,他在1973年給我的勸告:"他精通日文,英文「也行」;他總是勸我們,要先學好英文,再談學日文。"
2015.3.10 Out of theCrisis 一書補正:
(注5) 參考田口玄一和吳玉印合著的《生產線之外的品管》( Off-Line Quality Control 譯按:此為田口實驗計畫法) (1979,中日本,日本國名古屋名鐵區4-10-27);田口玄一《生產線上的品管》( On-Line Quality Control During Production) (1981,日本規格協會,東京港区赤坂區 1-24-4 )(譯按:已遷至港区三田區。此兩本書有合訂修正本:Genichi Taguchi, Subir Chowdhury, Yuin Wu (2005). Taguchi's Quality Engineering Handbook. John Wiley. ISBN 978-0471413349.)。又可參考福特汽車公司的彼得‧杰瑟普 (Peter T. Jessup)著的《績效改進的價值》(The value of improved performance) 論文,發表於美國品管學協會的汽車分部在1983年11月4日在底特律開的會議。
紀念 吳玉印(Yuin Wu)老師
吳玉印(Yuin Wu)老師是國際知名(1980年代起)的專家,譬如說他從成大畢業都有非英語的文章介紹:YUIN WU es ingeniero químico por la Universidad Cheng Kung, de Taiwan.
1977年,我將吳玉印老師的中文教科書借給英國 Essex 大學高級老師(reader) Dr. Farlie看,他從直交表就能了解日本產業界的一些創新。
他是田口玄一(G. Taguchi)博士的朋友(兼合作者 collaborator),約從1960早期至過世,一直都是田口博士的翻譯者和夥伴。1980之後在美國的英文講義和著名亦然。
約1982年,我由工研院電子所去加州San Jose 的IBM等公司出差。那時,吳玉印老師請我吃便餐,他與田口先生為主導的 American Supplier Institute,已在美國開始有影響力,我笑說,光是Ford Motors公司的全體供應商就可以讓他們忙幾年。
2008年我訪問趙明德老師,「他們邀請過吳玉印老師演講。他認為,吳老師的頭腦比Taguchi的好得多。」三頭六臂 通信集 4 敬獻 趙明德老師


2 年前
羅時瑋和Alex Hsieh

人的印象之形成 初二下才讀齊瓦哥醫生,當然讀不懂。幾十年之後,才知道該書後頭有許多詩歌......

#OnThisDay in 1958 Boris Pasternak, author of 'Doctor Zhivago', sent a telegram accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature before declining it just four days later.
Pasternak is one of four laureates forced to decline the prize by government authorities. When he originally accepted the prize he said he was "immensely thankful, touched, proud, astonished, abashed."
Although Pasternak did not accept the prize, his rejection did not alter the validity of the award and he remains a Nobel Prize laureate.
Photo: Boris Pasternak in 1959. Credit: Unknown source via Wikimedia commons.
可能是 1 人的黑白圖像

báckbìte[báck・bìte][動](-bit, -bit・ten)(他)(自)(人の)陰口をきく;(人を)中傷する.
