2021年10月24日 星期日

《四騎士》 (李青涯譯:準則:入目、上口、入耳,1926/1935) The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ( 1916/1918)。 《天上再見》2015



Apocalypse, apocalyptic, , déclassé, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse啟示錄中的四騎士,《四騎士》 (李青涯譯:準則:入目、上口、入耳1926/1935) VS 《天上再見》2015  

萧乾先生的《长沙出版界四骑士——记四套丛书和它们的主编》一文时, ... 如钟叔河先生是个不屈于压制的人,在他所编辑的书籍,包括周作人作品系列等,

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Front cover of a 1925 Spanish edition of the novel

The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse (SpanishLos cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis) is a novel by the Spanish author Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. First published in 1916, it tells a tangled tale of the French and German sons-in-law of an Argentinian landowner who find themselves fighting on opposite sides during the First World War. Its 1918 English translation by Charlotte Brewster Jordan became the best-selling novel in the US in 1919 according to Publishers Weekly, which hailed it as "a superbly human story told by a genius." The novel was included in the list of 100 best novels of the 20th century by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.[1]


A Frenchman, Marcelo Desnoyers, travels to Argentina in 1870 and marries the elder daughter of Julio Madariaga, the owner of a ranch. Eventually, Marcelo; his wife; and his children, Julio and Chichi, move back to France and live in a mansion in Paris. Julio turns out to be a spoiled lazy young man who avoids commitments and flirts with a married woman, Marguerite Laurier.

Meanwhile, Madariaga's younger daughter has married a German man, Karl Hartrott, and the Hartrotts move back to Germany. The Desnoyers family and the Hartrott family are thus set against each other with the onset of the First World War. However, Julio Desnoyers initially shows no interest in the war, but Hartrott's family eagerly supports the German cause. It is only after Julio's lover, Marguerite, lavishes attention upon her husband after the latter is wounded in battle that Julio is moved to participate in the war.

While the young Julio serves as a soldier, the aging Marcelo leaves the shelter and returns to his mansion, where he watches the German soldiers advance and eventually plunder his belongings and eat his food. At last, the French soldiers push back the German soldiers, and Marcelo chooses to defend a German man who spared Marcelo's life.

Julio Desnoyers returns to his family after he was wounded in a battle but praised for his valour, and he quickly sets out again to continue fighting. At the close of the war, Julio is killed in battle. The novel ends with Marcelo at his son's grave; he regrets that if his daughter, Chichi, has any children, they will not bear the name "Desnoyers." Marcelo finds that Hartrott also has lost a son in the war.

Reviewed by SUSANN COKAL
Jeanette Winterson’s novel imagines a post-apocalyptic future.

Indeed, the idea of admitting one’s wealth, once considered déclassé, is becoming more acceptable. A cover story in the popular weekly magazine VSD this month included revelations that just a few years ago would have been unthinkable: the 2006 income of leading French personalities ($18 million for soccer star Zinedine Zidane, $12.1 million for rock star Johnny Hallyday, $334,000 for Prime Minister François Fillon, $109,000 for Mr. Sarkozy).

dé·clas·sé ('klä-sā'pronunciation

  1. Lowered in class, rank, or social position.
  2. Lacking high station or birth; of inferior social status.
[French, past participle of déclasser, to lower in class : dé-, down (from Latin dē-; see de–) + classe, class; see class.]

Apocalypse :默示錄;啟示錄(基):新約中的最後一卷,為若望宗徒所撰寫;完成于紀元後一百年,多以象徵方式啟示天主子民將來之得救。英文又稱 Book of Revelation 
The fourth and final Horseman is named Death. Known as Θάνατος (Thanatos), of all the riders, he is the only one to whom the text itself explicitly gives a ...

維克托·瓦斯涅佐夫 1887年的畫作

啟示錄中的四騎士拉丁語Quattuor equites apocalyptici)被記載在《啟示錄第6章,啟示錄中的四騎士傳統上被解釋為瘟疫戰爭饑荒死亡,不過,對於四騎士的解釋略有爭議。

noun [S or U]
1 a very serious event resulting in great destruction and change:
The book offers a vision of the future in which there is a great nuclear apocalypse.

2 the Apocalypse in the Bible, the total destruction and end of the world 啟示錄


apocalyptic visions of a nuclear confrontation
apocalyptic warnings about our destruction of the environment


(ə-pŏk'ə-lĭp'tĭkpronunciation also apocalyptical (-tĭ-kəl)


  1. Of or relating to an apocalypse.
  2. Involving or portending widespread devastation or ultimate doom: “now speaks in apocalyptic terms about the probable conflict ahead” (Financial Times).
  3. Characterized by usually exaggerated predictions of or allusions to a disastrous outcome: “Stripped of its apocalyptic tone, what this amounts to is an advocacy of teaching names, dates and places by rote” (Stefan Kanfer).
  4. Of a revelatory or prophetic nature.

四騎士 (李青涯譯)  Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis (The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) (1916)

"The Great War" WWI film series continues this week with "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," "Seventh Heaven," and more. http://bit.ly/1r5RnUP 

["The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." 1921. USA. Directed by Rex Ingram.]
"The Great War" WWI film series continues this week with "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," "Seventh Heaven," and more. http://bit.ly/1r5RnUP
["The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." 1921. USA. Directed by Rex Ingram.]
 ·  · 
  • Hanching Chung 原文可能是法文/西班牙文?:1949年之前: 四騎士 李青涯譯伊巴臬茲(Ibanez,V. B.)著王雲五主編臺一版台北市:臺灣商務, 民54[1965] 萬有文庫薈要


His greatest personal success probably came from the novel Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis (The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) (1916), which tells a tangled tale of the French and German sons-in-law of an Argentinian land-owner who find themselves fighting on opposite sides in the First World War. When this was filmed by Rex Ingram in 1921, it became the vehicle that propelled Rudolph Valentino to stardom.

Apocalypse later.
By Ellis Rosen with Cartoon Collections
