2016年5月28日 星期六

0528 2016 六

5月28日在大安森林公園音樂台舉行,當日下午6點由臺灣音樂創作男歌手黃玠表演,接著7點10分上映大導演陳玉勳的作品-熱帶魚,內容描述國三學生志強在聯考前不小心成為烏龍綁架案主角後,發生一連串精采故事。5月29日下午6點由DJ林貓王主持音樂派對,接著7點10分上映導演諾亞鮑巴赫 Noah Baumbach的作品-紐約哈哈哈(Frances Ha),本片用迷人的黑白攝影、明快的輕喜劇節奏,不僅遙向伍迪艾倫《曼哈頓》致敬,更有幾分法國新浪潮的靈動神采,輕盈揮灑出七年級生的後青春成長紀事。

Norman Foster: Striving for Simplicity
“Quality is an attitude of mind.” The great architectural mastermind of our time Norman Foster, who turns 80 in June 2015, here reflects on a long…
Published on Jun 1, 2015
“Quality is an attitude of mind.” The great architectural mastermind of our time Norman Foster, who turns 80 in June 2015, here reflects on a long and prosperous career – and life – with prominent buildings and more than 1,000 employees all over the world.


塩見直紀: 《半農半X的生活:順從自然,實踐天賦》蘇楓雅譯,2006
有趣的是,"中文版序"後有:本書作者非常樂意與台灣讀者交流,若你想與塩見先生連絡,譯者蘇楓雅可以代為翻譯及轉寄信件,請E-mail 至......
收入溫肇東2013 《創河:美學與創新的交匯》臺北:遠流,2015,頁117-121
F1502 (1879)
A winged sparkx doth soar about —
I never met it near
For Lightning it is oft mistook
When nights are hot and serexi —
Its twinklingxii Travels it pursues
Above the Haunts of men —
A speck of Rapturexiii — first perceived
By feeling it is gone —
(Another riddle poem. Literary scholar David Preest guesses that the winged spark is an atmospheric phenomenon, “literally some light which flashes across the sky and is so vivid that it can be mistaken for lightning.” But there’s a simpler solution. It’s a firefly!)
A few months ago, I began making my way through the complete set of Emily…

我對其《奧登文集》中的《序跋集》特別注意,雖然我發現的 Italian Journey《意大利遊記》可能不全,卻另外有《G 先生》(歌德)的書評;劉易斯·卡羅爾 (Auden, W. H. “Today’s ‘Wonder-World’ Needs Alice.” New York Times Magazine 1 July 1962)也很不錯。

The Economist 總是那位喊國王沒穿衣的犀利小子。
China uses economic sticks and carrots combined with heavy-handed displays of power. It suppresses views it does not like and appeals to pan-Chinese patriotism. But it should know by now that these methods do not work

Vantage Point
2008 ‧ Thriller/Drama ‧ 1h 30m
Witnesses with different points of view try to unravel an assassination attempt on the U.S. president. Special Agents Thomas Barnes (Dennis Quaid) and Kent Taylor (Matthew Fox) are assigned to protect President Ashton during a summit in Spain on the war on terror. Moments after the leader's arrival, shots ring out, and Ashton is down. In the resulting chaos, an American tourist (Forest Whitaker) comes forward with his camcorder, which he believes contains an image of the shooter.
Initial releaseFebruary 22, 2008 (USA)

2002年當寶成Nike 事業部的顧問的第一天。

Reboot: Adidas to make shoes in Germany again – but using robots
Company unveils new factory in Germany that will use machines to make…

漢清講堂:6月15日(周三):探訪愛麗絲 ; Herbert A. Simon 司馬賀百歲紀念

主題:探訪愛麗絲 ; Herbert A. Simon 司馬賀百歲紀念


While Disney’s steampunk “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, released May 27th, may not be wholly faithful to the original, its iconography is instantly recognisable. This is a credit not only to Lewis Carroll himself, but also to the many artists (and one in particular) who have over the years turned his words into images.

Alice through the ages
From Lewis Carroll’s own drawings to a controversial comic

書放在櫃內一年了。今天是陳先生的下葬日,所以讀史誠之先生的"桃李成谿?男山皓" (378-94,明報月刊1971.8 )。
天天都可從名人學習 You Missed A Great Meeting
(by Richard Kerr.
第41首, pp.108-09)
You Missed A
Great Meeting

It was
Celebrity day
David Ogilvy was
Busy re-writing his
famous headline
(”At Sixty Miles an
Hour, the Loudest Noise
In This New Rolls-Royce
Comes from the Electric
Clock). Rolls now has
a digital clock that
is silent.
Helen Gurley Brown
Was giving advice to
Young women.
Ben Franklin was giving
advice to young men.
Hilter was discussing
Jack Nicklaus was
discussing other
kinds of lies.
Milton Friedman was
discussing dollars.
William Safire was
having trouble with an
immigrant who wanted
to know how to
pronounce “though, bough,
cough and dough.”
Fortunately for
you and for all
Americans, it’s
celebrity day every
at your public library.

David Ogilvy (businessman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Mackenzie Ogilvy, CBE, (23 June 1911 – 21 July 1999), was an advertising executive. He is widely hailed as "The Father of Advertising." In 1962, Time ...
Helen Gurley Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Helen Gurley Brown (February 18, 1922 – August 13, 2012) was an American author, publisher, and businesswoman. She was the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine for 32 years....
Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 [O.S. January 6, 1705] – April 17, 1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A noted polymath, Franklin ...
Hilter 希特勒

Jack Nicklaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), nicknamed "The Golden Bear", is an American professional golfer. He is widely regarded as the most ...

Milton Friedman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist, statistician, and writer who taught at the University of Chicago for more than ...
William Safire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Lewis Safire was an American author, columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter. He was perhaps best known as a long-time syndicated political columnist for the New York Times and the ... Wikipedia
