2023年8月28日 星期一

直播 Putin’s Forever War (紐約時報特別長篇報導2023.8.6 ).Summer and Smoke By Tennessee Williams 夏日煙雲 。田納西 威廉斯。噴泉、石天使、靈魂、醫學“Love's Secret” By William Blake (1757~1827) NEVER seek to tell thy love,.... Literary Citations.

  "It was at the age of three that Thomas Lanier Williams, later better known as Tennessee, told his first scary story. As his mother recalls it: 'We used to go to North Carolina in the summer. The women folk would gather round the fireplace—it was cool there. We had no radios to entertain ourselves with, so we'd tell stories. Tom, who was quite shy, would hide behind my skirts listening. This one night we said, 'Tom, why don't you tell us a story?' We were sure he'd say no. And you know, that little cherub— he had golden ringlets and big blue eyes—launched forth with a story that went on and on. It was about alligators and the jungle and all sorts of animals. Suddenly he said, 'I can't go on further; it's getting scarier and scarier.' And closing his eyes up tight, he said: 'I'm getting scared myself.'”—“The Angel of the Odd," from TIME, March 9, 1962

Summer and Smoke By Tennessee Williams 夏日煙雲 。噴泉、石天使、靈魂、醫學“Love's Secret” By William Blake (1757~1827) NEVER seek to tell thy love,.... Literary Citations.

Summer and Smoke By Tennessee Williams 夏日煙雲 。“Love's Secret” By William Blake (1757~1827) NEVER seek to tell thy love,.... Literary Citations.



歐陽修 詩      莊因   字   張錯


Summer and Smoke By Tennessee Williams 夏日煙雲1757~1827
夏日煙雲 香港:今日世界,1981
Literary Citations.

Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827), the mystic, prophetic British poet, is represented by his poem "Love's Secret," which itself works as a prophetic text within Summer and Smoke, quietly signaling the play's denouement:

NEVER seek to tell thy love, 
  Love that never told can be; 
For the gentle wind doth move 
  Silently, invisibly. 
I told my love, I told my love,         5
  I told her all my heart, 
Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears. 
  Ah! she did depart! 
Soon after she was gone from me, 
  A traveller came by,  10
Silently, invisibly: 
  He took her with a sigh.

Summer and Smoke Review: Marin Ireland in Tennessee Williams’ Play About Longing

“Summer and Smoke,” Tennessee Williams’ ripe Southern Gothic tale about a preacher’s daughter and her lifelong longing for the doctor’s son next door, is being given a minimalist co-production by  the Classic Stage Company and the Transport Group, which feels neither classic nor transporting.
