2023年8月20日 星期日

Don’t Forget to Live《別忘記生活:歌德與精神修練》 Goethe and the Tradition of Spiritual Exercises B Pierre Hhadot (1922~2010)《伊西斯的面紗》The Veil of Isis: An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature.。漢清講堂234 大師之間的友誼﹕歌德與席勒(1794-1805) 2人物:王文興等許定銘 女子世足球 英格蘭vs 西班牙及其他

Don’t Forget to Live別忘記生活:歌德與精神修練 Goethe and the Tradition of Spiritual Exercises B Pierre Hhadot (1922~2010) 《哲學的生活方式》姜丹丹翻譯,2023。 漢清講堂234 大師之間的友誼﹕歌德與席勒(1794-1805) 2人物:王文興等許定銘      女子世足球 英格蘭vs 西班牙及其他


別忘記生活+ Pierre Hhadot

Don’t Forget to Live

Goethe and the Tradition of Spiritual Exercises

Translated by Michael Chase
With a Foreword by Arnold I. Davidson and Daniele Lorenzini

The esteemed French philosopher Pierre Hadot’s final work, now available in English.
With a foreword by Arnold I. Davidson and Daniele Lorenzini.

In his final book, renowned philosopher Pierre Hadot explores Goethe’s relationship with ancient spiritual exercises—transformative acts of intellect, imagination, or will. Goethe sought both an intense experience of the present moment as well as a kind of cosmic consciousness, both of which are rooted in ancient philosophical practices. These practices shaped Goethe’s audacious contrast to the traditional maxim memento mori (Don’t forget that you will die) with the aim of transforming our ordinary consciousness. Ultimately, Hadot reveals how Goethe cultivated a deep love for life that brings to the forefront a new maxim: Don’t forget to live.
  • N'oublie pas de vivre. Goethe et la tradition des exercices spirituels, Albin Michel, 2008. (Bibliothèque Idées). ISBN 978-2-226-17905-0.
    • Don't Forget to Live: Goethe and the Tradition of Spiritual Exercise, translated by Michael Chase with an foreword by Arnold A. Davidson and Daniele Lorenzini, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2023. ISBN 978-0-226-49716-7






目錄第一章 「現在乃吾獨愛之女神」
1. 浮士德與海倫
2. 現在、庸俗與理想
3. 田園詩般的阿卡迪亞

第二章 俯視的目光與宇宙遨游
1. 瞬間與俯視的目光
2. 古代人俯視的目光。山峰與想象的飛翔
3. 古代哲學家眼中俯視的目光的哲學意義
4. 中世紀和現代的傳統
5. 歌德筆下不同形式的俯視的目光
6. 歌德之后的俯視的目光
7. 氣球駕駛員與宇航員

第三章 希望的翅膀,《原辭》
1. 代蒙,堤喀
2. 代蒙、堤喀、厄洛斯、阿南刻以及厄爾庇斯
3. 人類的命運
4. 自傳角度?
5. 神杖
6. 厄爾庇斯,希望

第四章 對生命和世界說是
1. 存在於此的快樂很大
2. 從生存本身體會到的快樂更大
3. 對變遷和可怖之物說是
4. 歌德與尼采



Translator’s Introduction
1. “The Present Is the Only Goddess I Adore”
   Faust and Helen
   The Present, the Trivial, and the Ideal
   Idyllic Arcadia
   Unconscious Health or Conquered Serenity?
   The Philosophical Experience of the Present
   The Tradition of Ancient Philosophy in Goethe
   The Present, the Instant, and Being-There in Goethe
2. The View from Above and the Cosmic Journey
   The Instant and the View from Above
   The View from Above in Antiquity: Peaks and Flight of the Imagination
   The Philosophical Meaning of the View from Above among Ancient Philosophers
   The Medieval and Modern Tradition
   The Various Forms of the View from Above in Goethe
   The View from Above after Goethe
   Aeronauts and Cosmonauts
3. The Wings of Hope: The Urworte
   Daimôn, Tukhê
   Daimôn, Tukhê, Eros, Anankê, and Elpis
   Human Destiny
   Autobiographical Aspects?
   The Caduceus
   Elpis, Hope
4. The Yes to Life and the World
   Great Is the Joy of Being-There (Freude des Daseins)
   Greater Still Is the Joy One Feels in Existence Itself (Freude am Dasein)
   The Yes to Becoming and the Terrifying
   Goethe and Nietzsche
Translator’s Note

作者介紹皮埃爾·阿多(Pierre Hadot,1922—2010),法國20世紀著名哲學家、史學家與文獻學家,法蘭西學院榮譽教授。主要從事古希臘羅馬思想研究,以研究古代哲學尤其是新柏拉圖主義和斯多亞主義而聞名世界。阿多是福柯最欣賞的哲學家之一,也是最早把維特根斯坦介紹到法國的主要人物之一。他強調古代哲學並非一套理論學說,而是一種與生活方式、生命品質密切相關的精神修煉。代表著作:《精神修煉與古代哲學》、《古代哲學的智慧》、《作為生活方式的哲學》、《維特根斯坦和語言的界限》、《伊西斯的面紗》等。
  • Le voile d'Isis: Essai sur l'histoire de l'idée de nature. Paris, Gallimard, 2004. (NRF essais). ISBN 2-07-073088-3.
    • The Veil of Isis: An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature. , translated by Michael Chase, Cambridge, Massachusetts /London, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-674-02316-1

  • La philosophie comme manière de vivre. Paris, Albin Michel, 2002. (Itinéraires du savoir). ISBN 2-226-12261-3.
    • The Present Alone is Our Happiness: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson, 2nd ed. Translated by Marc Djaballah and Michael Chase, Stanford / Stanford University Press, 2011 (Cultural Memory in the Present). ISBN 978-0-8047-7543-4

漢清講堂234 大師之間的友誼﹕歌德與席勒(1794-1805) 2018-06-10

友誼﹕歌德與席勒(1794-1805) HC読書雑記 Weimar Jena Homboldt brothers G.E. Lessing…

Amalie Becker (1778-97)
Goethe immortalized her in a poem which first appeared in Schiller's Musen Almanach of 1799.[1]
然而,席勒死於1805:"Recitations and musical settings
Goethe wrote his epilogue to the "Song of the Bell" shortly after Schiller’s death in order to have it read by the actress Amalie Becker at the conclusion of a memorial celebration in the Lauchstädt Theater. After the three last acts of Maria Stuart, the "Song of the Bell" was recited with distributed roles. "


By "spiritual exercises"[11] Hadot means "practices ... intended to effect a modification and a transformation in the subjects who practice them

Hadot's recurring theme is that philosophy in Antiquity was characterized by a series of spiritual exercises intended to transform the perception, and therefore the being, of those who practice it; that philosophy is best pursued in real conversation and not through written texts and lectures; and that philosophy, as it is taught in universities today, is for the most part a distortion of its original, therapeutic impulse. He brings these concerns together in What Is Ancient Philosophy?,[15] which has been critically reviewed.[16] In 1994 Hadot published an article entitled "There Are Nowadays Professors of Philosophy, but not Philosophers",[17] in it Hadot shows us that the American philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, via his book Walden, exemplifies the 'true philosopher', one who lives his philosophy by living simply in natural surroundings.

Much of what Hadot wrote about in his most popular books deals with the personal transformation experienced by people who 'lived philosophy' rather than those who studied philosophy as an academic endeavor. Hadot didn't 'discover' the practice and benefits of 'spiritual exercises' but he 'rediscovered' it and brought it back into modern day philosophical conversation much like previous philosophers did in the past, namely, Erasmus, Montaigne, Descartes, Kant, Emerson, Marx, Nietzsche, William James, Wittgenstein, Jaspers, and Rilke.[18] Stoicism is undergoing a revitalization,[19] with 25 podcasts on Spotify alone. Furthermore, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a highly successful form of psychological therapy, is based on the teachings of Stoicism.[20]

阿多反復出現的主題是,古代哲學的特點是一系列精神練習,旨在改變實踐者的感知,從而改變他們的存在。哲學最好是在真實的對話中而不是通過書面文本和講座來追求;而當今大學所教授的這種哲學在很大程度上是對其最初的治療衝動的扭曲。他將這些擔憂集中在《什麼是古代哲學?》一書中,[15],該書已經過嚴格審查。[16] 1994年,哈多發表了一篇題為“當今有哲學教授,但沒有哲學家”的文章,[17]其中哈多向我們展示了美國哲學家亨利·大衛·梭羅通過他的著作《瓦爾登湖》,體現了“真正的哲學家”,他通過簡單地生活在自然環境中來踐行他的哲學。

阿多特在他最受歡迎的書中所寫的大部分內容都涉及“生活在哲學中”的人所經歷的個人轉變,而不是那些將哲學作為學術努力來研究的人所經歷的個人轉變。阿多特並沒有“發現”“精神練習”的實踐和好處,但他“重新發現”了它,並將其帶回到現代哲學對話中,就像以前的哲學家過去所做的那樣,即伊拉斯謨、蒙田、笛卡爾、康德、愛默生、馬克思、尼采、威廉·詹姆斯、維特根斯坦、雅斯貝爾斯和里爾克。[18]斯多葛主義正在復興,[19] 僅 Spotify 上就有 25 個播客。此外,CBT(認知行為療法)是一種非常成功的心理治療形式,它基於斯多葛主義的教義。 [20]

  • Le voile d'Isis: Essai sur l'histoire de l'idée de nature. Paris, Gallimard, 2004. (NRF essais). ISBN 2-07-073088-3.
    • The Veil of Isis: An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature. , translated by Michael Chase, Cambridge, Massachusetts /London, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-674-02316-1

《席勒 (Friedrich Schiller 1759~1805)與歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749~1832)》,是
2018年為紀念Herbert A. Simon的系列演講『益友系列: 友情五講 (及主要文獻根據 ) 2018年6月15日 』五主題之一,預計5月9日在漢清講堂錄影。
我在準備此題時,發現應該有一專題《Weimar-Jena 群英會 1795~1830》(日期只是暫定;Jena因有大學,是Weimar的知識份子的充電、靜養中心;歌德將"處理"Jena大學哲學家費希特的文件,都銷毀......表示不得已的"苦衷",後人不必費心猜測.......):

