2022年1月11日 星期二

Richard Leakey

 李基(Richard Leakey  ~2022)《人類傳奇》;

李基(Louis Leakey) 與母親瑪麗.李基(Mary Leakey)都是最傑出的古人類學家。 理查十六歲即離開學校, ... Richard Leakey. 國內作家(或)國外作家. 成為粉絲.

人類傳奇 - 天下文化
https://bookzone.cwgv.com.tw › details

李基(Richard Leakey)。這位生長在非洲肯亞的白人,十六歲即離開學校,在非洲草原上狩獵。四年之後決定追隨父母的腳步,矢志成為一名考古學家。

Kenyan paleoanthropologist and conservationist Richard Leakey, who unearthed evidence that helped prove humankind evolved in Africa, died on Sunday at the age of 77, Kenya's President confirmed.
World-renowned paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey, known for his fossil-finding and conservation work in his native Kenya, has died at 77.
Kenyan conservationist Richard Leakey dies aged 77
Kenyan conservationist Richard Leakey dies aged 77
The legendary paleoanthropologist’s groundbreaking discoveries helpe

