2022年1月3日 星期一

George Takei: Growing up in an internment camp 喬治·武井在《星際迷航》中永遠以蘇魯中尉而聞名。 由於是日本血統,小時候在美國受囚,...


George Takei: Growing up in an internment camp

Stephen Sackur talks to George Takei, forever famous as Lieutenant Sulu in Star Trek. Interned as a child in the United States for being of Japanese origin, he now campaigns for gay and immigrant rights. Do the values of Star Trek still resonate?

 Stephen Sackur talks to George Takei, forever famous as Lieutenant Sulu in Star Trek. Interned as a child in the United States for being of Japanese origin, ...

斯蒂芬·薩克與喬治·武井交談,他在《星際迷航》中永遠以蘇魯中尉而聞名。 由於是日本血統,小時候在美國實習??,...

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Discover The Unesco Courier’s publication on racism and join us in speaking out against racial prejudice and intolerant attitudes: https://en.unesco.org/courier/april-1965 #StandUp4HumanRights #FightRacism
可能是顯示的文字是「 UNESCO Courier A window open on the world April 965 (18th year) 16stg. Canada: 30 cents France: A F RACE UNESCO ARCHIVES and and PREJUDICE 」的圖像
