2022年1月29日 星期六

Mercari.....烏克蘭....斯洛維尼亞總理詹沙(Janez Jansa)「如果台灣當局在美國慫恿下走上獨立之路,中國和美國很可能會陷入軍事衝突」


(德國之聲中文網)烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)週五(1月28日)在一場面對國際媒體的新聞發布會上呼籲西方,不要因與俄羅斯的緊張關係而製造「恐慌」。他稱這會促使資本外流,進一步損害烏克蘭長期以來脆弱的經濟。澤倫斯基指出:「我們不需要這種恐慌,這讓烏克蘭人損失慘重。」

雖然他沒有否定與俄羅斯發生軍事衝突的可能性,但澤倫斯基在前一晚與美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)通話時,提到白宮過分強調大規模戰爭的風險是一個「錯誤」。他也補充道:「我不認為現在的局勢比以前更緊張,不過,我指的不是情勢不會升級。」


週五稍早,俄羅斯對美國發出的書面建議表示了某種程度的認同,以回應其一系列的最後通牒。俄羅斯外交部長拉夫羅夫(Sergey Lavrov)說,美國發出的替代方案比北約的更好。這些回應是針對俄羅斯本週稍早就北約自1997年以來的擴張所發出的最後通牒。



美國駐俄羅斯大使沙利文(John Sullivan)表示,華盛頓提出的替代方案包括對歐洲的軍事演習和導彈的限制。據他所稱,美國現在正在等待莫斯科的書面答覆。沙利文認為,在烏克蘭附近駐扎的部隊是談判策略中令人無法接受的一部分:「如果我把槍放在桌子上,說我是為了和平而來,這就是威脅。」



對於針對普丁(Vladimir Putin)的製裁以及將該國從被稱為SWIFT的國際銀行交易系統中切斷的計劃,拉夫羅夫也提出警告,稱這將相當於切斷外交關係。此外,他還預計將在未來幾週與美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)會面。


法國總統馬克洪(Emmanuel Macron)週五與普丁通話,試圖敦促他走向外交途徑。克里姆林宮向馬克洪覆述了俄羅斯的不滿,即北約沒有認真對待俄羅斯的要求,而愛麗舍宮則強調俄國應在後果或外交之間做出選擇,為後者留下了一條道路。

英國國防部長華萊士(Ben Wallace)正在布魯塞爾為烏克蘭爭取支持。華萊士此前曾撰文支持烏克蘭,英國也曾向烏克蘭提供武器。

德國聯邦情報局局長卡爾(Bruno Kahl)在接受路透社採訪時說,他認為俄羅斯還沒有作出進攻的決定。卡爾向路透社表示,這場危機的發展可能千變萬化。

白俄羅斯領導人盧卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)週五發表講話稱,只有在白俄羅斯或俄羅斯受到攻擊的情況下才有可能發生戰爭。白俄羅斯目前正在接待俄羅斯軍隊,並與俄羅斯進行戰爭演習。

在中歐,匈牙利總理奧爾班(Viktor Orban)說他的國家將尋求更多的俄羅斯天然氣,因為該國面臨著供應緊張的問題。匈牙利外長西雅爾多(Peter Szijjarto)週五在一場新聞發布會上說,美國已經提出在該國臨時部署更多的部隊,並稱匈牙利國防部正在討論這個議題。

斯洛伐克外長柯爾科克(Ivan Korcok)在為自由派日報《Sme》撰寫的專欄文章中證實,與烏克蘭接壤的斯洛伐克正在進行接收北約部隊的談判,「以加強其防禦」。與此同時,俄羅斯軍艦正在黑海進行演習。



メルカリ、社員の博士号取得支援 年200万円支給
メルカリ、社員の博士号取得支援 年200万円支給


Products and services[edit]

Mercari's main product is the Mercari marketplace app, which allows users to buy and sell items quickly from their smartphones. In Japan, the app is known for its ease of use and unique shipping system, which allows users to ship items anonymously from local convenience stores through agreements with Yamato Transport and Japan Post. In the United States, Mercari collaborates with USPSUPS and FedEx to let users print shipping labels, in addition to allowing sellers to use a separately purchased label for larger items.[2]

Mercari shares its Tokyo offices with its wholly owned subsidiary Souzoh, Inc., which operates several other C2C applications in Japan.[16]



立陶宛議員Matas Maldeikis發佈推文

俄羅斯和中國依賴的是恐懼, 對他們最好的回應就是無所畏懼。





斯洛維尼亞總理詹沙(Janez Jansa)日前受訪時透露擬與台灣洽談互設代表處並讚揚台灣防疫後,當時中國外交部隨即公開批評,而現在就連當地企業也立刻遭到報復。《美國之音》報導,當地斯洛維尼亞-中國商業委員會透露,在訪談後沒幾天,中國的合作夥伴立刻退出已談好的合約,宣布終止已經達成的投資協議,如今斯洛維尼亞商界正擔心遭到跟立陶宛同樣的報復。

斯洛維尼亞總理詹沙(Janez Jansa)日前在接受印度媒體訪問時表示,希望台灣和斯洛維尼亞能互設代表處,同時讚揚台灣防疫的努力,並表示台灣應該自行決定與中國的關係。詹沙指出,在台灣設立代表處將使斯洛維尼亞與歐盟其他國家一致,因為目前斯洛維尼亞是少數幾個沒有在台灣設立代表處的國家之一,這些國家包括保加利亞、克羅埃西亞、愛沙尼亞、馬爾他和羅馬尼亞。不過此番言論立刻遭到中國的批評,指詹沙的言論是「危險的」。

斯洛維尼亞的一個商業團體表示,在斯洛維尼亞總理詹沙(Janez Jansa)在一次採訪中公開談論他希望與台灣建立更緊密關係的幾天後,該團體的成員正面臨中國的反彈。這是中國拒絕在台灣自治問題上容忍不同意見的最新例證。


而這些言論隨即在斯洛維尼亞產生影響,《美國之音》引述《斯洛維尼亞新聞社》(Slovenian Press Agency)報導,在採訪後幾天內,斯洛維尼亞-中國商業委員會(Slovenia - Chinese Business Council)透露,中國的合作夥伴已經「終止了合同,並退出了已達成的投資協議」。

此外,詹沙的言論也引起了斯洛維尼亞反對派以及當地與中國往來企業的不滿。斯洛維尼亞盧比安納大學台灣研究中心主任薩薩·伊斯特尼克·科塔(Sasa Istenic Kotar)指出:「此次訪談內容被商業團體和反對黨視為詹沙個人立場,與國民議會不一致,被認為可能嚴重損害斯洛維尼亞與中國的經濟合作。」科塔表示,斯洛維尼亞的商業團體擔心,他們可能會遭遇與立陶宛同樣的命運。



報導指出,歐盟與中國的關係雖然一向不像美中關係那樣動盪,但根據中歐和東歐亞洲研究中心(Central and Eastern Europe Center for Asian Studies) 2021年發布報告顯示,歐盟內部的分歧越來越大,中歐和東歐的一些國家還發現,中國投資的承諾沒有像之前希望的那樣兌現。


Prime minister Janez Janša in the interview for The Economic Times

Prime Minister Janez Janša has given an interview for the India's newspaper The Economic Times. In the interview, conducted by journalist Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, topics such as cooperation between Slovenia - India and bilateral relations were discussed.

Prime minister Janez Janša

Prime minister Janez Janša | Author Kabinet predsednika vlade

What are the plans for expanding defence industrial partnership/collaboration between India and Slovenia?
In a fiercely competitive international tender in 2015, the Slovenian company Pipistrel was awarded a contract to produce 194 highly capable trainer aircraft for the Indian Air Force (IAF), the Indian Navy (IN) and the National Cadet Corps (NCC) for various purposes. This was the world’s largest single contract for the delivery of light aircraft to date. With its successful implementation, Slovenia and India secured a firm foundation for future bilateral cooperation in the field of defence. I see the possible concretization of the visions of the plans to strengthen defence industry partnerships as a consequence of the strengthening of dialogue and cooperation between India and the European Union, as the Indo-Pacific region is becoming an increasingly important security topic.

How does Slovenia plan to position itself as India's gateway to Southern and Central Europe including the Balkans?
Slovenia is a Central European and a Mediterranean country. Our Port of Koper is the most northern Adriatic port, which positions us at the heart of Europe and only a brief spin away from major cities in the EU, Western Balkan countries, and other European nations, which together represent the biggest market for Indian goods, services and investments. Because we have good infrastructure, experience in logistics, and safe and stable economic environment, we can become a crucial strategic partner for India, also an entry point for Indian exports to the European markets.

Will Slovenia plan to involve India in Koper Port? What in Slovenia's views should be India's role in Europe?
In recent times many global shipping lines recognized the advantages of the Adriatic transport route, in particular the shorter sea transit time compared to North European ports and therefore also the importance of Port of Koper. That goes also for India - Port of Koper has currently indirect shipping services with various Indian ports, such as Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Chennai and Kolkata. We see further significant potential in perishable goods, such as fruits and vegetables, automotive, industrial cargo and raw materials, both in import and export directions. Therefore, we would like to see more involvement from Indian transport companies. To further strengthen its presence in Indian market, Port of Koper is also engaged in many marketing activities in India and is considering to set up a permanent representative office in India.  

We see India as an important global, indeed strategic partner of Slovenia and EU as a whole. Let me remind you on the informal EU-India summit in Porto on the 8th of May 2021, where the leaders of the world's two largest democracies met via video-conference. The meeting reinforced the EU-India strategic partnership, which is underpinned by the shared values of democracy, freedom, rule of law and respect for human rights. We agreed to resume free trade negotiations and start negotiations on two additional trade agreements and launched a new connectivity partnership. We are aware that the EU is one of India's largest trading partners and foreign investors and we know that in new digital era we need close cooperation on global digital standards and also in relation to and beyond 5G. We need to keep the global trading system open and further develop trade and investment relations to unleash their full potential, particularly in the context of post-COVID19 economic recovery.

During Yugoslav days, Slovenia had the maximum share in Belgrade's exports to India. What are the areas that Slovenia is expected to invest in India and what could be areas of joint collaboration?
India is Slovenia's second most important foreign trading partner in Asia. In 2020, we recorded EUR 339.62 million in trade in services and goods; therefore, our partnership with India is very important to us.

One of the most promising areas of cooperation between the two countries is information and communication technology, especially in electronics, software and other areas such as smart cities and societies, digital transformation and automation, e-health, telemedicine and national registers. As Slovenian companies excel in environmental technologies, they can offer the Indian economy solutions and equipment for drinking water and process water treatment, wastewater and soil treatment, optimization of water and sewage networks, telemetry and remote water meter monitoring.

Slovenia also has valuable experience in hydroelectric power plant engineering, while also developing solutions and equipment for the generation of solar energy. We see further opportunities in the export of transformers, fixed capacitors, electricity meters and smart communication technology. Slovenian companies can provide India with agricultural equipment, engineering services and equipment for production facilities as well as warehouses and logistical solutions. I have listed only a few areas and I see many other opportunities for cooperation and joint projects between our countries, and I am convinced that as cooperation between India and Slovenia deepens, more and more projects of this kind will emerge.
