2020年3月15日 星期日



Hanching Chung
2019年3月15日下午8:46 ·

香港電影評論學會 Hong Kong Film Critics Society
2019年3月13日下午10:57 ·



1 年前

Hanching Chung
2019年3月15日下午8:40 ·

Nikkei Asian Review
2019年3月15日上午4:22 ·

Production figures for the two pillars of Chinese industry -- cars and cellphones -- sank 15% and 12%.

Recovery in investment unable to offset industrial output at 10-year low


No end in sight to China's economic slowdown
Recovery in investment unable to offset industrial output at 10-year lowRecovery in investment unable to offset industrial output at 10-year low

1 年前

Hanching Chung
2019年3月15日下午4:21 ·


Hanching Chung
2019年3月15日下午2:54 ·

Laura Rambo‎ 發文到 The Golden Age Of Illustration

1922 Dugald Stewart Walker, from Rainbow Gold, Poems Old and New. This illustration is for 'When the Hounds of Spring' by Algernon Charles Swinburne. Here's t⋯⋯更多

1 年前

Hanching Chung
2019年3月15日上午9:04 ·

Ashmolean Museum
2019年3月14日下午4:53 ·

Some satisfying symmetry to celebrate #PiDay!

These delightful patterns appear on a wooden door, a Japanese sword guard, a Renaissance tile, and a Mughal carpet. Click on the images to read more about each object.

2 年前

Hanching Chung
2018年3月15日下午9:31 ·

2018年3月15日上午11:00 ·

【美国笔会:外国社交媒体公司应拒绝进入中国市场 】

星期二,美国笔会发布中国政府控制社交媒体报告,警告仍试图进入中国巨大市场的外国社交媒体公司:不准备成为中共镇压人权的帮凶就无法进入中国市场。报告呼吁外国社交媒体公司拒绝进入中国市场,“直到他们相信自己可以做到不成为中国当局审查的帮凶” 。

报告指出,在 #习近平 统治⋯⋯更多



Hanching Chung
2018年3月15日下午9:09 ·

The Guardian
2018年3月15日下午7:00 ·

"Concentrations were as high as 10,000 plastic pieces for every litre of water. Of the 259 bottles tested, only 17 were free of plastics."

Researchers find levels of plastic fibres in popular bottled water brands could be twice as high as those found in tap water


Microplastics found in more than 90% of bottled water, study says
Researchers find levels of plastic fibres in popular bottled water brands could be twice as high as those found in tap waterResearchers find levels of plastic fibres in popular bottled water brands could be twice as high as those found in tap water

胡適之先生留學時就讀過Anna Karenina。托翁對Anna的魅力描述之功力,真的令人興歎 (即使是翻譯本,都能感受到!)。

2016年3月15日 10:01 ·
"He came to be very glad that he had known her, and that she had had a hand in breaking him in to life. He has known pretty women and clever ones since then,—but never one like her, as she was in her best days. Her eyes, when they laughed for a moment into one's own, seemed to promise a wild delight that he has not found in life. 'I know where it is,' they seemed to say, 'I could show you!'"

Hanching Chung
2018年3月15日下午7:13 ·

托潘勇太老師之福,與千鈞博士得以參觀台北的益品書屋 EP - BOOKS
Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia, Philadelphia Museum

Herman Miller: The Purpose of Design: John Berry

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press (香港中文大學出版社)
2017年3月14日下午12:36 ·




4 年前

Hanching Chung 更新了他的近況。
2016年3月15日下午11:18 ·

Hanching Chung
2016年3月15日下午10:47 ·

2016.3.15 在臺灣大學圖書館看到一本Arthur Koestler的傳記,整個封面都是" Koestler"彩色大字母斜寫,在書架上非常醒目。希望學生多知道這位重要文人,雖然他的科學著作有許多缺陷。
The New York Review of Books
2016年3月15日下午9:41 ·

Last summer a German doctoral student working in the Zurich Central Library made a remarkable discovery, one that will transform our understanding of Arthur Koestler’s finest novel. For Darkness at Noon is a book that, until now, was known to the world only in translation.

Last July a German doctoral student named Matthias Weßel made a remarkable discovery: a copy of the German manuscript of Arthur Koestler’s masterpiece. The implications are considerable, for Darkness at Noon is that rare specimen, a book known to the world only in translation.


A Different ‘Darkness at Noon’
Last July a German doctoral student named Matthias Weßel made a remarkable discovery: a copy of the German manuscript of Arthur Koestler’s masterpiece. The implications are considerable, for Darkness at Noon is that rare specimen, a book known to the world only in translation.Last July a German doctoral student named Matthias Weßel made a remarkable discovery: a copy of the German manuscript of Arthur Koestler’s masterpiece. The implications are considerable, for Darkness at Noon is that rare specimen, a book known to the world only in translation.

2016.3.15 台大圖書館關於瓷器的英文書,可能超過50本。
我簡單地選2本書名為 Blue and White的書,甚至都談它們的世界影響力。Blue and White: Chinese Porcelain Around the World (2000); Blue and White Chinese Porcelain and Its Impact on the Western World (1985年芝加哥大學的展覽說明: John Carswell 寫INTRODUCTION, 一開始先自圓說明,他說【牛津大字典】(OED) 上有至少21種不同拼音。
我還選擇一本 Japanese export porcelain By Oliver Impey 2002--這是牛津大學Ashmolean博物館的館藏。為什麼選它,因為青花瓷一船到日本,很快就被吸收,用日本的名字。http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/…/blue-and-white-chinese-porcela…

Hanching Chung
2016年3月15日下午4:01 ·

Jeff 來電,說明天要拿鳳龍雙胞胎 (老二、老三)的滿月油飯過來慶祝。
人生很妙,20年前他讀台大工管三年級時,報名參加我們在新北投舉辦的2天1夜研討會.....彰化某董事長因他送我們10萬獎學金.....他在校園擺愛心花贈美國女友.....他們結婚時,我正好賣出 一批書,就全數包給他們.....

2016年3月15日下午3:21 ·

今午去台大博雅教室,弄錯日期,不過坐下來聽一場 Photoshop的課。怪的是,修課的是男女比例 1 比 30。
The College Reunion, Where Time Leaps by Decades

Hanching Chung
2016年3月15日下午1:03 ·

RFI 华语 - 法国国际广播电台
2016年3月14日下午11:50 ·



新华社前编辑公开批评中国网络审查 - 中国 - RFI

Hanching Chung
2016年3月15日下午1:00 ·



The News Lens 關鍵評論網
2016年3月14日下午9:30 ·



赴輔大宣傳《無無眠》遭校方驅趕 蔡明亮:我會再回來 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網

Hanching Chung
2016年3月15日下午12:53 ·

Financial Times
2016年3月15日上午5:30 ·

Is this Vladimir Putin’s “mission accomplished” moment?

(Picture by Getty)

Putin’s Syrian adventure may have strengthened Moscow’s hand, at least temporarily.

Comment: Putin’s Syria ‘success’ has come at an amazing cost
Putin’s Syrian adventure may have strengthened Moscow’s hand, at least temporarily.Putin’s Syrian adventure may have strengthened Moscow’s hand, at least temporarily.

2016.3.15 在台大圖書館看到 Passionate Journey (A Novel in 165 Woodcuts,1919, Introduction by Thomas Mann) By Frans Masereel , City Lights Books, San Francisco. 郭松棻、李瑜教授贈,2015.09.09

Guardian culture
2016年3月15日上午12:00 ·

Lost ducks, beatniks, and sex in the storeroom: we kick off a new series exploring iconic bookstores around the world with one of America’s most famous, City Lights Bookstore

(in partnership with Literary Hub)

Lost ducks, beatniks, and sex in the storeroom: we kick off a new series from Literary Hub exploring iconic bookstores, with one of America’s most famous, City Lights

Interview with a Bookstore: San Francisco's historic City Lights
Lost ducks, beatniks, and sex in the storeroom: we kick off a new series from Literary Hub exploring iconic bookstores, with one of America’s most famous, City Lights
