今天很高興,我的91歲老師Charley Chung從facebook打電話給我。我雖然沒接通,但他還是來電暢談。
HC:鍾清章老師嗎?CC:我是鍾清章 我經常拜讀恁的大作很久也很佩服您的見廣 祝晚安
陳醫師,前天在Wikipedia上看到的,請參考:^ 關於「琅( 𤩝 )」的地名,由於過去電腦中沒有內建「 𤩝 」字形,因此網路上多以「琅嶠」或「琅喬」代替。但當時的奏摺與公文書往來,均作「琅 𤩝 」;「 𤩝 」方為本字,不宜以其他文字表記。
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Dear prudence. Where Pablo Neruda Lived and Loved
楊索 《經濟學人》這篇評論標題是:〈Dear prudence〉(親愛的謹慎),是借用披頭四的作品Dear Prudence,是寫給Mia Farrow妹妹Prudence Farrow的。當時Prudence在印度靈修,把自己關在房間裡,披頭四希望用這首歌,讓她能看看外面的世界。這邊的標題用小寫的prudence;而prudence也有謹慎、小心的意思, 是一個經濟學人很愛用的雙關語。(引自譯者加註)
hc評:譯注寫得不錯。我還沒進去讀。不過此處 Dear prudence 的Dear ,不是"親愛的"(用在信中可不譯)。Dear還可能是"昂貴的"雙關字。
陳凱劭 本來那只是譯音不必太講究;但最初的譯音的漢字寫法,還是儘量要還原,因為使用的漢字有可能是用中國福建人的語言去唸的,而不是北京話。
投影機往事(三):從OHP到Pocket Projectors (2004)
讀MIT 的 TechnologyReview (October 2004),其中Innovation News 有 Charles Q. Choi 的口袋型投影機的報導。(如後文所附)
\Pro*jec"tor\, n.
An optical instrument for projecting a picture upon a screen, as by a magic lantern or by an instrument for projecting (by reflection instead of transmission of light) a picture of an
opaque object, as photographs, picture post-cards, insects, etc., in the colors of the object itself. In this latter form the projection is accomplished by means of a combination of lenses with a prism and a mirror or reflector. Specific instruments have been called by different names, such as {radiopticon}, {mirrorscope}, {balopticon}, etc.
\Pro*ject"or\, n. [Cf. F. projeteur.]
One who projects a scheme or design; hence, one who forms
fanciful or chimerical schemes. --L'Estrange. 1.【人】 計畫者,設計者 /2. 【人】 (投機公司的)發起人
overhead projector noun [C] (ABBREVIATION OHP)
a device which makes large images from a flat transparent sheet and shows them on a white screen or wall
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
/3. 【物】 探照燈 /4. 【物】 放映機 /5. 【物】 幻燈機 /6. 【物】 【數】 投影線
我不知道OHP那年發明的*。不過 J. M. Juran 在1964年到日本上課帶一部去,可能是日本第一部
Also called a "viewgraph," the overhead projector was created by Jules Duboscq, a French inventor, in the 1870s.[1] It was first used for police work, and used a cellophane roll over a 9-inch stage allowing facial characteristics to be rolled across the stage. The U.S. Army in 1945 was the first to use it in quantity for training as World War II wound down. It began to be widely used in schools and businesses in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
A major manufacturer of overhead projectors in this early period was the company 3M, where engineer Roger Appledorn had developed a transparency projection system.[2] As the demand for projectors grew, Buhl Industries was founded in 1953, and became the leading US contributor for several optical refinements for the overhead projector and its projection lens. In 1957, the United States' first Federal Aid to Education program stimulated overhead sales which remained high up to the late 1990s and into the 21st Century.