2016年1月1日 星期五

0102 2016 六

Kawase 先生賀詞。我回他,他的朋友黃春明文學紀念館可行,還有【百果樹紅磚屋紀念單曲】等.....
又一個全新的開始~新的一年 祝福大家平安快樂 幸福圓滿!
634-0051 奈良県橿原市白橿町5-2-19-304
這首歌是為了感謝黃春明老師對於宜蘭文化教育的努力! 老師,謝謝您! - 百果樹紅磚屋 改編自SHE-戀人未滿 改編詞: 小麻雀 悠閒的午後 走進店裏面 你靜坐在窗邊臉掛著笑臉 坐在你身邊 讓故事繼續演 就讓我陪你喝杯咖啡 逗留久一些 享受這滋味 熱咖啡和小點 品嚐著悠閒 小宜蘭裡面 發光的大亮點 已成為宜蘭的新據
VOA 的直播台湾2016总统大选电视辩论http://www.voachinese.com/

新年的心願之一是努力經營Blog"Herbert A. Simon 司馬賀百歲紀念"。
So far, so good.
Complex Information Processing The Impact of Herbert A. Simon (1989) 這本書是Herbert A. Simon 70大壽的慶祝論文集。Simon 自己寫的"做為科學家"一文,收入其回憶錄Models of My Life的末章。又," Complex Information Processing"是CMU稱"AI 人工智能"的用法。
Complex Information Processing The Impact of Herbe...
Edward Feigenbaum 檔案中國與 Simon 相關的資料:信、論文等等
目次:Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A....Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Si...
昨天看公視播BBC 2015年的《減重妙計 The Perfect Diet For You》。據說是有史以來減肥方面的首次大型試驗,不過,在挑受試者過程並非隨機的,還是依教授的判斷找人、驗證其屬於那類人,在用相對的減重方式。
科學上,無多少心意:減重活動最重要的是"適型"的飲食"習慣"。 這些,我不怎麼注意。

    東海的人與書 (76):

    Graham Creene權力與榮耀  臺北遠景,1982-/桂冠,2006
    卡夫卡的故事台北:時報,1983 (卡夫卡百年誕辰;【譯序】說,極少部分刊於1974年的中國時報的人間副刊,可能在東海時即喜愛此書。這本書是許多發人深省的極短篇哥德談話錄》。)


    張伯權: ( 講義雜誌走出荒野) 2012.01

    東海的人與書 (75):
     現在劉述先教授(1934年    ,筆名音衍)的著述等身,參考http://www.scu.edu.tw/philos/liu-writings.pdf。.
    1. 阿爾柏特.許懷徹(Albert Schweitzer)原著,述先譯。1958。《文明的衰敗和興》。臺中市:中央書局。
    2. 歐因斯特.卡西Ernst Cassirer)原著,述先譯。1959。《人》。臺中市:東海大學。---在東海創校60周年的2015.11,我們討論1959年出版的第一本【東海學報】,對其人其文有更深入的了解。

    "Be a good glad thing, why should we make us merry
    Because a year of it is gone? but Hope
    Smiles from the threshold of the year to come
    Whispering ‘It will be happier;’ and old faces
    Press round us, and warm hands close with warm hands,
    And thro’ the blood the wine leaps to the brain
    Like April sap to the topmost tree, that shoots
    New buds to heaven, whereon the throstle rock’d
    Sings a new song to the new year—and you,
    Strike up a song, my friends, and then to bed."
    ― from "The Foresters" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

    Alfred Tennyson wrote his verse play about the famous English outlaw, and his last book in his lifetime, The Foresters: Robin Hood and Maid Marian, at the request of the America theatre manager Augustin Daly in 1892, when he was 82 years old. Daly, who had met Arthur Sullivan in California, asked him to write the music and Sullivan composed the nine short numbers which comprise the score.Sullivan probably undertook the work out of regard for Tennyson rather than any real enthusiasm for the play itself and tried to persuade Tennyson to make changes. He objected strongly to the title of the play, finding it colourless, and urged Tennyson to change it to Maid Marian, but the elderly poet refused.


    Draft Day
    2014 film
    Sonny Weaver Jr. (Kevin Costner) is the general manager of the Cleveland Browns. One of pro football's most important days, NFL draft day, is drawing near, but Sonny has much more on his mind than just which players to recruit. His lover (Jennifer Garner) is pregnant, and the team's owner (Frank Lan… More
    Initial releaseApril 11, 2014 (USA)

“For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning."
―from "Little Gidding" by T. S. Eliot

10:30 排便不順。

看了今天的蘋論,除了做一詞條,對結尾"美國可透過國會期中選舉,適時監督行政權;台灣卻因三合一選舉,讓總統權力不斷膨脹,這是當初修憲之誤,如今已難以矯治。 "戚戚焉。http://word-watcher.blogspot.tw/2016/01/coattail-effect.html

某報摘譯蔡英文是英國女首相之敬仰者....我說:應該讀該報今天的:China sends warning to Taiwan as it prepares to elect first woman president http://hcasia.blogspot.tw/....../china-sends-warning......warning......

美國學日本的The Deming Prize/Award,就可能只是皮毛,反之,英國學日本的 Good Design Award,很可能重拾自己的信心。
