2015年5月20日 星期三

0520 2015 三雨《》


今天的雨只是前菜! 專家:真正暴雨還沒到

接到的電話都沒營養:鄧改成會後再連絡 (5點12紛來電說典禮還在舉行,取消。想到:必須為校友錄影加上"女性校友至少須2成"的但書。) ;台新找yy;她今晚8點重頭區分所有人;國泰銀行賣貸款。

準備Peter Gay檔案:華盛頓郵報AP訃聞不錯......


為還孫邦華 (1900.10.1 -1991.9.20,回憶錄,讀些後半部,官場之善惡,都可一嘆。孫先生蒙冤被召回,總是"現在事已過去,過去的事,亦祇有讓它過去就算了。" (p.234)

讀Claude Levi-Strauss 的文集《我們都是食人族》中的《藝術家的畫像》 (pp.121~134,1992):

中午回去煮飯,看到tv "沒有信號出現"為主。

“Finally—a leadership book loaded with great ideas that you can read in one sitting! Charlene Li, one of the most remarkable minds in business today, continues to challenge our definition of what it takes to lead effectively in the digital era.”
—Tom Rath, author, Strengths Finder 2.0 and Are You Fully Charged?
NYT- and WSJ-bestselling author Charlene Li guides business leaders deeper than ever before into the uncomfortable and ever-changing terrain of the digital era
Technology has revolutionized the very idea and nature of relationships between leaders and their followers. Yet, many leaders remain stuck at arm’s-length from those they lead and serve, relying on specialized teams to interact with customers, their direct reports to keep tabs on how employees are doing, and on the digital natives in their organization to stay abreast of new technologies.
Now, in The Engaged Leader: A Strategy for Your Digital Transformation, Li helps leaders adapt to the demands and opportunities of digital leadership. To be a true digital leader requires a metamorphosis: you must connect directly by listening, sharing, and engaging using digital technologies. This metamorphosis is not easy, comfortable, or painless—if your palms aren’t sweaty or your stomach isn’t churning, then you probably aren’t really practicing digital leadership.
The Engaged Leader addresses:
  • Why leaders need to master a new way of developing relationships, which begins by stepping out of traditional hierarchies
  • How to listen at scale, share to shape, and engage to transform
  • The art of making this transformative mind shift
  • The science of applying the right tools to meet your strategic goals
This transformation is not optional. Those who choose not to make this change will be abandoned for those who inspire people to follow them.
The Engaged Leader provides leaders with the skills and confidence they need to transform their leadership, and in turn, their organizations. The Engaged Leader also provides guidance to institutions—businesses, communities, and schools—on how to develop and nurture digital leadership. It is a must read for anyone who values a deeper connection between leaders and those they serve.

根據聯邦報稅資料,耶魯指稱,這是一筆「額外退休福利」。李文(Richard C. Levin)於2013年離開耶魯大學。
根據「高等教育紀事報」(Chronicle of Higher Education)報導,以2012年稅務資料而言,李文是全美36所私立大學校長中,年薪超過7位數者之一。
薪資待遇排名第1的是紐約州特洛伊市的倫斯勒理工學院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/RPI 女校長傑克遜(Shirley Ann Jackson)。李文排在第10,但若以底薪而言,排在第3
陳信行 不過新聞裡全美薪資最高的那位校長,剛好是我母校RPI的那位,帶來的麻煩可大了。這家1823年創校的全美第一家工學院,在她十幾年來的經營下,負債已經超過校產淨值,理論上破產了。董事會的反應:裁掉各系所秘書職位,然後再繼續幫校長加薪,再蓋一棟豪華校長公館!

我們看馬的這7年: 所有改革,全歸零。國民黨 (含馬)清廉破產。所得分配惡化。什麼愛台十二建設,.....馬英九與現代李爾王(江春男)

Hanching Chung (People 人物) - 2 小時前
我們看馬的這7年。 馬的所有改革,全歸零。國民黨 (含馬)清廉破產。花權鏽腿一堆,什麼愛台十二建設,成績在那?債台高築。喜歡玩弄數字遊戲:" 總統再三拿出來說的,5等分家戶所得分配前20%跟後20%相比的6.08倍,是5年來最低,也是四小龍裡面所得分配是最好的。但是前國科會主委朱敬一去年6月在《天下》雜誌中刊文指出,台灣的所得分配惡化隱藏不了,家戶所得分配如以20等分的前5%跟後5%相比,一直都在惡化,從2000年的40.48倍不斷增高到2011年的96.56倍。可惜的是財政部決定不再公布10等分與20等分的所得分配統計,若根據惡化速度推算,目前應該超過100倍。" 司馬觀點:現代李爾王(江春男) 2015年05月20日 今天是馬英九執政最後一個紀念日,就像莎士比亞的悲劇《李爾王》一樣,年老瘋癲即將退位的國王,一面詛咒不孝順的女兒,一面斥責世界敗壞,不知道因自己的愚昧和殘忍,導致眾叛親離,面臨亡國的厄運。 可以預見,馬英九一定會用一堆統計數字,來呈現這七年的光榮成就。他堅信自己是改革者,雖千萬人吾往矣,那些批評他的都是反改革的人,民調雖然很低,但他心安理得,每天睡得很安穩。 他說,七年前,台灣同胞哀鴻遍野,哭聲震天,幸虧他橫空出世,救民於水火之中,一想到這裡,他心裡就得意起來。其實,和七年前比較,在薪資就業民生各指標都落後不少,但這絲毫不影響他的自我感覺良好。 ... 更多 »


胡先生至死不受洗,雖然新約的耶穌事蹟等讓他感動。 胡先生讀許多佛教書,不過多從思想史等著手,罵某些大師的生平多假說,說許多書都是偽造的...... 佛光 (山)會是個迷信、造神的宗派。總是拿著信徒的捐贈做所謂文教。 對於胡適,請尊重他生前的'ˇ想法。 胡適粉絲團 Hu Shih 國際佛光會休士頓協會「中美文化講壇」正於中美寺舉辦《回眸胡適》文物圖片特展,以胡適先生生平為主線,分為早年求學、文學革命、學界領袖、學者大使、北大校長、晚年歲月、親情友情七個專題。展覽至本週日為止,歡迎有機會的朋友前往參觀。 時間:4月25日至5月24日;地點:佛光山中美寺 12550 Jebbia Lane, Stafford, TX 77477;電話:281-495-3100。 http://goo.gl/nTt2Vf 中美文化講壇 辦展紀念胡適 - 世界新聞網 國際佛光會休士頓協會「中美文化講壇」,創立於西元2008年,迄今六年。六年當中,本會以促進中美文化交流為宗旨,曾相繼邀請過于丹、白先勇,龍應台、嚴長壽等世界知名專家學者,... WORLDJOURNAL.COM

Anthony C. Yu 余國藩 (1938-2015)

Hanching Chung (Translations 譯藝) - 2 小時前
Anthony C. Yu 余國藩 (1938-2015) [image: Anthony Yu] Prof. Anthony C. Yu Anthony C. Yu, translator and scholar of religion and literature, 1938-2015 By Susie Allen MAY 18, 2015 Anthony C. Yu, a scholar of religion and literature best known for his landmark translation of the Chinese epic *The Journey to the West*, died May 12 after a brief illness. He was 76. Yu, the Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities and the Divinity School, introduced a comparative approach to the study of religion and literature that drew on both Eastern and Western tradition... 更多 »

Alexander Melamid on Ernest Meissonier’s “1807, Friedland.”

Hanching Chung (Art & Design) - 4 小時前
Battle of Friedland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Friedland The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York “If there’s no highest power, art doesn’t make any sense: it’s just a decoration.” —Alexander Melamid on Ernest Meissonier’s “1807, Friedland.” http://met.org/1PIHTWn ‪#‎MetArtistProject‬ 5,467 次觀看
