羅斯福路兩邊的路樹木棉花 (找出的,想不出),要數大才美。(昨天,過去多年,都未見ntu的樟樹開花,怎一回事?)
Eric 25年前就是NHK的明星,他說多年來沒什麼成就。
- 金溥聰全家離台赴日;請辭獲准:Douglas Paal:金溥聰辭職是國民黨洗牌一部分、林永樂、裴仲雲...
- 川瀬健一 Kawase 先生 (III)
- 學人:蘇成捷(Matthew H.Sommer)從原始資料來解讀歷史
For lack of time, Hanching, I have to write in English. Sorry.
Given the way things are moving (the fight with Tang/struggle for Tunghai), I don't see the significance of my letter to Minister Wu, and hence I don't see what purpose it can serve by releasing this letter. More to the point, I cannot and will not play any role in the upcoming 校長遴選.
We can talk more, but for now, allow me to simply share these quick thoughts with you:
1. Selection of new president: I'm pessimistic about the whole thing. First, people pin way too much hope on the (new) president, regardless who this person may be. Given the current system (the Board, the faculty, and the administration) no president can deliver salvation to Tunghai as it needs now.
Second, I doubt that any good prospect would apply, given the current situations surrounding Tunghai (including the Board, the faculty, and the alumni).
Third, 校長遴選制度「教授治校」:教授、行政人員、校友、 社會公正人士、教育部代表等,with open process and public presentation... is not the right way. It can only preserve the status-quo, which is not what Tunghai needs at this point. By the same token, the faculty association is not the best source for ideas of reform - they can only preserve and promote their own best interest. This is what I'm familiar with and agree to: 一向以 自由市場導向的美國大學,在面臨校長出缺時,先由董事會組織「 校長遴選委員會」,成員組成除了董事與教授,校友、行政人員、 社區人士甚至學生代表皆可參 與。校長遴選委員會從候選人中挑選三至五名進入候選名單, 送請董事會投票並任命。遴選過程通常為黑箱作業,( required to protect the privacy of the candidates) 或僅於決選時公佈候選人名單,但是委員會積極把 關與自動向外尋求合適人選, 與臺灣由欲參選者自行報名之方式極為不同。