昨天英國敲hc Lectures得1
4點起. 翻Heidegger: A very short introduction
The temple not only set up world. It sets forth world's counterpart, earth.
set up, set forth, a veritable casino
The campus map is very helpful. I should have thought about seeking out this map myself. You are very up to date about Tunghai. I wonder who else among the "東海的畢業生人數很多,十幾萬" people could have a comparable C.V. of activities and track record concerning Tunghai as you. Given your energy, it's a shame that you don't serve a more active and a formal role for Tunghai.
Claudio Abbado in Memoriam (26.06.1933 - 20.01.2014) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mllzBYHSlk
下午1:00-4:00 郭奇正總務長來談KJ 電話數分鐘
The Rise and Fall of Versailles (Part 1- 3)
Published on Jul 14, 2013
Louis XIV, The Dream of a King - The symbol of France's glory, Versailles is probably the most splendid royal palace in Europe.
From 1643 to 1792 it was the stage on which the most glorious period of the French Monarchy played out.
Filmed in Versailles itself, this three-part drama-documentary brings the 150-year reign of France's three most famous monarchs - Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI - to life.
It includes interviews with the world's leading specialists.
(From France, in English and French) (Documentary Series) (Part 1 of 3)
(Hard Coded English Subtitles)
From 1643 to 1792 it was the stage on which the most glorious period of the French Monarchy played out.
Filmed in Versailles itself, this three-part drama-documentary brings the 150-year reign of France's three most famous monarchs - Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI - to life.
It includes interviews with the world's leading specialists.
(From France, in English and French) (Documentary Series) (Part 1 of 3)
(Hard Coded English Subtitles)
ublished on Jul 20, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTHL6e9xta0
Louis XVI, Countdown to Revolution -
The symbol of France's glory, Versailles is probably the most splendid
royal palace in Europe.
From 1643 to 1792 it was the stage on which the most glorious period of the French Monarchy played out.
Filmed in Versailles itself, this three-part drama-documentary brings the 150-year reign of France's three most famous monarchs - Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI - to life.
It includes interviews with the world's leading specialists.
From 1643 to 1792 it was the stage on which the most glorious period of the French Monarchy played out.
Filmed in Versailles itself, this three-part drama-documentary brings the 150-year reign of France's three most famous monarchs - Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI - to life.
It includes interviews with the world's leading specialists.
Je meurs innocent de tous les crimes qu'on m'impute. Je pardonne aux
auteurs de ma mort. Je prie Dieu que le sang que vous allez répandre ne
retombe jamais sur la France ».
美中不足集(10) : 談點贈屋給大學的故事
1978年暑假,我們這些留校的學生,都被遷出學校的宿舍大樓,搬入英國Colcherster 鎮的一間民屋,我與香港的郭志超先生合住二樓,他還記得地址以及當時我用他的蠔油,料理出一道美食。這些我多忘了、不過我記得院子裏那棵蘋果樹,那是我成長的台灣無緣一見的。
不過,畢業幾十年之後,每年學校都會寄校友年刊給我。 (我尚未捐過錢給Essex大學。這所學校的校齡,比東海年輕8-9年。好像是羅同學跟我說,他的一位朋友捐過錢給美國某大學,從此該校都會寄給他詳細的學校募款計畫書) 某期的刊物上,提醒校友、不要忘記在您的遺囑上說,您要捐贈些東西給母校。
Fowles ,要將其在名勝Lyme Regis
( 此地就是他的作品《法國中尉的女人》電影的背景)之房產房產,捐給某大學做其寫作者中心的美好故事。..http://hcplace.blogspot.tw/2013/08/lyme-regis-john-fowles-belmont-house.html
王金秋 (Daniel
Wang) 送的茂林蜜柑,讓我家人、吳國精、戴久永夫婦、李安國(忘記吃) ,郭奇正(東海總務長、21日下午來訪3小時;談KJ Wu的捐贈專案;東海A/B 教授的宿舍客廳間兼授課;學生宿舍的充份供應之重要以及董事會給的種種限制…….)
、蘇錦坤(預定22日下午來訪) 、 ….等人受惠,再次謝謝。
朋友問要怎樣找它? 我知道他可以讀英文版網站,就請他到New York Time 網站第一頁。或http://cn.nytimes.com/zh-hant/
《纽约时报》今天推出中文网站-观察者网 Jun
28, 2012
第一名: 广岛到福岛,他用生命记录真相
第八名: 从广岛到福岛,他用生命记录
還有一種「東海之友」,通常為我們所忽視。他們來參加學校的社團,與大家成為好友。我昨天重讀《趙建中建築師紀念集》(2013) ,讀到某女士記她參加現代舞練舞,有時候錯過下山的車班,就借住趙先生的宿舍 (男白宮)。她的名字很陌生,我就請問我太太。我的日記這樣:
朱紫陽是校外的學生,她來參加現代舞蹈社。她現在在美國迪耐公司上班,與建築系/舞蹈社的林麗珠保持聯絡。 一陣子,她們三人 (劉玉燕、 林、 朱)還有一次聚會呢。
一所學校的了不起,就在於她出了許多好校友以及本文所`說的「東海之友」。最近我的好朋友吳先生捐錢 (以實體建築方式) 給學校,他不是校友,不過他肯定是「東海之友」。我們都羨慕哈佛大學可以募得天文數字的發展基金,其實,捐錢的人達數萬人之多,很多還不是校友呢。
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