2021年8月17日 星期二

8月18反思 0818 2021;The Art of Fairness: The Power of Decency in a World Turned Mean. 香港白色恐怖下,翻讀 吳靄儀《拱心石下——從政十八年》 (2018);香港容顏,香港兒女,你們多勇敢/美麗


翻讀 吳靄儀《拱心石下——從政十八年》 (2018);香港容顏,香港兒女,你們多勇敢/美麗

律師會即將改選部分理事,繼中國官媒和律政司鄭若驊後,行政長官林鄭月娥亦點名警告律師會不要政治化;她今(17 日)出席行會前見記者,若有專業團體「唔係做專業嘅事」,而是被政治「騎劫」或凌駕專業,港府的唯一取向「就係同佢中止關係」,點名香港律師會若被「政治凌駕」法律專業,「特區政府同樣都會考慮同佢中止關係」,亦會重新審視律司會目前在法例下的人事推薦權。

This is a horrific set of foreign policy. It is leading with weakness, it is begging, it is apologizing for America. Not only is it a bad idea, it is dangerous, as you can see from what’s happening in Afghanistan today.


The Art of Fairness:The Power of Decency in a World Gone Mean

The Art of Fairness: The Power of Decency in a World Turned Mean 

'David Bodanis is an enthralling storyteller. Prepare to be taken on a surprising, wide-ranging and ultimately inspiring journey to explore what makes us human' Tim Harford
Can you succeed without being a terrible person? We often think not: recognising that, as the old saying has it, 'nice guys finish last'. But does that mean you have to go to the other extreme, and be a bully or Machiavellian to get anything done?
In THE ART OF FAIRNESS, David Bodanis uses thrilling historical case studies to show there's a better path, leading neatly in between. He reveals how it was fairness, applied with skill, that led the Empire State Building to be constructed in barely a year - and how the same techniques brought a quiet English debutante to become an acclaimed jungle guerrilla fighter. In ten vivid profiles - featuring pilots, presidents, and even the producer of Game of Thrones - we see that the path to greatness doesn't require crushing displays of power or tyrannical ego. Simple fair decency can prevail.
With surprising insights from across history - including the downfall of the very man who popularised the phrase 'nice guys finish last' - THE ART OF FAIRNESS charts a refreshing and sustainable new approach to cultivating integrity and influence.

看到李洋跟王齊麟受訪時英文流利的狀況, 我還在讚嘆現在小孩子真強。不過八月號的商周有出採訪。其實是2017年教育部跟文藻合作。 進駐國訓中心。 除了分成大班制的基礎課, 小班制的教練跟運動員練習課。希望教練跟選手能跟國外頂尖人員交流, 立即了解裁判規則。
還有針對頂尖選手1 vs1 課程。 讓他們在國際賽後採訪可以毫無障礙。
看了很感動, 其實有很多部門也是在默默的努力的。
