2020年12月24日 星期四

1223 2020 林語堂談邱吉爾的英文 Winston Churchill (1874 ~ 1965)【回首學算路:一個旅美學算者的故事】(2007)

12月23日下午3:44 ·

【 祝你平安 】

反思 Facebook動態回顧 2020.12.23:馬槽,很令人感動。難忘的故事--杜斯妥也夫斯基 。西行法師。How JMW Turner set painting free. 陳新炎先生:苦邦音樂 - 無處話淒涼1(詞: 蘇東坡 曲: 苦邦)。李肇修教授的"全本巴哈無伴奏小提琴音樂會" (I)。 謝靈運。 Japonisme in Paris at the renowned Mad Paris. Vodka,錢理群《示眾》. 井原西鶴 Ihara Saikaku 及其『好色五人女』Five women who loved love 好色餘情。Spy agent“.From East to West: The History of the Chinese Collection at Yale 1849-2019,”

0:01 / 24:41

I have come across several websites that cited the quote: “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet” and its variants.
... Usually, it is quoted as anonymous with source unknown.
In Goodreads, we find two instances of the quote. One says Helen Keller said it....

A quote by Helen Keller
I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet

翻讀董永良 【回首學算路:一個旅美學算者的故事】(2007) 到《文章千古事─董永良自選集 》(2013)的"師友故事"、獅兄等之聯想:序 (室友情、趙民德等)、校長、台大的通才教育、項羽與劉邦

0:01 / 20:16

簡介巴黎街頭樂師 (19世紀中、20世紀70年代):Honoré Daumier 1808-79 奧諾雷·杜米埃、陳景容《我在音樂會畫的素描》

0:00 / 4:22

林語堂談邱吉爾的英文 Winston Churchill (1874 ~ 1965)

0:00 / 7:57

Kuan-Tsae Huang
12月23日上午12:34 ·


Taiwan on Tuesday reported its first case of local coronavirus transmission in eight months, creating some anxiety on the island, which has so far avoided lockdowns and had only a handful of Covid-19 deaths.


rule of thumb, fistful, handful, next handful of days
Taiwan on Tuesday reported its first case of local coronavirus transmission in eight months, creating some anxiety on the island, which h...

Hanching Chung

"...A quiet fear has taken hold in South Korea, which for much of the year was held up as a model for the rest of the world. The government is weighing whether to impose a set of restrictions just short of lockdown for the first time if cases cannot b……
