2015年12月29日 星期二

1230 2015 三

----- 台灣有作品:南園
台灣近來有2老師討論相關議題:參考:資訊科學納入通識課程 - Shih-Hao Hung 洪士灝老師與 Alvin W. Y. Su 蘇文鈺 老師
Dear HC,

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資訊科學納入通識課程 - Shih-Hao Hung 洪士灝老師與 Alvin W. Y. Su 蘇文鈺 老師


The Power of Position:Beijing University, Intellectuals, and Chinese Political Culture, 1898-1929 By Timothy Weston《權力源自地位:北京大學、知識分子與中國政治文化,1898~1929》

Susanna Mary Clarke (born 1 November 1959) is an English author best known for herdebut novel Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (2004), a Hugo Award-winning alternative history. Clarke began Jonathan Strange in 1993 and worked on it during her spare time. For the next decade, she published short stories from the Strange universe, but it was not until 2003 that Bloomsbury bought her manuscript and began work on its publication. The novel became a best-seller.

2015年12月30日 星期三

"Growing Old" by Rainer Marie Rilke:每個生命都是永恆的開端: 慢讀里爾克

René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke died in Montreux, Switzerland on this day in 1926 (aged 51).
"Growing Old" by Rainer Marie Rilke
In some summers there is so much fruit,
the peasants decide not to reap any more.
Not having reaped you, oh my days,
my nights, have I let the slow flames
of your lovely produce fall into ashes?
My nights, my days, you have borne so much!
All your branches have retained the gesture
of that long labor you are rising from:
my days, my nights. Oh my rustic friends!
I look for what was so good for you.
Oh my lovely, half-dead trees,
could some equal sweetness still
stroke your leaves, open your calyx?
Ah, no more fruit! But one last time
bloom in fruitless blossoming
without planning, without reckoning,
as useless as the powers of millenia.

Boyan Slat:「海洋吸塵器」(Ocean Cleanup Array)


Boyan Slat:「海洋吸塵器」(Ocean Cleanup Array)

Plastic pollution is devastating marine wildlife and increasing the risk of human infertility, birth defects and cancer. Find out why our unlikely saviour could be a 21-year-old from Holland


今晚,日本NHK的Documentary WAVE 特地到台南來訪問,談我對這次大選的看法,從三一八運動後續對台灣政局的影響,到長期而言我們對台灣政治改革的期待,還有台灣跟中國的關係。
有興趣的朋友可以follow: http://www.nhk.or.jp/documentary/index.html
(中国とどう向き合うのか ~台湾W選挙 それぞれの選択~)
ps.感謝 Room A在公休日還提供這麼棒的場地!

 ~台湾W選挙 それぞれの選択~ (仮)

  放送:1月17日(日) 22:00~22:49
 再放送:1月21日(木) 18:00~18:49

東南アジア 物流革命
