2015年8月14日 星期五

0817 2015 五 Paternoster lift

The Guardian we're loopy about our Paternoster lift too- it's one of the last ones in the UK! https://vimeo.com/136301807

紐約時報標題 天津爆炸後,火熄煙塵,各方排山倒海的批評。
As Fire Smolders in Tianjin, Officials Rush to Stanch Criticism
商業方面多談人民幣連3天貶之後暫穩.....如何應對:News Analysis: China’s Renminbi Devaluation May Initiate New Phase in Global Currency War
China Seeks to Calm Markets as It Devalues Currency for 3rd Consecutive Day
How China Is Trying to Stabilize Its Economy
Shinzo Abe’s Bid to Redefine Japan and Its Military Has Echoes of Family History

Friday marks the 70th anniversary of the Japanese surrender that brought an end to World War II.
More news you need to know: http://usat.ly/1IQ0oVD
(Photo: Murray Befeler, AP)

宏達電市占20%→2% 問題出在哪
Hanching Chung (Management 管理學新生) - 9 小時前

'Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.’
The whole of Homer's ‪#‎Iliad‬ is being performed in the Great Court today in association with Almeida Theatre. Watch a live stream of it here! http://ow.ly/QTqO1


將us news & Report man of mission 放入Timeline (大學)。可以弄2015 戴明講座,可能也只是自娛。

a time line for W. Edwards Deming, MAN WITH A MISSION

90年代初,美國報紙剪報---美國戴明學會採用法國戴明學會的。這則可參考我翻譯Peter Scholtes先生的"戴明領導手冊" (由索引進入)。近日看到故友Peter給我的信和他的玉照,以及和法國戴明學會老友通信,不免有些感觸.... Turning point From Carthage to Pearl Harbor, world history includes a lot of visible turning points that everybody knows. But there are some hidden turning points too, less famous but as important. According to U.S. News & World Report, the... FR-DEMING.ORG 1939 USDA Graduate School publishes Dr. Shewhart’s lectures with Deming as Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control. 1939 — 1946 Works for the U.S. Census Bureau as an advisor in statistical...



Kumamon (くまモン)

Hanching Chung (Nippon 日本 心得帖) - 1 小時前


Shinzo Abe’s Bid to Redefine Japan and Its Military Has Echoes of Family History 安倍:深刻反省、由衷歉意 日本首相安倍晉三發表戰後70週年談話。他表示,日本一貫對過去的戰爭表示深刻的反省和由衷的歉意,這一立場今後也不會動搖。 但是,不應要求未來的世代必須為此道歉。 [image: Japan Ministerpräsident Shinzo Abe Weltkriegsrede in Tokio] (德國之聲中文網)在周五(8月14日)發表的戰後70週年談話中,安倍晉三對二戰中的逝者表示“深切悲痛”。他在談話中說,對過去戰爭中的國內外遇難者“深深低下頭表示痛心,同時獻上永遠哀悼之誠意”。他說,日本導致二戰中無辜人民“不可估量的損失和痛苦”。 安倍表示,日本必須直面歷史,但不應要求未來的世代必須要道歉。他說:“我們不應讓我們的孩子、孫輩以及更遠的世代——他們與那場戰爭沒有關係——承受必須要道歉的命運。” 安倍就過去的戰爭稱,“我國一貫表示深刻的反省和由衷的歉意”,並指出“歷代內閣的立場在今後也不會動搖”。 安倍稱,不能忘記尊嚴受損的女性。他在談話中還提及“侵略”一詞,稱“任何武力威嚇和行使,都不能作為解決國際紛爭的手段再度使用”,並表示“會和殖民統治永遠訣別”。 他說,堅持不戰... 更多 »

Germany won respect by addressing its World War II crimes. Japan, not so much.

housing has become increasingly unaffordable

Hanching Chung (Britain 英國風 The Island Race) - 41 分鐘前
'The whole selling point of “right to buy” was to promote home ownership. 

Set in a fantastic mountainous landscape, this work by Herman Saftleven depicts Jesus preaching from Saint Peter's boat. The high viewpoint, vastness of the space and endless detail almost obscure his small figure standing on the boat: http://bit.ly/1SBoLQT

Christ Teaching from Saint Peter's Boat

1667, Herman Saftleven
