2015年8月5日 星期三

0805 2015 三晚教育部;這是台式擂台,有趣!Protest groups face off

Protest groups face off in Taiwan over curriculum controversy

More than 1,000 supporters of student movement turn out after infamous Taiwan triad leader Chang An-lo, who has called for unification with the mainland, leads rival rally
PUBLISHED : Thursday, 06 August, 2015, 11:38am
UPDATED : Thursday, 06 August, 2015, 11:39am

More than a thousand protesters from rival groups rallied in Taiwan’s capital on Wednesday night with the triad-leader-turned-politician, “White Wolf”, heading an anti-student demonstration.
At least 100 students have been camped out at the education ministry in Taipei for six days to protest over controversial changes to the high school curriculum they say favour China’s view of the island’s history.
It comes as public concern is growing, especially among the young, at a perceived increase in mainland China’s influence over the island.
This comes in the wake of a rapprochement with Beijing forged by current President Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang (KMT) party.
Smaller protests have been taking place for months, but escalated after the suicide last week of a student activist who opposed the curriculum, with hundreds storming the ministry compound on Friday.
More than 1,000 supporters of the student movement turned out on Wednesday night after the infamous Taiwan triad leader Chang An-lo, known as “White Wolf”, who has called for unification with the mainland, announced he would lead a rival demonstration.
Chang was imprisoned for 10 years in the United States for drug trafficking and then lived in exile for 17 years on the mainland before returning to Taiwan in 2013.
He now leads a small pro-unification party.
Hundreds of pro-unification protesters wearing black vests gathered opposite the ministry, with barbed wire and lines of police, many with batons and riot shields, separating the two groups.
Chang addressed the crowd from a makeshift stage, lambasting textbooks introduced by former pro-Japan presidents.
The curriculum changes disputed by protesters include the 50-year period of Japanese rule being referred to as an era when “Japan occupied” the island, replacing the previous phrase “Japan governed”.
“Young people nowadays have forgotten their roots and where their ancestors came from,” Chang said through a loud speaker, against a backdrop of patriotic songs.
In an interview with reporters earlier, he claimed that previous textbooks had “poisonously educated our children”.
Pro-independence supporters joined the students, waving flags and shouting: “Chang An-lo, coward!”
Police said Chang’s group numbered around 400, with 1,100 on the student side.
Chang’s group dispersed after just over an hour following repeated police warnings that their protest was illegal.
However, students that have camped out in the compound have vowed to stay despite a government promise to review the new curriculum.
“Our appeal remains unchanged – that’s retracting the curriculum, or at least temporarily halting it, and the minister must step down to shoulder responsibility,” Yin Ruo-yu, a student leader, told reporters on Wednesday.
Self-governing Taiwan split from the mainland in 1949 after a civil war. But Beijing still sees the island as part of its territory and does not rule out force to achieve reunification at some stage.
Students occupied parliament for three weeks last year over a trade deal with the mainland in a protest known as the “sunflower” movement, inspiring a new generation of activists.
Chang also led a rival protest at that time, leading to clashes with student supporters.

 洪秀柱 台東 花蓮 金門 連江4縣 "大贏"蔡英文...
網友莊財琳說,「台灣未來再怎麼差也不會比現在差,總統未來再怎麼爛也不會比現在爛」。網友Jason Hsu則反諷,「如果民調題目是『是否支持洪擔任KMT的候選人』,我想民調就會很高,46%」。

但網友蔡宗字認為,「有贏那麼多嗎?宋主席還沒出手」。網友Yea Wen Na也說,「坦然真誠的人才是最後的勝利者、善用手段模糊焦點的人終舊會被拋棄、一切上天自有安排!」網友葉天更說,「41.9%只是綠的基本盤,洪秀柱的盤還待努力催出!國民黨幾乎已經趴在地上,基本盤並沒移向蔡英文,洪秀柱後勁不容小覷!辯論會上孰強孰弱,孰行孰不行?馬上立竿見勝負!」







教育部牆內是反課綱學生本營:閃靈樂團音樂會 (兩面"台灣魂"旗子15分才來會合:他們兩方叫陣之擴音器歌聲下,無法開唱......

我與白狼有約:去年愚人節王志堅的Over My Body也是他今晚向學生致敬的結語。

白狼張安樂揚言今晚要率眾到教育部前,先前在太陽花學運期間,曾對張安樂嗆「Over my dead body」的台北市議員王世堅今晚也到教育部前挺學生,再次以名言嗆聲,他強調,要打要殺是成人的事情,白狼不要來汙染這些學生,「只要我王世堅在的一天,我跟白狼要說,你要踏進我們這一塊園地,你必須踏過我的屍體,over my dead body啦!」
山外買Thoma Mann文集:哥德與托爾斯泰 全譯本,浙江大學,2013




聽說執政的馬英九只能靠中國與黑道出手欺負台灣人,今晚還要派白狼去「路過」教育部,台灣可愛的孩子要邀請【 閃靈樂團 】用音樂的力量唱響反黑箱課綱愛的力量!
歡迎大家用音樂守護台灣的孩子們,今晚 7:30 一起到教育部前聽這場講唱會吧!台聯立委賴振昌、台聯青年軍也將到場參與這場盛會!!











一方是固守教育部的學生,一方是號稱來平亂的白狼隊伍! 吊詭的是,學生這方,台獨人士播放: 打倒俄寇反共產,反共產,消滅朱毛殺漢奸; 白狼這邊卻播放: 反攻反攻大陸去,大陸是我們的國土,大陸是我們的疆域!

