2015年8月11日 星期二

0812 2015 三

Dear Jean-Marie,

Thanks for your reply. Let me give you a report of my coming speech.
In addition to some talks about translation experience, my focus is on 
Dr. Deming's relationship with some American universities, particular 
NYU Stern School.

As you might know that Deming's Cup is in Columbia Business School, 
but his association with Columbia was shorter compare with NYU. 

Dr. Deming joined NYU at 1946, with some persuasion work of Dr. Alfred
Politz  (1902-1982) who run a major market research company at NY.
Please refer to 

*The Politz papers : science and truth in marketing research / edited by Hugh S. Hardy ; with a foreword by Darrel B. Lucas and with additional notes by W. Edwards DemingChicago, Ill. : American Marketing Association, 1990

In the Foreword By Lucas, he mentioned" How could he have approached a budget-minded business college dean to bring an international statistics authority to New York University?" (p.xii) This was enriched by Hardy's note:"...He persuaded the already-eminent statistician, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, to commute from Washington to New York to teach statistics as professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration at New York University. This made it simpler for the two to consult and collaborate on sampling and other matters, including co-authoring several articles." (pp.9-10).

In the index of "Sample Design in Business Research (Wiley,1960), "Politz" mentioned 6 times.

In the long terms of formal relation with NYU, 1946-1976, Dr. mentioned several students' letters and paper in Out of the Crisis. Also a summary of  his "Rough draft of Report of Study of Former Students, Memorandum, W. Edwards Deming to Dean William R. Dill, March 30, 1976, 9."

Dr. Deming and Dr. Drucker both taught in NYU
W. Edwards Deming, Statistician Professor, 1946–1993 Quality Expert
Peter F. Drucker,  Management theorist, 1950–1972
Peter Drucker to W. Edwards Deming

May 19, 1976

Dear Ed:
I am unhappy that I cannot join all your GBA friends at this reception to honor you at your retirement.  I am too far away and will not be able to attend.  But I do not want to let this occasion go by without conveying to you my very warmest wishes.  You already were one of the stars and leaders at GBA when I joined the faculty in 1950.  And from the beginning, I looked to you and to a few of the seniors of the time for inspiration, for guidance, and above all for standards.  What I have learned from your example is beyond measurement - and cannoy possible be sampled, not even unscientifically.  But the example you gave all of us - in your concern for the individual student; in your kindness towards the new and young faculty mrmber;  and in your complete uncompromising integrity of standards and insistence on principle - was inspiration, guidance, and a constant source of renewals for me and of pride in being privileged to be associated with you.

And so I am joining with all your friends, students and admirers  today in wishing you the very best for your retirement - I know it will be an active one, a productive one, and I hope a healthy and a very long one. If only I were good enough to write a     Canticle of Praise and Thanksgivings (sic) for William Edwards Deming.
In old friendship,
As always, yours,    Pt (signed)

Dear Hanching,

Your coming speech will be very interesting, because it stresses a poorly known period of the Deming’s career. 

As you know, I have sent the amazing Drucker’s letter to Mr. Philippe Pellerin, president of the French Deming Association, Mr. Philippe Pruvost and Ms. Danijela Zivkovic, members of the Board.

Best wishes,


親愛的讓 - 瑪麗,





在前言盧卡斯,他提到“怎麼可能,他已經接近預算志同道合的商學院院長帶來了國際權威的統計數據紐約大學?”(p.xii)這是豐富了哈代的字條:“......他說服了已經傑出的統計學家愛德華茲·戴明博士,從華盛頓到通勤到紐約任教的統計數據為工商管理研究生院在紐約大學教授。這使得簡單的兩個協商和協作抽樣等事宜,其中包括共同創作的幾篇文章“。 (pp.9-10)。





我很不高興,我不能參加所有的GBA的朋友在這個招待會兌現你在你的退休生活。我太遠,將無法參加。但是我不想讓這個機會去,沒有向你轉達我非常溫馨的祝愿。你已經是明星和領導者之一,在GBA的時候我留校任教於1950年,並從頭開始,我看著你和幾個當時的前輩的啟發,指導,並高於一切為標準。我已經從你的例子學到超出測量 - 和cannoy可能進行採樣,甚至沒有不科學。但這個例子你給我們所有的人 - 在您的關心個別學生;在你對新的和青年教師mrmber善良;並在原則上的標準和你的堅持不妥協的完整的誠信 - 是靈感,指導和續展驕傲我和在被榮幸能與你有關的根源。

所以我希望在您最好為您的退休今天參加與所有的朋友,學生和崇拜者 - 我知道這將是一個積極的,富有成效的,我希望一個健康的和一個非常漫長的。如果我不夠好寫讚美和感恩節(原文如此)的威廉·愛德華茲·戴明的頌歌。

漢清學長: 隨函承上我的論文,請您指教。這是我的學術本業,供您一觀。
陳續升 - 何謂臺灣社會學傳統?_最終完整版.pdf

如果有人對我的論文內容感興趣,那我當然樂於討論,就教於各位。 smile表情符號

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1. 作者,請和書中其他地方一致,用“趙家酒店主人”。
2. “我的”二字,也請用較小的號碼。字體,也用和書中一樣的宋體。 (我其實不愛軟軟的行書)書名和作者名,請考慮橫排,因為書就是橫排也。 consistency 是編排的要點。不要框框。
3. 別用“xx同志”畫的竹子,何況還不知道版權。一定要用竹,找一張鄭板橋的。要不,用烏鎮的垃圾桶那張,至少,那是我太太照的。背景可淡些。

4. 書的前後,請考慮加3-4頁白紙。
5. 合影的idea很好。謝謝你想到。但請用小字體加一句:感謝她陪我五十年。

