2015年1月11日 星期日

0110~0111 2015 周末周日



Dear 柯P
[ 由城市主導發起的能源改革─ 南韓首都首爾市「減少一座核電廠計畫」(One Less Nuclear Power Plant Initiative) 經驗分享座談會 ] (12/29/2014 綠色公民行動聯盟、媽媽監督核電廠聯盟、地球公民基金會)

這感人的故事引發一些聯想:第一次碰到Astérix et Obélix是1978年,我的牛津大學畢業的同學靦腆地說,他們中學學法語從他倆的漫畫故事開始。我當時有地利之便,讀了幾本......沒想到作者87歲了.....沒錯,一息尚存,人都會做他的天職 (睡前翻Matisse:Father & Son By John Russell,知道Henry Matisse在臨終前一天,仍跟"親人"要紙和筆,為她畫像......),愛他的祖國。

盤點一下,War and Peace By Leo Tolstoy/Tolstoi
托爾斯泰同意的翻譯者:.Translators: Louise and Aylmer Maude
我有Norton版和Oxford World Classics 版:網路版
告訴研究pun的朋友,發現"假牙"的雙關語: (順便了解"假牙"史.....)
No, but imagine the old Countess Zubova, with false curls and her mouth full of false teeth, as if she were trying to cheat old age.... Ha, ha,ha! Mary!"
OXFORD版注解: zun in Russia means "teeth".
又想起胡適之先生是否提過托翁?竟然發現周質平教授2013編3本胡先生的英文著作選: http://hushihhc.blogspot.tw/…/english-writings-of-hu-shih-c…

我們附近有一小攤,賣3道義大利麵(各100元)。某次,顧客都是小學生(共3名),聽老外廚師跟他們講簡單英文,這情形,絕對是1960年代初的我所能想像的。/柯P(柯文哲)今天去北投,訪社區大學和石牌國小。逢下課,小朋友爭相要簽名、握手,差點推擠意外.....竟然2~3點還無睡意 (包括柯P專訪),咖啡因這樣有效?

最有把握的希望,往往結果終於失望;最少希望的事情,反而出人意外地成功。 (《終成眷屬》朱生豪譯;吳興華校)
"Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
Where most it promises; and oft it hits,
Where hope is coldest, and despair most shifts."
--Helena from "All's Well That Ends Well" (2.1)
朱譯Definition of Shrove Tuesday in English:

 懺悔(ざんげ)火曜日:灰の水曜日(Ash Wednesday)の前日.

 Closed Circuit is a 2013 British-American crime thriller film directed by John Crowleyand written by Steven Knight, released on August 28, 2013.[4] The film stars Eric Bana,Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Jim Broadbent, and Riz Ahmed.



The film opens with a crowded London market (Borough market) being destroyed through an explosive terrorist attack. Farroukh Erdogan is detained as the primary suspect and mastermind of the attack while his two alleged co-conspirators are killed in attempts to apprehend them (unseen to the viewer).
Barristers Martin Rose and Claudia Simmons-Howe are selected by the British Attorney General to represent Farroukh in court after the previous barrister fell off a roof. The two barristers secretly had an affair in the past, which became known to Martin's wife and has caused an alienation from her and their son. Due to the classified nature of the sources in the trial, the trial is split into two divisions. Claudia will represent Farroukh in closed hearings to attempt to determine which classified pieces of information are required for his defense. Martin will represent him in the open trial using information allowed by the closed hearings. The two barristers are not allowed to contact one another. Claudia is watched over by MI5 agent Nazrul Sharma with very strict rules of accessing the classified information. Martin is assisted by friend and lawyer Devlin.
The case quickly turns mysterious for both barristers. Farroukh and his family refuse to talk and simply state he's guilty. Martin and Claudia notice signs that they're secretly being monitored. Investigation into peculiar aspects of Farroukh's past leads Martin to discover that Farroukh was a secret MI5 agent, who had been planted in a terrorist cell in London. It is never revealed whether Farroukh double-crossed MI5 or if the cell double-crossed him, but in either case, the terrorist attack was accidentally funded by MI5. MI5 is willing to kill to keep this secret, and Farroukh and his family are admitting guilt in order to avoid assassination. Meanwhile, a prominent American journalist, Joanna Reece attempts to get close to Martin in order to get information about the trial, but Martin is one step ahead. He eventually gets Joanna's help by sharing information she has on the case (though Reece is mysteriously murdered soon after).
Martin secretly passes this information to Claudia. She brings the information forward in the first closed hearing while questioning high-ranking MI5 agent Melissa. The judge demands that Farroukh's son testify the following day as he was a major informant for MI5 in the case. When Claudia returns home, an assassin attempts to kill her, but she manages to escape. Farroukh's son realizes he is going to be killed and escapes surveillance. Martin, Claudia, and Farroukh's son spend the night evading Melissa and Nazrul, during which Devlin is revealed to be working with MI5. The trio manage to deliver Farroukh's son to the closed hearing where he testifies, but Nazrul kills Farroukh in prison and makes it appear as a suicide, rendering the case closed. The Attorney General threatens Martin in private, saying that he purposefully assigned Martin and Claudia to the case due to knowing their secret history, and if he does not remain quiet about what Martin found during the trial, he'll have the duo of barristers disbarred for their conduct during the trial.
The closing audio of the film reveals the conspiracy is eventually revealed to the public.

It's the scandal of the poetry that 'contingent' features of sound and rhythm systematically infect and affect thought.
--Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction by Jonathan Culler, Oxford University Press, 1997, p.79
南京譯林出版社 "文學理論入門" 翻譯差--對詩歌的毀謗,認為聲音和韻律的"偶然性"系統地侵入並影響了思維。(第83頁)
HC改成 「聲音和韻律的"偶然"特性,竟系統地污染並影響了詩歌,真是憾事。」
