2014年10月7日 星期二

1007 2014 二






Outspoken poet Wang Zang is facing up to three years in prison after...

  • 台港同胞們:"晴時、陣雨"同路人要互挺......

4599 羅文森博士 十月七日 專題演講 台灣與大陸的經濟發展
於是現場三十位4599協會的會友,沉浸在中國北方河北省第五代天主教徒、原籍北京的羅家,在羅家父親為了逃避共產黨對天主教徒的迫害,選擇在1948年應聘到高雄擔任電機工程師後,家族的發展軌跡改變了:寶島台灣的家族新的根苗,在高雄港務局第九號宿舍(羅博士曾經在知名的文學出版重鎮, 九歌出版社,出版童年回憶錄【戀戀九號宿舍】),我們得知:北京來的爸媽和七個孩子的六十多年的故事,大哥羅文森,大姐羅貞德,二姊羅高雄(出生在高雄),三姐羅美麗,還有四妹、大弟羅文彬、小弟,一個外省家庭的大河故事.…他們日後的事業發展,都和台灣的經濟發展,尤其臺灣的加工出口區重鎮高雄的發展故事,密不可分。
而兩岸千絲萬縷的親情紐帶又豈能忽視?羅博士提到當他被美商派到大陸當外派幹部,尋回北京北海公園的老家,看到母親的弟弟: 羅家的舅舅,羅博士當場就跪下來,為這幾十年的親情阻隔.....

Kang-i Sun Chang 新增了 3 張相片。
1 小時 · 
A morning walk on Yale campus! I suddenly remember that exactly a year ago today I gave a lecture on Tang poetry in Tina Lu's class! Tina Lu 摇落深知宋玉悲, 风流儒雅亦吾师(杜甫, 咏怀古迹其二)!

Hanching Chung 我想起Louis Kahn生前從某耶魯辦公室走出來, 到附近某教室說建築......學生們很風趣地將他走路的過程和講話,時間均分...

The Issue With Sexting Isn’t the Sex. It’s the Text.
By KJ DELL'ANTONIA OCTOBER 6, 2014 10:15 AMOctober 6, 2014 10:15 am 11 Comments

New research suggests that in teenagers, sexting isn’t necessarily an indicator of risky sexual behavior, like having multiple partners, using drugs or alcohol before a sexual encounter, or failing to use protection against an unwanted pregnancy. Instead, researchers conducting a longitudinal study of an ethnically diverse group of adolescent students from Southeast Texas suggest that sexting (which they define narrowly as sending a nude image of oneself by text) is both a common and a normal part of adolescent sexual development.

“‘I’ll show you mine, you show me yours’ has been around for a long time,” said Dr. Jeff Temple, an associate professor and psychologist at the the University of Texas Medical Branch and one of the authors of the study, which will be published in the journal Pediatrics. “It’s the medium that makes it different and scary. The actual act of sharing pictures isn’t anything abnormal. It’s part of how we develop sexually.”

The teenagers in the study periodically completed anonymous surveys detailing their history of sexting, sexual activity and other behaviors throughout the six years. The researchers found no link between the act of sending a nude image and risky behavior, but they did find that the odds of a teenager becoming sexually active within the next year were slightly higher among teenagers engaged in active sexting (as opposed to being the recipient of a sext) and that the sexting was more likely to come first — that it was, in many cases, a indicator that a teenager was on the verge of becoming sexually active. Dr. Temple suggests that rather than be alarmed by the discovery that a teenager is sexting, adults should consider it an opportunity.

“I think this is good news,” he said. “It gives us a head start. If we discover that a teen is sexting, it’s an opportunity to talk with that teen about sex prior to having it. We can use this as a vehicle to promote safer sexual practices and healthy sexual relationships.”

But what about the prevailing view that sexting is itself a risky behavior? After all, the surest way to guarantee that no one ever surprises or embarrasses you by publishing naked images stolen from the cloud is not to put naked images of oneself in the cloud in the first place.

That’s a different form of risk, Dr. Temple said. “That’s ‘You show me yours and I’ll show the world’ and it is a problem. We need to do a better job of educating kids that once it’s out there it’s out there.’

Accepting the “sex” part of the sexting as normal development, he suggests, allows us to take a better approach to the “text” piece. “It’s one thing for us to tell them not to do it, and another thing for them when they’re in the situation and a boy or girl they really like is asking and they want to get into a relationship. There’s pressure there. We need to talk about it as something they’re going to want to do and present both sides, and give adolescents more credit than they are typically given.”

And while we’re having that conversation, it’s a good moment to demonstrate how quickly a recipient can get around apps likeSnapchat, that allow users to send photos that disappear within a few seconds of viewing, by grabbing a quick screenshot. Passion may be temporary, and expressing it in pictures may be normal, but nothing on the Internet will ever truly go away.
