2014年8月31日 星期日

0831 2014 日

翻譯是否不夠認真5-10% efforts. for ootc



1   Simon University 新聞台到譯藝獎2003-2014

簡介我們的新聞台:Simon University

2008 年劉振翻譯獎
譯藝獎的故事:從孟祥森先生的齊克果翻譯到現在(1966-2013) 鍾漢清
譯藝獎(II) 百本譯本里程碑:梁永安先生
譯藝獎(I) 愛麗絲夢中奇境二部曲:張華先生

2  紀念鄭明萱女士 (小讀者)  : 繆詠華、梁永安、張華、張瑞麟、鍾漢清
紀念鄭明萱女士 (小讀者、丁丁)  : 繆詠華、梁永安、張華、張瑞麟、鍾漢清 (由於這篇至今有1251人讀過,所以outline 等保留.....)
繆詠華: 哲人日已遠,典型在夙昔 - 記明師丁丁  (照片/圖issue)
鄭明萱女士 (小讀者、丁丁)  (2)與我們 (未完成)

3  試譯作品 (歡迎大家提供你想發表的譯文 )
Aldous Huxley簡介 鍾漢清
Aldous Huxley「論莎士比亞兩篇莎士比亞與宗教 」(Shakespeare and Religion  by Aldous Huxley1964年作)
「論莎士比亞的一句」A Sentence from Shakespeare  
     ( 島崎藤村的『夜明け前序の章』  /紐約時報的相關《書評》/張深切的未竟之志《黎明前》寫作計畫)

器物的翻譯經常會受字面的影響而誤譯,如以下的breakfast roll, dedelion wine
Horse-drawn carts delivered milk, ice, and breakfast rolls A breakfast roll typically consists of a bread roll containing one or more fillings such as sausages,baconwhite or black pudding, butter, mushroomstomatoes and tomato sauce orbrown sauce. In some cases a hash brown or fried egg can be added.. Joe Rinello, the vegetable man, also came on his daily rounds with his wagon. In summer, his horse, Nellie, wore a straw hat with holes poked through it for her ears. In any season, Nellie was fond of sugar lumps, nuzzling the boy’s palm with her wet nose as she took them. At Christmas, Joe brought a jug of red dandelion wine wine made withdandelion petals and other ingredients, commonly citrus fruit.as his gift (those were Prohibition days).
BREAKFAST ROLL和dandelionWINE 的翻譯都有點問題。
BREAKFAST ROLL 可說有點總匯味到,不只是一般的肉---昨天市Bacon節,它不能只叫肉。你指出的問題,說不定得加注。
這些只是匆匆意見,指出食物之難譯: 日本對wine全採音譯。

dandelion wine  蒲公英酒 及其它

At Christmas, Joe brought a jug of red dandelion wine wine made withdandelion petals and other ingredients, commonly citrus fruit.as his gift (those were Prohibition days).



Dandelion wine is presented as a metaphor of summer here, bottled for the winter season of illnesses and wheezing. In Douglas' words: "Dandelion wine. The words were summer on the tongue. The wine was summer caught and stoppered."

美國文化中的禁酒很值得研究,禁酒黨Prohibition Party在1869年已成立。


1 [U]((主に米))酒類の製造販売禁止. ⇒TEMPERANCE 1
2 ((しばしばP-))((米))禁酒法時代(1920-33).
3 [U]禁止,差し止め,禁制;[C](…の)禁止(法)令((against, on ...)).
Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide Constitutional ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation ofalcoholic beverages that remained in place from 1920 to 1933.(Simon 出生於1916)

dandelion wine was allowed during some periods of prohibition due to its medicinal properties

My Grampa used to make this (dandelion wine) during the depression (and prohibition).

By chance, we are over the Missouri River now, looking toward the Red Lakes of Minnesota. I watch Vollmer go through his map kit, trying to match the two worlds. This is a deep and mysterious happiness, to confirm the accuracy of a map. He seems immensely satisfied. He keeps saying, “That’s itthat’s it.”
Vollmer talks about childhood. In orbit he has begun to think about his early years for the first time. He is surprised at the power of these memories. As he speaks he keeps his head turned to the window. Minnesota is a human moment. Upper Red Lake, Lower Red Lake. He clearly feels he can see himself there.
“Kids don’t take walks,” he says. “They don’t sunbathe or sit on the porch.”
He seems to be saying that children’s lives are too well supplied to accommodate the spells of reinforced being that the rest of us depend on. A deft enough thought but not to be pursued. It is time to prepare for a quantum burn.
hc小孩的生活太豐盛,不必承擔我們這些人賴以為生的種種人世艱難。 (這是亂猜的,下面的量子燃燒更不懂....)
Howard他的意思似乎說,小孩生活過於豐富,缺乏成人(the rest of us)生活所需的體能操練。

以下摘自《巴黎文學散步地圖 - 波特萊爾篇》


La nature est un temple où de vivants piliersLaissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles; L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers.
~ Correspondances


錢春綺譯 -《惡之華-感應》

貪歡哲人波德萊爾(Charles Baudelaire, 1821.04.09-1867.08.31)

Google :Nature is a temple where living pillars Sometimes give voice to confused words; There man passes through forests of symbols Which observe him with familiar eyes.
我弄錯了,英譯也有sometimes. 妙是用pilasters. "糾正" living pillar ?
"the 英文版"才是妙譯。其他的都是Google水準。

羅丹──激情的形體思想家 ”Rodin,Les Mains Du Genie”
作者:Helene Pinet
原文作者:Helene Pinet
譯者:周 克希
出 版日期:1994年12月31日

這本書雖然譯自法文, 不過錯誤不少 (我用英文本"校"一下)。
譬如說 Rodin 出版《法國大教堂》之後 ,Reim Cathedral 被炸 、著火, Rodin 感到很喪氣。
翻譯成 "Reim地方有人批評該書, 羅丹很火大。" (大意)

