2014年8月29日 星期五

0830 2013 六

最近Google公司決定繼英國、以色列,到韓國設Google Campus,支援該國的創新科技。你在想想新聞說,張顯耀採用韓國的Line加密的通信,台灣的情治單位望之(害蟲)興嘆。也許2年前,台灣也有學生說某部分的產品遠比Line好,願免費供應.....這不過是一聲嘆息而已。
大塚信一《追求出版理想國:我在岩波書店的40年》(理想の出版を求めて一編集者の回想),  1963-2003,馬健全楊晶譯,台北:聯經出版社,2012。

去年讀此書,百感交集。大塚信一剛入岩波書店時,台灣的文星叢刊的"出版緣起" (蕭孟能),即提到歐美、日本的範例---當時蕭先生對岩波書店的了解,肯定還是很粗淺的。最重要的是,岩波書店可以在2013年慶百年,而文星則如隕星消失。

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shining_(film) 到2點

聽bbc 4 詩人生活也沒什麼意思。

9點起。11點多想回去看神岡浮....missed 看燒稻草的故事. 2樓馬先生過世1個月了。他太太送y韓國泡麵。


謝謝告訴我審MOML(Models of My Life) 的機會成本。
現在最大的問題在我這邊。 我還沒決定要如何出版這些書。希望12月可以定案。

Episode 5

Philip Larkin: Life, Art and Love Episode 5 of 5

Philip Larkin was that rare thing among poets - a household name in his own lifetime. Lines such as 'Never such innocence again' and 'Sexual intercourse began / In nineteen sixty-three' made him one of the most popular poets of the last century.

Larkin's reputation as a man, however, has been more controversial. A solitary librarian known for his pessimism, he disliked exposure and had no patience with the literary circus. And when, in 1992, the publication of his Selected Letters laid bare his compartmentalised personal life, accusations of duplicity, faithlessness, racism and misogyny were levelled against him.

There is, of course, no requirement that poets should be likeable or virtuous, but James Booth asks whether art and life were really so deeply at odds with each other. Can the poet who composed the moving 'Love Songs in Age' have been such a cold-hearted man? Can he who uttered the playful, self-deprecating words 'Deprivation is for me what daffodils were for Wordsworth' really have been so boorish?

A very different public image is offered by those who shared the poet's life - the women with whom he was romantically involved, his friends and his university colleagues. It is with their personal testimony, including access to previously unseen letters, that Booth reinstates a man misunderstood - not a gaunt, emotional failure, but a witty, provocative and entertaining presence, delightful company; an attentive son and a man devoted to the women he loved.

Written by James Booth
Abridged by Libby Spurrier

Produced by Joanna Green
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

