2014年8月20日 星期三

0821 2014 四


[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] Auguste #Rodin, Salammbô, circa 1900, Pencil and stumping on paper.

In this drawing of a woman with outspread thighs, exposing her genitals, arching her back and hiding her face under her folded arms, the eroticism is highly charged. The two annotations, Salambô and St antoine (sic), make reference to Gustave Flaubert’s eponymous novels. This drawing attests to Rodin’s admiration for the writer.

See more at: http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/collections/dessins/salammbo#sthash.oBPQ9IC9.dpuf

相片:[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] Auguste #Rodin, Salammbô, circa 1900, Pencil and stumping on paper.

In this drawing of a woman with outspread thighs, exposing her genitals, arching her back and hiding her face under her folded arms, the eroticism is highly charged. The two annotations, Salambô and St antoine (sic), make reference to Gustave Flaubert’s eponymous novels. This drawing attests to Rodin’s admiration for the writer. 

See more at: http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/collections/dessins/salammbo#sthash.oBPQ9IC9.dpuf

 服務業廠商與製造業的廠商之間,另有一項差異,就是,許多服務業的廠商都有其能掌握的巿場【??a captive market 固定的市場?? 或是企業內部消費。
這captive market是企業管理中常見的,譬如說,公司的產品一定由關係企業所購買、使用,這"市場"就是"專屬市場"或"內(自)用" 市場等可自己支配的市場,買方好像被綁起來似的。

----- 美國徐錚教授2014.8.20來信:

This is always a big topic; and it became bigger since the rise/promotion (by IBM, etc.) of the so-called "service science"in 2006. I think the notion that 許多服務業的廠商都有其 captive market is a very narrow view of " 服務業廠商". This notion may consider only the after-sale service and/or contractual service (such as the OEM/ODM model), which is no longer a major part of the service industry/sector. The new genres include e-commerce, consulting, and the provision of many digital enterprises.
But in any case, your are doing a very meaningful thing. Bravo. Wish you the best success.

重譯 Out of the Crisis小記:Saline Plant;bear trap, come out ahead

The BBC Report; Sir Hugh Carleton Greene /統理BBC A ...
Old age /The Coming of Age By Simone de Beauvoir11點40去等計程車。從與YY對談可知人對路是不容易熟的。岳母說她腳不痛,無力而已。

今天中午臺大校園有感:尊賢會館的扁額/招牌: Just Sleep @NTU;大一女生宿舍的椰林燒臘店各道菜漲5元---明明是20號開始漲,卻寫1號生效;老闆很不好意思解釋漲價理由。傅園內從女生出來有一條(非法)捷徑,沒看過人走過不會注意這種阻力最小的路;文藝復興大樓--我稱的施先生5億4000萬的捐款--停擺多年未能開工,可惡,竟然不先在新生南路邊種起參天大樹.....側門外有賣兵棒,15元1隻,是殘障朋友,當然得光顧。
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Hanching Chung (Books 書海微瀾) - 8 分鐘前
被統治者 *黃騰輝* 刮鱗 破肚 斜切 撒鹽 以何種姿勢魚肉 我都不能喊一聲痛 蒸 煎 炸 烤 隨意 肉軟 讓你吃 骨硬 不讓你啃 至少我還留下一雙白眼可以瞪你 說不定有一天 被你鹽漬過的鹹魚也會翻身 黃騰輝(1931-),新竹縣人。東吳大學法律系畢業,曾任記者、教師,投入企業界後,在台灣三菱電梯任職,先後擔任總經理,及台灣電梯協會理事長,現已退休。他早於1951年,即在《新詩周刊》、《藍星週刊》發表詩作。《笠》創刊後,擔任發行人。已出版《冬日歲月》、《黃騰輝詩集》。他的詩作質樸單純,不玩弄詞藻,流露生活的感動與現實的意味。(李敏勇選) [image: 台灣詩人群像 黃騰輝詩集] 黃騰輝詩精神的主體是:「愛」與「孤獨」的組合物…「孤獨」是詩人精神上保持靜觀的要領,可以在與事物相對時,保持冷靜的態度。「孤獨」並不是指生活上的孤離,做為一個現代詩人,毋寧更應涉入現代變動不居的社會生活中,去挖掘新的詩的形象。黃騰輝從事競爭激烈的現代工商業,他賣最尖端的科技產品,在這樣煩雜的業務生活上,免不了有時也會出賣「靈魂」,違背自己意願的勾當,因此,他以詩來救贖,不論是閱讀他人的作品,或是自己動筆,都是拯救靈魂的神聖工作。因此,黃騰輝是為了生活的見證而寫詩,不必為了做詩人而搜索枯腸,而矯揉作態。在近期作品中,「非情」成為黃騰輝詩作中的特徵之一。黃騰輝以經濟及科技對生活的侵... 更多 »

Old age /The Coming of Age By Simone de Beauvoir

Hanching Chung (Books 書海微瀾) - 1 小時前
- 1970 : *La Vieillesse*, essai - *The Coming of Age* (1970) Old age [image: Front Cover] Simone de Beauvoir Penguin Books, Jan 27, 1977 - Social Science - 654 pages *The Coming of Age* Simone de Beauvoir Norton, 1996 - Family & Relationships - 585 pages 6 Reviews What do the words elderly, old, and aged really mean? How are they used by society, and how in turn do they define the generation that we are taught to respect and love but instead castigate and avoid? Most importantly, how is our treatment of this generation a reflection of our society's values and p... 更多 »


Hanching Chung (英文人行道 et cetera, et cetera) - 1 小時前
Dear Bill, Please kindly advise "quickly (sic)" in page 69. William Scherkenbachwrote: > Hanching: > > If you are making defective parts, it does not make it okay even if you > produced them faster than the standard or more than the standard. > > Cycle times and quantity are usually higher prized than quality, > unfortunately. One needs to balance all three: Quantity, Quality, > Timeliness. sic1Line breaks: sic Pronunciation: /sɪk / ADVERB [副]((ラテン語))原文のまま,「ママ」(so, thus):誤った語句を引用する際そのあとに[sic]と付記する. Used in brackets after a copied or quoted word that appears odd or erroneous... 更多 »

This isn't a computer-generated forest, but a reconstruction of extinct creatures called rangeomorphs. They are among the earliest known animals, and fossils suggest that their bodies were fractal http://econ.st/1uSnI2g
我看重的是這張照片。書店的興衰,不如總體書市供需、新陳代謝重要。有意思的是康正果的這兩本書,我都沒看過。孫康宜的兩本,都翻過:我看美國精神和2006版的英文走出白色恐怖----在Google Books 可讀一些章節,並告訴你2013年有新版:books.google.com/books/.../Journey_Through_the_White_Terror.html?i




允晨文化 從市場來說書店的興衰,固不如總體書市供需、新陳代謝重要--我看重的是書店背後的人生故事和堅持
