2013年4月26日 星期五

0427 2013 六 午夜-晨10點雨


2點才睡. 7點多醒.

8點多出去在85度買麵包 店員在吃東西

十一點多到一點鐘13:00)國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系| Dept. LIS, NTU 的實習圖書館
可能一年多沒進去 奇妙的經驗  

這期除了 嚴文郁先生從紐約寫的精彩文章之外  還有胡適之先 1959.12.27 的  演講 "找書的快樂".談他在《紅樓夢》《儒林外史》考證神會等的經驗談
湖先生說曹雪芹的思想很平凡  而吳敬梓的超過當時的時代. 有著強烈的反抗意識.

胡適先生嚴文郁胡適之來源期刊:中國圖書館學會會報卷期:14 51.12 頁次:33-34
這篇談作者1928年左右請胡適之先生演講  當時胡先生強調隻字片語之重要.
1950年起當Princeton大學的 Gest Oriental Library 的 監護人 curator.
 寫文章讓世界知道其善本書的優點  "死的東西一經宣傳馬上得到新生命"--事在人為 真非虛語
胡適之先生也知道"蒐集資料固屬重要 管理也不可忽視"
1958.12.29日 胡適之先生給 嚴文郁先生的信說:史語所的圖書必須重行編目.....

一.胡適之先生的思想與時俱進 而且處處實行他的"實驗主義"   做學問的時候唯恐資料不多 主持圖書館與使用圖書館的時候就著重實際問題的解決.
二. ......圖書館之用途越廣其發展的機會也越大.使用和增長是互相推動的.

Title 嚴文郁先生圖書館學論文集
Authors    嚴文郁, 嚴文郁先生八秩華誕慶祝委員會
Publisher  輔仁大學圖書館學系, 1983
Length     339 pages

"哈瑪紹與老子"一文  pp.299-303 (傳記文學 12:2 ) 內有聯合國第二任秘書長 1953.9.14 發表的演講 The New Manta Maria.... (1點閉館)
下午利用自己的資料庫弄SUPPLY CHAIN之基本新聞. (睡到1625 錯失絆之午後場)fine-tuned supply chain:virtuous connections, snafu

 YY 準備晚餐大費周章. 雞湯.木耳豆腐等.


明 (27六)午晚各一場"絆"音樂會:日本友情
週五音樂會 地點:懷恩堂大堂 洽詢電話: 2362-5321. 台北市新生南 ...

有Program 詳細說明 末又有奉獻


.日本優笛亞室內樂團 Euodia Ensemble【KIZUNA 絆 - The Bonds of...

【KIZUNA 絆 - The Bonds of Friendship】

【KIZUNA 絆 - The Bonds of Friendship】
日本優笛亞室內樂團 Euodia Ensemble

受人敬重喜愛但 又謙卑的日本基督徒音樂家們,將帶著上帝的愛,再度來台舉辦音樂見證佈道會。日本與台灣的深厚情誼,化不開的情感牽絆,在311大地震時,日本人見證了台 灣人的有情有義。源源不斷的支援,身為生命共同體的掛念,使他們重新思想人與人之間建立關係、以及信仰在苦難中無可替代的重要性。我們是否珍惜身旁的每一 份友誼?每一個家人?當生命驟變,我們又該如何面對不再一樣的人生而努力走下去?

日本優笛亞室內樂團 Euodia Ensemble

4/19(五) 19:30 台中忠孝路長老教會
4/20(六) 19:00 台南聖教會
4/21(日) 11:00 高雄德生長老教會
     15:00 鳳山長老教會
4/27(六) 16:00 浸信會懷恩堂 《索票入場》
    19:00 浸信會懷恩堂 《索票入場》
4/28(日) 15:30 台北神召會《索票入場》
    19:00 和平長老教會



2009年當佳士得(Christie’s)拍賣鬧劇我很注意. 因為1994我曾與公司同事王定坤先生
(手提回旅館)取回台灣  那不曉得是真品還是複製品. 如果真的.那我們提過億元的東西在新加坡濕熱的街頭

It'd be my pleasure. Yes, definitely, please send me your draft chapters and I'd read them through thoroughly. I'm not sure I'd be a qualified person to write a recommendation for this book, but I certainly can share my thoughtful reflections with your readers about the work and the author (and the translator).
It seems that you maintain an intellectually intensive schedule of life, which is truly admirable. Hope everything is going fine for you. Take care.
約2008年就有一Simon 的BLOG 簡直荒廢得很.
我剛翻翻他1959合著的Public Administration之漢譯.
覺得應該重頭讀書. 只是我雜事很多....


by Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)
Now this is it, said Death,
and as far as I could see
Death was looking at me, at me.
This all happened in hospital,
in washed out corridors,
and the doctor peered at me
with periscopic eyes.
He stuck his head in my mouth,
scratched away at my larynx –
perhaps a small seed
of death was stuck there.
At first, I turned into smoke
so that the cindery one
would pass and not recognize me.
I played the fool, I grew thin,
pretended to be simple or transparent –
I wanted to be a cyclist
to pedal out of death’s range.
The rage came over me
and I said, “Death, you bastard,
must you always keep butting in?
Haven’t you enough with all those bones?
I’ll tell you exactly what I think:
you have no discrimination, you’re deaf
and stupid beyond belief.
“Why are you following me?
What do you want with my skeleton?
Why don’t you take the miserable one,
the cataleptic, the smart one,
the bitter, the unfaithful, the ruthless,
the murderer, the adulterers,
the two-faced judge,
the deceiving journalist,
tyrants from islands,
those who set fire to mountains,
the chiefs of police,
jailers and burglars?
Why do you have to take me?
What business have I with Heaven?
Hell doesn’t suit me –
I feel fine on the earth.”
With such internal mutterings
I kept myself going
while the restless doctor
went tramping through my lungs,
from bronchea to bronchea
like a bird from branch to branch.
I couldn’t feel my throat;
my mouth was open like the jaws of a suit of armor,
and the doctor ran up and down
my larynx on his bicycle,
till, serious and certain,
he looked at me through his telescope
and pried me loose from death.
It wasn’t what they had thought.
It wasn’t my turn.
If I tell you I suffered a lot,
and really loved the mystery,
that Our Lord and Our Lady
were waiting for me in their oasis,
if I talk of enchantment,
and being eaten up by distress
at not being close to dying,
if I say like a stupid chicken
that I die not by dying,
give me a boot in the butt
fit punishment for a liar.

Translated by Alastair Reid


前幾天: 「茶業與食品科技系」,卻收到「保健營養生技系」.....

這是"x與y系"法(我的"碩士"也是這類......)....下一階段可能有"x/y/z系" (這範圍大於x或小於x?)
今天看到標題:.....英美系 今起紅毛城演3天
原來"英美文學系第5屆畢業公演-Once Upon a Deserted Island"
"英美文學系"還是很奇怪 其他英語國家的大師作品被排外?
譬如說莎士比亞如果真是德國人..... (據說德國人研究莎士比亞更徹底......)
