昨天傍晚 Jeff Kang來吃芒果 (並教我處理芒果的訣竅) 他現在是Apple 公司產品的"厲害"使用者 他肯定htc 公司的產品不過好 而且台灣的資訊產業的主管都太輕忽Apple 公司的威脅力 最重要的談其公司新產品和機會....
3 小時以前 Sonya (Our lightning) -家政婦女王與無賴漢
我的每周一位英國人的空言集選: 選他因為Wikipedia 的中文是空白 Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
今 天是日文課的收尾課 有課後座談會 我建議吃附近的爭鮮之壽司便當 (我很挑食不及格飯都弄不好......) 我還建議下學期的"戶外交學"可選臺灣大學 說到校歌我的老師都還記得他七十幾年前唱的太平國小之校歌---它比較實在 (不像現在的台大校歌通包台灣) 見到的是濃蔭/劍潭/圓山的宮.....
15:25 下雨水
打算弄 herbert read
Wiki 他的唯一小說the green boy
1935年 The green child. A romance. New ed., 1945. With an introduction of Graham Greene, 1970. 増野正衛訳『グリーン・チャイルド』みすず書房, 1959年. 英宝社, 1968年. 前川祐一訳『緑のこども』河出書房新社, 1975年
Open Library 有
翻華嚴玻璃屋內的人第一章不好 描述環境的能力不夠
竭盡己力。比喻非常用心、盡力。孔子家語˙卷二˙好生:「夫孝者,孝子所以自盡於其親。」尹仲容:「廉者,君子以自責,不宜以責人。惠者,君子以自盡,不宜以望於人。」沈雲龍編著《尹仲容先生年譜初稿》 台北:傳記文學,1972,頁438 |
自責 自我要求或自我譴責、責備。如:「他有這種下場,皆是咎由自取,你不必過分自責。」
Thor is a 2011 American superhero film based on the comic book character of the same name published by Marvel Comics. It is the fourth film released as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film was directed by Kenneth Branagh, written by Ashley Edward Miller, Zack Stentz and Don Payne, and stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba and Stellan Skarsgård. The film tells the story of Thor, the crown prince of Asgard, who is exiled from his homeland to Earth. While there, he forms a relationship with Jane Foster, a scientist. However, Thor must stop his adopted brother Loki, who intends to become the new king of Asgard.
In AD 965, Odin, king of Asgard, wages war against the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and their leader Laufey, to prevent them from conquering the nine realms, starting with Earth. The Asgardian warriors defeat the Frost Giants and seize the source of their power, the Casket of Ancient Winters.In the present, Odin's son Thor prepares to ascend to the throne of Asgard, but is interrupted when Frost Giants attempt to retrieve the Casket. Against Odin's order, Thor travels to Jotunheim to confront Laufey, accompanied by his brother Loki, childhood friend Sif and the Warriors Three: Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun. A battle ensues until Odin intervenes to save the Asgardians, destroying the fragile truce between the two races. For Thor's arrogance, Odin strips his son of his godly power and exiles him to Earth as a mortal, accompanied by his hammer Mjolnir (the source of his power) now protected by an enchantment to allow only the worthy to wield it.
Thor lands in New Mexico, where astrophysicist Jane Foster, her assistant Darcy Lewis and mentor Dr. Erik Selvig, find him. The local populace finds Mjolnir, which S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson soon commandeers before forcibly acquiring Jane's data about the wormhole that delivered Thor to Earth. Thor, having discovered Mjolnir's nearby location, seeks to retrieve it from the facility that S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly constructed but he finds himself unable to lift it, and is captured. With Selvig's help, he is freed and resigns himself to exile on Earth as he develops a romance with Jane.
Loki discovers that he is actually Laufey's son, adopted by Odin after the war ended. Odin, overcome with stress from Loki's discovery and Thor's exile, falls into the deep "Odinsleep" that allows him to recuperate. Loki seizes the throne in Odin's stead and offers Laufey the chance to kill Odin and retrieve the Casket. Sif and the Warriors Three, unhappy with Loki's rule, attempt to return Thor from exile, convincing Heimdall, gatekeeper of the Bifröst - the means of traveling between worlds - to allow them passage to Earth. Aware of their plan, Loki sends the Destroyer, a seemingly indestructible automaton, to pursue them and kill Thor. The warriors find Thor, but the Destroyer attacks and defeats them, prompting Thor to offer himself instead. Struck by the Destroyer and near death, Thor's sacrifice proves him worthy to wield Mjolnir. The hammer returns to him, restoring his powers and enabling him to defeat the Destroyer. Kissing Jane goodbye and vowing to return, he and his fellow Asgardians leave to confront Loki.
In Asgard, Loki betrays and kills Laufey, revealing his true plan to use Laufey's attempt on Odin's life as an excuse to destroy Jotunheim with the Bifröst Bridge, thus proving himself worthy to his adoptive father. Thor arrives and fights Loki before destroying the Bifröst Bridge to stop Loki's plan, stranding himself in Asgard. Odin awakens and prevents the brothers from falling into the abyss created in the wake of the bridge's destruction, but Loki allows himself to fall. Thor makes amends with Odin, admitting he is not ready to be king; while on Earth, Jane and her team search for a way to open a portal to Asgard.
In a post-credits scene, Selvig has been taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, where Nick Fury opens a briefcase and asks him to study a mysterious object, which Fury says may hold untold power. An invisible Loki prompts Selvig to agree, which Selvig does.
Dear Friends,
我想藉此”園地” ,跟大家報告陳老師今年的壽慶。我們的品質學會,可能在十一月某日一下午辦一場老幹部慶祝會。它的時間待定,如果定了日期之後,我們一些朋友想在當天晚上,在公務人員發展中心的福華會館,擺一桌賀陳老師 (地點暫定,與會者自費,約500元) ,並奉上我的賀文 (文題自定,6月底前請交到我的電子信箱) 。
鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
電話:(02) 23650127