2012年6月15日 星期五

0615 2012 五午後雨

Rudy 打掃
上日文 下周五才是末堂下周二晨淡水遊 集合方式是9:30 捷運該站第一車箱處

午回去煮yy1245才來補足  第一次公寓會不成第二次大為放鬆.....


晚1130才離開弄些CURRY CHICKEN 隔天才想起忘記參加懷恩堂周五音樂會 翻譯胡適


 我佩服他學而不厭的精神 ,
 更敬重他待人的仁厚 。
 天成先生                         胡適

1959.6.15 將裱好的小詩送高天成
 年譜長編初稿1959 年(第8 冊) 索引 9處高天成
高天成 1904—1964 臺南市人。1904年12月12日生。出身長老教會家庭。中學時獲其叔高再得醫師贊助,留學日本。1928年畢業於東京帝大醫學部。 1930與林獻堂之女林關關結婚。後到臺南鹽水行醫二年,再赴母校研究,出任帝大附屬醫院鹽田外科及黴菌學教室副手,其後轉入都築外科。1938年得細菌 學、醫學博士,為外科醫生之翹楚。同年被派往中國南京任同仁會南京醫院外科主任兼院長,之後再回到日本擔任東京醫院外科醫務長。戰後滯日,擔任東京旅日同 鄉會第一屆會長,1948年回臺後擔任臺大醫學院教授兼外科主任。1953年十一月任臺大醫學院院長,1964年八月十三日過世。(郭啟傳)高天成 - 臺灣記憶Taiwan Memory--國家圖書館
晚上 看後1/3 的
驚爆13天》(英語Thirteen Days),由羅傑·唐諾生執導的歷史傳記電影,內容描述1962年古巴飛彈危機,從美國的政治領導角度看待整個事件。
影片改編自歐尼斯特·梅en:Ernest May)與菲利普·澤利考en:Philip Zelikow)的《甘迺迪的錄音帶-古巴飛彈危機期間於白宮》(The Kennedy Tapes - Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis)一書。該片與羅伯特·弗朗西斯·甘迺迪所寫《驚爆13天》無關。大部分的場景都在白宮,側重於總統約翰·甘迺迪與其推動入侵古巴作為對蘇聯安裝飛彈的反制的弟弟羅伯特軍事對抗的決策過程。片中並不在冷戰時期超級大國的衝突中著墨,反而是在民事與軍事當局的正確戰略權衡中多所詮釋。電影的結構大部分是由凱文·科斯納飾演的特別助理肯尼·歐唐納的觀點出發。約翰甘迺迪的姪子克里斯多福·勞福德也在片中飾演一名飛機被蘇聯擊毀的飛行員。

 In October 1962, U-2 surveillance photos reveal that the Soviet Union is in the process of placing missiles carrying nuclear weapons in Cuba. These weapons have the capability of wiping out most of the Eastern and Southern United States in minutes if they become operational. President John F. Kennedy (Bruce Greenwood) and his advisers must come up with a plan of action to prevent their activation. Kennedy is determined to show that the United States will not allow a missile threat in its virtual back yard. The Joint Chiefs of Staff advise immediate U.S. military strikes against the missile sites followed by an invasion of Cuba. However, Kennedy is reluctant to attack and invade because it would very likely cause the Soviets to invade Berlin. Kennedy sees an analogy to the events that started World War I, only this time nuclear weapons are involved. War appears to be almost inevitable.
The Kennedy administration tries to find a solution that will remove the missiles but avoid an act of war. They settle on a step less than a blockade, which is formally regarded as an act of war. They settle on what they publicly describe as a quarantine. They announce that the U.S. Naval forces will stop all ships entering Cuban waters and inspect them to verify they are not carrying weapons destined for Cuba. The Soviet Union sends mixed messages in response. John A. Scali, a reporter with ABC News, is contacted by Soviet "emissary" Aleksandr Fomin (Boris Lee Krutonog), and through this back-channel communication method the Soviets offer to remove the missiles in exchange for public assurances from the U.S. that it will never invade Cuba.
A long message in the same tone as the informal communication from Fomin, apparently written personally by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, is received. This is followed by a second, more hard line cable in which the Soviets offer a deal involving U.S removal of its Jupiter missiles from Turkey. The Kennedy administration interprets the second as a response from the Politburo, and in a risky act, decides to ignore it and respond to the first message, assumed to be from Khrushchev. There are several mis-steps during the crisis: the defense readiness level of Strategic Air Command (SAC) is raised to DEFCON 2 (one step shy of maximum readiness for imminent war), without informing the President; and a routine test launch of a U.S. offensive missile is also carried out without the President's knowledge.
After much deliberation with the Executive Committee of the National Security Council, Kennedy secretly agrees to remove all Jupiter missiles from southern Italy and in Turkey, the latter on the border of the Soviet Union, in exchange for Khrushchev removing all missiles in Cuba. Off the shores of Cuba, the Soviet ships turn back from the quarantine lines. Secretary of State Dean Rusk (Henry Strozier) says, "We're eyeball to eyeball and I think the other fellow just blinked."
