2010年6月26日 星期六

紀念Peter Scholtes

紀念Peter Scholtes -- 在工作中創造自豪與喜悅(待整理 待續)

該用什麼方式來紀念一下我們所喜歡的 Peter Scholtes 呢?
首先 我比較一下他的兩本暢銷書作品
The Leader Handbook 遠比 The Team Handbook (第2版改為3人合著)好
譬如說 前者各章都有"練習題"--- 它們充分發揮 Peter 的"功力"


Ken Su @ 雅集


Kenny Zhang張慶麟


Last month, I realised Peter was dead.恐

Tommorow we'll have a small meeting to remember him in Taipei.

We'll have a special issue for him in our annual conference and book.

Peter's last book The Leader's Handbook is a best selling book in Taiwan and China. I am very pleased he wrote me two letters to help me better understanding his points before the publishing Chinese version of it. Many of his readers agree it is a masterpiece. The leadership according to Peter's is with love and healing power at least.

I personally regretted I did not attend TWEDI's Wisconsin conference in 2008. I wrote to Prof. Orsini to inquire Peter's health condition then.

An aspect of Peter's character revealed in his writing and speeching (BDA's booklet). He is our "leader" in this part of world. I miss him.

eter Scholtes
photo of George Box, John Hunter and Peter Scholtesphoto of (from right to left) Peter Scholtes, John Hunter and George Box in Madison, Wisconsin at the 2008 Deming Conference

Peter Scholtes died peacefully this morning in Madison, Wisconsin. His family was with him.

"It was a happy surprise when I found out Peter Scholtes wrote They Will Know We are Christians by our Love (link to a nice mp3 recording of the song). I think it is a wonderful song. Here are the words to that song (and a webcast is below):

We are one in the spirit we are one in the Lord
We are one in the spirit we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity will one day be restored

And they’ll Know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

We will walk with each other we will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other we will walk hand in hand
And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land.

We will work with each other we will work side by side
We will work with each other we will work side by side
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride

All praise to the father from whom all things come
And all praise to Christ Jesus his only son
And all praise to the spirit who makes us one."


They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love (FEL S-252) 1968

Best known as the composer of the title tune which went beyond its mainline roots to become the banner song of the Jesus movement. Despite that tune’s popularity this South Side Chicago reverend’s lp remains relatively unknown. Not so much a solo lp as a collection of his songs performed by members of his congregation. Hence a very homemade sound, with some songs like the title done almost like a Gregorian chant with folk backing. Others are performed by the Saint Brendan’s Choir who jam in a folky youth ensemble bossa nova style with guitars and flute while pounding away on conga drums, maracas, bongos, and temple blocks. A couple pleasant acoustic tunes with different lead singers. Includes selections from Missa Bossa Nova and Mass Of 67th Street (which adds sax to the mix). (Ken Scott - Archivist)


Creating Pride and Joy at Work

Peter R. Scholtes, 1938-2009

彼得 雷蒙德 斯科爾特斯在2009年7月11日上午逝世威斯康星州麥迪遜的家中,當時人在側

彼得對愛他喜歡他以及許多從未謀面的人都有深遠的影響力多才多藝更慷慨地與世界各地的人分享在他的畢生中 - 無論是做為一名牧師,音樂家,作曲家,社會工作者,教師,社區組織者,治療師,作家,或顧問 - 彼得天生英才能將許多雜而重要的想法讓人容易掌握之,利用他對自己的信念很有自信而也能包容異者,他更珍視他在做為文化和國家樑時所建立的友誼。

Peter Raymond Scholtes died on the morning of July 11 at his home in Madison, Wisconsin, surrounded by family. Peter had a profound impact on those who loved him, and on many more who never met him. He was blessed with amazing talents, and shared them generously with people all over the world. Throughout his life--whether as a priest, musician-composer, social worker, teacher, community organizer, therapist, author, or consultant--Peter had a genius for making complex and important ideas easy to grasp and put to use. He was confident in his convictions, but embraced differences, and cherished his friendships that bridged cultures and countries.

彼得在20世紀 60年代的芝加哥的 South Side聖布倫丹教堂當神父時寫過讚美詩“透過我們的愛人人會知道我們是基督徒”。當時,他帶領一青年合唱團走出教堂地下室,他在尋找合適的歌曲可用在一系列的旨在讓種族之間的關係癒合為一的活動。他找不到這樣的歌曲,就在一 天寫了這首現在著名的讚美詩聖布倫丹教堂,在芝加哥的民權運動等的經驗,影響了他的一生。

Peter wrote the hymn "They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love" while he was a parish priest at St. Brendan's on the South Side of Chicago in the 1960s. At the time, he was leading a youth choir out of the church basement, and was looking for an appropriate song for a series of ecumenical, interracial events. When he couldn't find such a song, he wrote the now-famous hymn in a single day. His experiences at St. Brendan's, and in the Chicago Civil Rights movement, influenced him for the rest of his life.

彼得服務過馬薩諸塞州的 Lynn和威斯康星州的麥迪遜等地的公共部門之後,他在 80年代中加入喬伊納顧問公司,得以到世界各地去幫助企業,讓其員工的才能夠更充分,更人道,更有效地發揮。他撰寫了團隊手冊 (後來第2版是合著),榮登"史上100本最佳商業書籍"榜。他自立Scholtes Seminars and Consulting之後,他在1998年寫出 戴明領導手冊,它已是一本經典之作它對於績效考核制 (他認為這種做法令員工洩氣又是錯誤的)作出最有力的控訴

After working in the public sector in Lynn, Massachusetts, and Madison, Wisconsin, Peter became a consultant with Joiner Associates in the 1980s, traveling the globe to help businesses engage employees' talents more fully, humanely, and effectively. He co-authored The Team Handbook, which was named one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time (in the book of that title). After starting Scholtes Seminars and Consulting, he wrote the classic The Leader's Handbook in 1998, which made the definitive case against performance appraisal--a practice he argued was demoralizing and wrong.

彼得經常講些他童年在伊州橡樹園(Oak Park)村的幸福故事,他有親愛的父 母和姐妹和大家庭。彼 得父母 為Lambert Peter 和 Mary Rose Scholtes,1938年11月20日出生於伊利諾州的Evanston,而他成長於Oak Park村,在那裡他讀 Ascension學校和Fenwick 高中 ,再進 Quigley 和St. Mary of the Lake-Mundelein 神學院進修他取得波士頓大 學的"成人教育暨和組織發展"的碩士學位。

Peter often told stories of a very happy childhood in Oak Park with loving parents and sisters and a large extended family. Peter was born to Lambert Peter and Mary Rose Scholtes on November 20, 1938 in Evanston, Illinois, and grew up in Oak Park, where he attended Ascension School and Fenwick High School before studying at Quigley and St. Mary of the Lake-Mundelein seminaries. He earned his Masters in Adult Education and Organization Development at Boston University.

彼得和他的妻子Peg在他們喜歡的城市,麥迪遜成家並撫養四個子女。他們那充滿愛心,狂野,活力的家中經常有來自世界各地的朋友和異鄉人共住。彼得的幽默感和反諷是維繫全家的基石。他喜歡當父親。他的孩子所記住的家庭生活,充滿了愛,音樂,歌唱,以及行使群體決策的種種巧妙方式。他的最後幾年與孫輩相處最為快樂無比。對他們而言, “Boppy”爺爺是個集“瘋老,狂老和怪老"一身的好玩伴

Peter and his wife Peg blended their families and raised their four children in the city that he loved, Madison. They welcomed friends and strangers from around the world to live with them in their loving, crazy, and active home. Peter's sense of humor and irony were a cornerstone of the household. He loved being a father. His kids remember a family life filled with love, music, singing, and elaborate ways to make group decisions. Nothing made him happier in his final years than spending time with his grandchildren. "Boppy" was "crazy, nuts, and gaga" for them.

彼得生場大病之後不得不退休,然而他仍積極參與社區的志願服務每週一天去 Meriter醫院 (他病中受過此醫院照料)協助其"日間康復方案"國會大廈廣場是他的前院,他總是盼望每週能造訪農市。他之所以能夠在家中辭世,多虧臨終關懷和溫馨 的家人和朋友們,尤其是 Fazel Hayati 的協助。

After illness forced his retirement, Peter stayed involved in the community, volunteering every week at Meriter hospital in the Day Rehab program, where he had been a patient. The Capitol Square was his front yard, and he always looked forward to his weekly trips to the Farmer's Market. The decision to stay at home at the end of his life was enabled by Hospice Care and loving family and friends, especially Fazel Hayati.

他的親人都深深地懷念他: 妻子Peg Scholtes; 姐妹 Carol Reilly 和 Mary Kay Marcum (同其夫Jim Marcum) 他的兒子Peter S. Scholtes (同未婚妻 Jenny Woods), Matthew Scholtes (同其妻Gretchen Kapperman),女兒Jenna Hansen (同其夫 Paul Hansen),兒 Benjamin Casbarro和 Abbi Alemu;孫輩 Sophia and Lilah Hansen;以及剛出生的“蓬鬆白色的東西,”小莫克。
