2020年11月29日 星期日

英詩欣賞 (3):忽已黃昏;只是近黃昏,夕陽無限好。Salvatore Quasimodo (1901-. 1968)與深誓 (A Deep-Sworn Vow By W. B. Yeats - 1865-1939);只是近黃昏,夕陽無限好。(周策縱)

A Deep-Sworn Vow

 - 1865-1939

"A Deep-Sworn Vow" is a short (six lines long) poem by William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) that was included in his 1919 collection "The Wild Swans at Coole".
The poem

Others because you did not keep            
That deep-sworn vow have been friends of mine;          
Yet always when I look death in the face,            
When I clamber to the heights of sleep,               
Or when I grow excited with wine,                   
Suddenly I meet your face.


The poem concerns the poet's feelings about a love affair that was broken off many years before, since when other relationships have taken its place. There is a contrast between two states of mind, the conscious state that has forgotten the loved one and the unconscious state that refuses to do so. An indelible image of that person remains imprinted somewhere deep within and, when the occasion so demands, that image is brought back "suddenly" from the unconscious to the conscious mind.

Although this is a very short poem, there is still room for movement within it and it is this movement that gives it its strength. The opening is quiet and informal, but the later lines, using words such as "excited" and "suddenly", are more insistent. The ending is not "I see your face" but "I meet your face", which suggests something much more dramatic than a simple act of recollection.


***** 2020年


~~ 周策縱建議改李商隱的向晚


年輕時,讀了施穎洲翻譯 S. Quasimodo 的






這首讓我懷疑它與俳詩haiku 的關係,*詳後 

tracce di haiku nella poesia di Salvatore Quasimodo


先由Gooole 翻譯

Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1959

The Poet and the Politician

“The night is long that never finds the day”. These are Shakespeare’s words in Macbeth, and they help us to define the poet’s condition. At first, the reader appears to the poet in his solitude as an image with the face and the gestures of a childhood friend, perhaps of that more sensitive friend who is experienced in solitary readings but a bit diffident in evaluating a presumed representation, or misrepresentation, of the world. This representation is attempted with rigorous poetic measures extraneous to science and with words whose sounds are predetermined.



韻律來說 (與科學上很不同),而使用的語言是預先確定的

An exact poetic duplication of a man is for the poet a negation of the earth, an impossibility of being, even though his greatest desire is to speak to many men, to unite with them by means of harmonious verses about the truths of the mind or of things. Innocence is sometimes an acute quality which permits the greatest representation of the sensible. And the innocence of the poet’s friend, who requires, dialectically, that the first poetic rhythms have a logical form, will remain a fixed point of reference, a focus which will enable the poet to construct half of a parabola. The poet’s other readers are the ancient poets, who look upon the freshly written pages from an incorruptible distance. Their poetic forms are permanent, and it is difficult to create new forms which can approach them.



Salvatore Quasimodo (Italian: [salvaˈtoːre kwaˈziːmodo]; August 20, 1901 – June 14, 1968) was an Italian poet and translator. In 1959, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times".

薩瓦多爾·夸西莫多(義大利語:Salvatore Quasimodo,1901年8月20日-1968年6月14日),義大利詩人、翻譯家,1959年諾貝爾文學獎獲得者。

Salvatore Quasimodo

夸西莫多在西西里島莫迪卡出生,1908年父親前往墨西拿協助地震後的救災工作,舉家移居該城。1917年他創辦了《新文學雜誌》(Nuovo giornale letterario),發表第一批詩作,1919年遷往羅馬完成工程課程,1930年獲一家工程公司聘請到雷焦卡拉布里亞工作,同年他出版了第一部詩集《水與土》(Acque e terre),並因此獲得諾貝爾獎。夸西莫多其他詩集包括《消逝的笛音》(Oboe sommerso,1932年發表,包含了他1930年至1932年間的所有作品)、《日復一日》(Giorno dopo giorno,1946年發表)等。



  • 水與土》(Acque e terre,1930年)
  • 《消逝的笛音》(Oboe sommerso,1932年)
  • 《厄拉托與阿波羅》(Erato e Apòllìon,1938年)
  • 《新詩》(Poesie,1938年)
  • Lirici Greci》(1940年)
  • Ed è subito sera》(1942年)
  • Alle frande dei salici》(1943年)
  • Con il piede straniero sopra il cuore》(1946年)
  • 《日復一日》(Giorno dopo giorno,1946年)
  • 《生活不是夢》( La vita non è sogno,1949年)
  • Il falso e vero verde》(1954年)
  • Il fiore delle "Georgiche"》(1957年)
  • La terra impareggiabile
  • Il poeta e il politico e altri saggi》(1960年)
  • Dare e avere》(1966年)


  • 諾貝爾文學獎全集編譯委員會/編譯,《薩瓦多爾‧誇西莫多》,台北市:九五文化,1981年。
  • 呂同六/譯,《夸西莫多抒情詩選》,成都市:四川文藝,1992年。
  • 李魁賢/譯,《塞弗里斯/夸齊莫多》,桂冠,2001年。

The Japanese reader who faces the work of Salvatore Quasimodo for the first time (1901-
1968) might have the sensation of reading something familiar, already heard. In fact, echoes could arise in his mind that bring him back to waka and, even more, to haiku. This
it happens especially with Quasimodo's first poems contained in the collection Ed è immediately
, and in particular in the part entitled Acque e Terre. Undoubtedly the first element that
what is striking is the structural one, the use of compositions or short lines, even if it is not possible
find in Quasimodo the exact rhythmic scan of Japanese poetry; the Italian poet has
instead used a mixture of Parisyllable and imparisyllable verses of various lengths, with a tendency to the shorter verse at the beginning of his production, and then turned to a more
rich in syllables in subsequent collections 2
. But although the main influences on Quasimodo were of another nature - Greek poetry first, but also Foscolo, Pascoli, D'Annunzio,
Montale and Ungaretti - undoubtedly some details bring us back to Japanese poetry.
If we trace some fundamental elements of haiku in the massive presence of nature - in
particular way of certain recurring subjects indicating the season (kigo 季 語) - in its brevity,
in its figurative quality that crystallizes time and space in an image3
, but most of all
in going beyond the figurative capacity by drawing on a deeper meaning that goes beyond that image and that often, in some masterpieces, is connected to a tension between the eternal and the transient, if
we place these as the basis of haiku, then the impression of the Japanese reader will not be del
all erroneous.
The presence of nature and especially the process of images is a phenomenon in Quasimodo
