2020年11月18日 星期三

反思Facebook動態回顧 2020.11.19:香港;林公孚、戴久永,Peter Handke;Bauhaus;大學理念 沈清松



Here it is! We've just published Create: A journal of perspectives on the value of art and culture.


2017 有時,你讀翻譯書,會有點好笑、錯愕:譬如說,將納粹( Nazis)重新音譯:納西斯:
見 【包豪斯理想】Bauhaus Ideal By William Smock,濟南:山東話報出版社,2010,頁185

1118 2017 六,晨間讀書記:
Oxford Companion to the Decorative Arts: Harold Osborne ..
此書 Bauhaus 條目,寫得甚好,雖然只有純文字的3頁,全書正文約850頁。
Hardcover: 880 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press (October 23, 1975)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0198661134


沈清松 2004 12章的前3章


圖像裡可能有2 個人、包括 Chiuyung Tai、微笑的人、大家站著和室內

圖像裡可能有2 個人、大家坐著

It’s a despicable view. But I would never purge Dahl’s books — arguably the finest children’s literature in English — from my shelves. People with wretched prejudices can still be great writers. People who restrict their literary tastes to authors whose moral and political convictions they approve of are nearly guaranteed to have no taste at all.
 the Austrian novelist and playwright Peter Handke“Handke’s politics irreversibly invalidated his aesthetics.”...Given these precedents, why has the reaction to Handke’s Nobel been so neuralgic?

Part of the answer, surely, is that Handke is considered a fascist (though his full political views are hardly clear), whereas Pinter, Grass and the others were all men of the left, whose fellow traveling with despots could glibly be excused, at least by other leftists, as an excess of idealism. After Saramago died in 2010, PEN America — an organization explicitly dedicated to protecting free expression — paid him fulsome tribute, with no mention of his censorious past.

But part of the answer, too, is that we live in an age that is losing the capacity to distinguish art from ideology and artists from politics. “I’m standing at my garden gate and there are 50 journalists,” Handke complained on Tuesday, “and all of them just ask me questions like you do, and from not a single person who comes to me I hear they have read any of my works or know what I have written.” He has a point. He didn’t win a Nobel Peace Prize or some other humanitarian award. His art deserves to be judged, or condemned, on its artistic merits alone.

What’s the alternative? Those who think that a core task of art is political instruction or moral uplift will wind up with some version of socialist realism or religious dogma. And those who think that the worth of art must be judged according to the moral and political commitments of its creator ultimately consign all art to the dustbin, since even the most avant-garde artists are creatures of their time.

For myself, I plan to add one or two of Handke’s books to my shelf, at least the non-political ones. They’ll sit alongside Pinter, Saramago, Grass and, of course, Dahl — writers to whom I will always feel grateful, not least because they did not choose politics as their vocation.


總有點淡的哀愁。D 的太太三周前突然規勸他不北上赴會。今天心臟科醫師說,很可能不是他的事。所以懸念解除了。他五點多來電,而那時我準備回家晚餐了。


蔡衍明因為違法收受中共方面新聞置入的資金而被罰款,不過他對此沒有悔意,在公聽會上發言時他聲稱:【錄音】「其實這個事情我不了解,但是這我也有去問,他跟我講,這被人罰一百八十萬(台幣)了,有啦,有發生啦,被罰了一百八十萬,法律上就是被罰就罰了嘛,但是我要講的是什麼,為什麼不讓我們賺光明正大的錢? 為什麼要讓我們賺偷偷摸摸的錢?當然這是過去的一些陸委會規定什麼,我是不知道,但是,我認為,應該讓我們去賺這個錢。」
對於蔡衍明此番言論,台灣大學新聞所教授張錦華回應說:【錄音】「 如果我們接受他們(中共當局)的宣傳計劃的話,這有沒有危害到台灣台商可能在那邊投資的風險跟問題呢? 陳光誠事件大家都知道,陳光誠在山東怎麼樣受到迫害,山東政法委在一年以內如何花了六千萬人民幣在他家把他軟禁起來,如何迫害他、他的家人,都看到了。如果今天山東省長來台灣『參訪採購』的話,請問各位你們會怎麼報導?你們會說『這個山東省長在台灣採購,抱台灣的小孩,他非常愛台灣,非常親民』,是這樣嗎?你們要不要報導這個山東省長有沒有迫害人權,這山東省長有沒有值得台灣人要注意,這個省長在大陸的表現。中國大陸如果有什麼問題,台灣人如果都不知道的話,這是台灣的國家安全的危險。」
台媒體大亨蔡衍明承認收受中共購買新聞資金 北京時間: 2012-05-

