2020年4月17日 星期五

0417 2020

book-cooking scandals. cook the books, capricious, Magna Carta, book, damage control


【#逐字學英文國際日報】90: book-cooking scandals. cook the books, capricious, Magna Carta, book, damage control
Many big book-cooking scandals of the past 20 years emerged in downturns ECONOMIST.COM The economic crisis will ...



近一月失業人數達2,200萬; Straggling in a Good Economy, and Now Struggling in a Crisis Straggling in a Good Economy, and Now Struggling in a Crisis

4月11日當週美國首次申請失業救濟金人數為520萬, 近一月失業人數達2,200萬; 報道: 美國 財長警告說如果不採取刺激行動, 失業 率恐升至20% 美國 財政部長姆努欽周二對共和党參議員表示,面對新冠病毒疫情, 如果政府不採....

名翻譯家Burton Dewitt Watson (June 13, 1925 – April 1, 2017) was an American sinologist, translator, and writer known for his numerous translations of Chinese and Japanese literature into English.
此文談他1958年的《司馬遷:中國大史家》Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China, 1958
Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China by Burton Watson (pp. 220-223)…… 更多



瑞典一向了不起; SWEDEN Approach:爭議;實驗繼續 Swedish ministers defend resisting coronavirus lockdown; The government's controversial hands-off approach may not be working.. 瑞典駐台代表怎麼說? 台灣這五件事做對了
Andrew Green Vintage Weird Photo of Dagen H (H Day), also known as "Högertrafikomläggningen" ("The right-hand traffic diversion"), Stockholm...



《格林兄弟》The Brothers Grimm (die Brüder :《格林童話》Grimm)Grimm's Fairy Tales

Ashley Quinn The Golden Age Of Illustration +3 Ashley Quinn For the Love of Books & Libraries 昨天上午3:21 · I submit for your enjoyment today ...

澳洲"譴責"世衛WHO 未責怪中國的野味買賣
The virus may have mutated into its "final 'human-efficient' form months ago" but stayed inside a bat, other animal or even human for months without infecting others.
Coronavirus outbreak may have started in September, say British scientists
Coronavirus outbreak may have started in September, say British scientists…… 更多

The Pantheon-Design, Meaning, and Progeny萬神殿及劇場


The Pantheon-Design, Meaning, and Progeny萬神殿及劇場
Pantheon, Rome, Thomas Struth, 1990. Ars Europa 4月15日下午9:45 · Giovanni Paolo Panini painted the interior of the Pantheon in Rome on seve...

江戶風華 五大浮世絵師展The History of UKIYO-E - 時藝多媒體"作代表。這在世界上,可能是"笑話"。

武漢,人間煉獄XXXXI:revised its death toll up by 1,290 to 3,869—an increase of 50%; consumer habits may forever be changed. 中國將必須對新冠病毒疫情如何爆發以及疫情是否能夠被阻止等尖銳問題做出回答。......


武漢,人間煉獄XXXXI:revised its death toll up by 1,290 to 3,869—an increase of 50%; consumer habits may forever be changed. 中國將必須對新冠病毒疫情如何爆發以及疫情是否能夠被阻止等尖銳問題做出回答。

Wuhan revised its coronavirus death toll up by 50% — Quartz qz.com › wuhan-revised-its-coronavi... 59 分前 - Wuhan, the central Chinese city a...

Botton 的書,台灣翻譯九成。也許很適合現在氣氛。

英國將封鎖期延長三週,有跡象表明該國疫情已接近“見頂”,目前有超過13700人死亡。英國官員從兩家中國公司購買了價值2000萬美元的抗體檢測試劑盒 ,卻發現它們準確性不足,無法大規模投入使用。
紐約時報:Britain extended its lockdown by three weeks, amid signs that the country is nearing the peak of its coronavirus outbreak. More than 13,700 have died in the country. The Times has learned that Britain spent $20 million on unguaranteed test kits from two Chinese companies that did not work.
Google搞錯報紙名稱:有跡象表明英國已接近其冠狀病毒爆發高峰,英國將其封鎖期延長了三週。 該國有13700多人死亡。 《泰晤士報》獲悉,英國從兩家無法運作的中國公司購買…… 更多

Howard Chang

"that did not work."應該是放錯地方的語病,形容kits.
Kenneth Silverman, Lightning Man – The Accursed Life of Samuel F. B. Morse (De Capo Press 2004)
此書書末2頁感謝詞,最後一位的感謝引但丁《新生》The New Life/La Vita Nuova 的 "gloriosa donna de la mia mente",Google的翻譯:glorious woman of my mind.

Samuel Finley Breese Morse)(1791年4月27日-1872年4月2日)
Mabee, Carleton, The American Leonardo: A Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, (1943, reissued 1969);
第二本傳記…… 更多


Samuel Finley Breese Morse)(1791年4月27日-1872年4月2日)

前幾天達文奇"生日"。 美國也有未達文奇:其傳記 Mabee, Carleton, The American Leonardo: A Life of Samuel F. B. Morse , (1943, reissued 1969); William Kloss, Sa...



Capt Tom Moore raises £15m for NHS 英國百歲老兵為抗疫籌款 全球數十萬人呼應;英國的羅馬尼亞包機移工
Capt Tom Moore raises £15m for NHS as he completes ... www.theguardian.com › world › apr Capt Tom Moore, 99, completes garden walk NHS fund...

1Hsiangyen Tang



unthinkable, alarmist, close, 'manspreading' , it's time to think the unthinkable
Until now, the French president has had big plans for the future. But the pandemic has left him wondering how to save France and th...


Japan to give every citizen $930 to ease coronvirus impact
Inital plan to limit handouts to some households criticized as too small
