2020年4月1日 星期三

0401 2020

Iceland lab's testing suggests 50% of coronavirus cases have no symptoms
德国科學家們找到了新冠病毒检测新流程;台大醫學院開發30秒新冠肺炎行動篩檢儀,Abbott Launches 5-Minute Covid-19 Test for Use Almost Anywhere.日本開發出新型冠狀病毒快速檢測套裝10分鐘就能檢測出病毒!目前檢測新冠病毒仍是以real-time RT-PCR為正宗......沈政男:。日本開發出新型冠狀病毒快速檢測套裝【10分鐘就能檢測出病毒!】US approved the use of the first rapid diagnostic test that could detect coronavirus in approximately 45 minutes.快篩10分鐘法10-minute coronavirus test:日本、台灣等國


德国科學家們找到了新冠病毒检测新流程;台大醫學院開發30秒新冠肺炎行動篩檢儀,Abbott Launches 5-Minute Covid-19 Test for Use Almost Anywhere.日本開發出新型冠狀病毒快速檢測套裝10分鐘就能檢測出
德国黑森州科學部長多恩通報說,科學家們找到了一種方法,可同時檢測多個采樣。這樣可將德國目前日均檢測4萬人次的水準一下子提升至日均20萬至40萬人次,而且「無損於診斷品質」 DW.COM 更多更快:德国开发出新冠病毒检.....

默克爾(Angela Merkel)(6) Coronavirus could be the crisis that really defines her legacy.及她如何看這個世界 (DW)


默克爾(Angela Merkel)(6) Coronavirus could be the crisis that really defines her legacy.及她如何看這個世界 (DW)
德國抗疫、救濟藝術家和自由業者慷慨、救法國重症病者等等,種種表現不俗。 Coronavirus could be the crisis that really defines the German leader's legacy. ...

Covid-19 survivors are donating blood plasma to help seriously ill patients fight the coronavirus.
中國找出有效抗體;Columbia Starts Screening COVID-19 Survivors for Antibodies That May Save Others抗體檢測Testing coronavirus survivors’ blood could help reopen America。Researchers Rush to:produce blood test for coronavirus immunity. New blood tests for antibodies could show true scale of coronavirus pandemic. 據說美國 9 月就能把疫苗用在人身上、台灣疫苗國家隊的研發潛力與限制Home Test Kits: Test Coronavirus Vaccine in Peo…… 更多


中國找出有效抗體;Columbia Starts Screening COVID-19 Survivors for Antibodies That May Save Others抗體檢測Testing coronavirus survivors’ blood could help reopen America。Researchers Rush to:produce blood test for coronavirus immunit

A team of Chinese scientists has isolated several antibodies that it says are "extremely effective" at blocking the ability of the new cor...



'There Will Be Enough for Everyone': Berlin Distributes €500 Million to Artists and Freelancers Within Four Days of Launching Its Grant Program
The Berlin Senate has processed more than 50,000 applicants from small businesses and freelancers, including many from the creative industry.



劉夏泱【看異國的異國圖像】(3. 27;一起共作室)
Death Listened to the Nightingale - The Nightingale, Edmund Dulac 劉夏泱 ...

蔡登山兄今天生日,他主持出版的野史叢書和雜誌複刻,古今、天地、大人......無所不包,是讀者之福。我與阿邦跟他請教過:229 蔡登山:從"大人"雜誌談民國人物 (II) 2018-06-09


229 蔡登山:從"大人"雜誌談民國人物 (II) 2018-06-09
兩岸文史專家蔡登山現身記 獨家披露史料研究方法! 鳥瞰《多少樓台煙雨中》;《往事》《薛子奇先生旅臺遺稿》等 薛子奇先生旅臺遺稿序(薛大可) 老友益陽薛子奇先生既逝。其從女公子玉松偕其夫婿章君甘霖彙集遺稿。謀付.....

疑古玄同編過"打"字語典 (待查,還是劉半農),很可惜沒出版:錢玄同(1887年9月12日-1939年1月17日),原名錢夏,字德潛,號疑古,浙江吳興(現浙江湖州市)人。現代文字學家,是新文化運動的先驅者之一。



"Rig their front door so that if they open it the Keurig craps out."
Daily Shouts C.D.C. Guidelines for Persuading Your Boomer Parents to Stay Home Rig their front door so that if they open it the Keurig craps...



Columbia Starts Screening COVID-19 Survivors for Antibodies That May Save Others抗體檢測Testing coronavirus survivors’ blood could help reopen America。Researchers Rush to:produce blood test for coronavirus immunity. New blood tests for anti
Columbia Public Health Diana Berrent survived Covid-19. Now she's heading to Columbia University Irving Medical Center to be donor number ...

"美國國務卿蓬佩奧在周一接受亞洲媒體電話圓桌會議採訪時,告訴新加坡《海峽時報》稱,美國將繼續尋求所有與中國合作的機會。他另在接受福克斯新聞主 肖恩·漢尼提(Sean Hannity)採訪時表示,面對新冠疫情美國的專家需要來自中國和意大利等國提供精準的數據。"


Mike Pompeo :美國將繼續尋求所有與中國合作的機會、 blasts China over virus 'disinformation'
美國國務卿蓬佩奧在周一接受亞洲媒體電話圓桌會議採訪時,告訴新加坡《海峽時報》稱,美國將繼續尋求所有與中國合作的機會。他另在接受福克斯新聞主 肖恩·漢尼提(Sean Hannity)採訪時表示,面對新冠疫情美國的專家需要...

"The epidemic is in no way over," he says, "but we can see that it is more under control than in other parts of Europe. So ... what has Denmark done differently? Because we can see that there are lots of countries that have acted similarly ... but still have big problems. My professional opinion is that what has been effective in Denmark is that we acted early."他說:“這種流行病還沒有結束,但我們可以看到,與歐洲其他地區相比,疫情得到了更多的控制。所以……丹麥做了什麼不同的事情?因為我們可以看到, 採取類似行動……但仍然存在大問題的國家。我的專業意見是,在丹麥行之有效的是我們儘早採取行動。”


'The Danish Way' Is Working: Prime Minister Hints At A Gradual Reopening For April
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is expressing cautious optimism that her country will be able to begin a gradual reopening after Easter. "The Danish way of doing things is working," she said Monday.

bootstrapping ventilators 利用既有的資源(如人工呼吸器ventilators,甚至動物用的,必要時也通用無礙) 打防疫戰。
英國至少有三團隊可能取得政府的30萬臺呼吸機:…… 更多


Ventilator project - OxVent - gets green light by UK government to proceed to next stage of testing | University of Oxford
OxVent is a multidisciplinary team of engineers and medics at the University of Oxford and King’s College London. The team has been shortlisted by the UK government to go to the next stage of testing for safety and usability for their ventilator prototype.

紐約時報的訃聞標題,從 a Walker in the City,簡化成"City Walker"....


紐約通 William Helmreich 1945~2020, City Walker

William Helmreich (August 25, 1945 – March 28, 2020) was a professor of sociology at the City College of New York Colin Powell School f...
