2020年4月16日 星期四

0416 2020


Japan to give every citizen $930 to ease coronvirus impact
Inital plan to limit handouts to some households criticized as too small

德国買 Avigan;日本、中國爭全球Avigan 生產龍頭,撕破臉?科學家們找到了新冠病毒检测新流程;台大醫學院開發30秒新冠肺炎行動篩檢儀,Abbott Launches 5-Minute Covid-19 Test for Use Almost Anywhere.日本開發出新型冠狀病毒快速檢測套裝10分鐘就能檢測出病毒!目前檢測新冠病毒仍是以real-time RT-PCR為正宗......沈政男:。日本開發出新型冠狀病毒快速檢測套裝【10分鐘就能檢測出病毒!】US approved the use of the first rapid diagnostic test that could detect coronavirus in approximately 45 minutes.快篩10分鐘法10-minute coronavirus test:日本、台灣等國

德国買 Avigan;日本、中國爭全球Avigan 生產龍頭,撕破臉?科學家們找到了新冠病毒检测新流程;台大醫學院開發30秒新冠肺炎行動篩檢儀,Abbott Launches 5-Minute Covid-19 Test for Use Almost Anywhere.日
The Chinese-Japanese rivalry over favipiravir is an example of how coronavirus treatments have become a political as well as a medical issue...


le théâtre nô japonais 日本能劇院;古池や蛙飛びこむ水の音

facebook On aime parfois se faire peur en imaginant des personnages ou des histoires un peu étranges. Elles mêlent les rêves, les réalités d...





英國一名本月底100歲生日的老兵 Tom Moore 近日以在家花園行路籌款(文首影片截圖來自ITV),希望為英國公共醫療系統NHS籌款,目標是1000英鎊,但結果到今天早上,他已為NHS籌得超過1200萬英鎊(1.16億港元 / 4.4億新台幣 / 1.04億人...

小說、清黨、大革命──茅盾、姜貴、安德烈‧馬婁與一九二七年政治風暴(王德威1992). André Malraux’s imaginary museum ;{反回憶錄} (Antimémoires, 1967); 劉述先及其【馬爾勞與中國】 參考資料


André Malraux’s imaginary museum ;{反回憶錄} (Antimémoires, 1967); 劉述先及其【馬爾勞與中國】 參考資料
Has André Malraux’s imaginary museum come into its own? https://www.apollo-magazine.com/andre-malraux-museum-without-walls/ APOLLO-MAGAZINE....

作為各說各話的"社交平台" Happening NOW:'Prayer Is Not Enough.' Church bells ring..WHO holds a briefing.Donald J. Trump 直播。 Biden holds virtual town hall · Our panel of experts answer your #coronavirus questions. New York Governor Cuomo holds his daily coronavirus briefing...'Operation Gridlock' ...台灣副總統陳建仁作客BBC新聞節目
懲 ,眎,呻吟,㽸痼,抱獨,三年艾,共事鴈門,呂坤『呻吟語』司農大夫劉景澤

Japan virus deaths could top 420,000 without social distancing, panel says
The government task force that is tracking group infections of the coronavirus stressed the need Wednesday to reduce human-to-human contact to contain the epidemic, saying 420,000 people in Japan could ..POT.COM

日本不妙了!Japan virus deaths could top 420,000 without social distancing, panel says日本疫情升溫,北海道二度宣布進入緊急狀態Japan extends authority for 'strong requests' to avoid bars and nightspots to all 47 governors台

Japan virus deaths could top 420,000 without social distancing, panel says The government task force that is tracking group infections...

RFI.FR | 作者:RFI 华语 - 法国国际广播电台

澳大利亚总理斯科特・莫里森(Scott Morrison)表示,对于世界卫生组织(WHO)坐视不管中国野味市场重开的行为难以理解。澳大利……
