2020年4月11日 星期六

0410 2020


Wan-go H.C. Weng on Wang Hui’s "10,000 Miles along the Yangzi River"

Collector and connoisseur Wan-go H.C. Weng, on how his great-great-grandfather came to own Wang Hui’s masterpiece, "10,000 Miles along the Yangzi River" (169...

Good Friday :耶穌受難日;聖周星期五;聖周禮拜五;聖瞻禮六。


Friday, Good Friday, Easter, shrive. Shrove Tuesday

British Museum 新增了 4 張相片 。 Today is ‪#‎ PancakeDay‬ ! Traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday, it celebrates the last ...


iday, Good Friday, Easter, shrive. Shrove Tuesday

British Museum 新增了 4 張相片 。 Today is ‪#‎ PancakeDay‬ ! Traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday, it celebrates the last ...


crossbow, do a bolt, two-way play, foothold, bolt·hole, mousetrap

Billionaires looking for remote locations in which to self-isolate are chartering superyachts EC...

新冠疫情中的世衛組織;'The WHO got it wrong, they got up very wrong.' 世衛下架涉台聲明台灣:內容非事實全貌;世界保健機関WHO憲章序文;其他翻譯

新冠疫情中的世衛組織;'The WHO got it wrong, they got up very wrong.' 世衛下架涉台聲明台灣:內容非事實全貌;世界保健機関WHO憲章序文;其他翻譯

新冠疫情中的世衛組織 本月7日,世界衛生組織召開年會,同時紀念成立72週年。從成立之初到目前的新冠 病毒全球大流行時期 ,該組織扮演了何種角色? 2020年4月7日 世衛下架涉台聲明台灣:內容非事實全貌 自從世衛高官艾爾...
新冠疫情中的世衛組織;'The WHO got it wrong, they got up very wrong.' 世衛下架涉台聲明台灣:內容非事實全貌;世界保健機関WHO憲章序文;其他翻譯

新冠疫情中的世衛組織 本月7日,世界衛生組織召開年會,同時紀念成立72週年。從成立之初到目前的新冠 病毒全球大流行時期 ,該組織扮演了何種角色? 2020年4月7日 世衛下架涉台聲明台灣:內容非事實全貌 自從世衛高官艾爾...


那些國家會越挫越勇、越公平、越自由?Which countries emerge stronger ?

那些國家會越挫越勇? 這是猜測題。 答案說不定是"中國"? 可是如果問題是:那些國家會越挫越勇、越公平、越自由? 那肯定不會是中國! 美國呢? 且待觀察、討論: Can the U.S. emerge stronger? ...



The Science of Helping Out. Lessons in Constructive Solitude From Thoreau

The Science of Helping Out Having a sense of purpose, and giving support to others, has a significant impact on our well-being during a...

The Science of Helping Out. Lessons in Constructive Solitude From Thoreau

The Science of Helping Out Having a sense of purpose, and giving support to others, has a significant impact on our well-being during a...



紐約時報 Why Coronavirus Cases Have Spiked in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan

Why Coronavirus Cases Have Spiked in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan Once heralded for keeping their case counts low, the...





Hanching Chung

For today’s tour, we visit gallery 103A on the ground floor of the East Building and explore the Gallery’s collection of work by Amedeo Modigliani with Mary Mor…… 更多

170 Parthenon (希臘雅典衛城之謎) 2017-06-15

170 Parthenon (希臘雅典衛城之謎) 2017-06-15 鍾漢清

希臘雅典衛城(The Acropolis of Athen)的神殿( Parthenon) 每四年雅典人便會舉行泛雅典娜節,其與奧林匹克運動會的重要度相約。在節日期間會有一隊隊伍由雅典城向衛城前進,並進入巴特農神殿(在巴特農神殿的帶狀雕刻裡有描述)。而...

武漢,人間煉獄XXXVII:武漢 vs上海抗擊新冠肺炎經驗:新冠病毒的關鍵在於時間,診斷和救治趕早,隔離趕早,同時,追踪徹底。How San Francisco plans to trace every coronavirus case and contact. 比爾蓋茲預測 疫情2021 秋季結束
