- 臺灣大學社科院新館:楊牧〈學院之樹〉(1983)
- (美國的)著名美術館或博物館,都有感人的捐獻故事
- 政治基金會:Clinton Foundation 利益衝突;李登輝基金會
- HBS/HBR ; The foundation : a great American secret...
- From Far Formosa: the island, its people and missi...
- 陳錦煌與新港文教基金會的故事:相信工程、綠色生活講堂、藝術浸潤空間計畫
- 《哈利波特》系列書的作者 JK Rowling 的公益活動/慈善事業
- 慈善吸金法的"心理學"考量
- 公益與行善的機會:全球39億人同互聯網無緣:6個國家--中國、印度、印尼、巴基斯坦和尼日利亞未聯網人...
- Michael Bloomberg 彭博 (1942- )
- 江鵬堅1940-2000;Robert Morin 1938-2015
- "行善與公益"網誌之開場白
中午ntu女/研一 夠擠 談他們共同的老師
--巴壺天的詩 出自童元方 {為彼此的鄉愁} (香港:牛津,2005,頁126)。
林義正 此乃巴師早年詩稿《亦廬賸稿》中「辛卯上巳臺北賓館禊集得杯字」詩中的句子。原詩作於1951年,「萬變猶存此海隈,不然無地著吾哀;未孤氣類仍成世,已醉玄言那待杯;簾外輕陰非日暮,池邊吟思與花開;來年可有西流水,一為神州祓劫灰。」今收入《禪骨詩心集》(台北:東大1988.9 ),頁265。按童元方所引詩句與原稿有些出入,但「吟思」恐是「吟詩」之訛,出版時未校出,依詩意當作「吟詩」。
Hanching Chung 林老師,三民版《禪骨詩心集》只有181頁。何來265頁?......頁173找到!
林義正 我引用的是初版,直排大字版,全274頁。若橫排,則頁碼已改移了。
Hanching Chung 了解:還有薄陰與輕陰
林義正 簾外與窗外的差異。
Hanching Chung 童元方似乎特別注意"花開",他的第一本書書名似為"一樣花開"。
此次翻巴壺天著《禪骨詩心集》,注意到有《魯拜集》第29、第68兩首的翻譯和譯註 (略),頁175
Into this Universe, and Why not knowing
Nor Whence, like Water willy-nilly flowing;
And out of it, as Wind along the Waste,
I know not Whither, willy-nilly blowing.
We are no other than a moving row
Of Magic Shadow-shapes that come and go
Round with the Sun-illumined Lantern held
In Midnight by the Master of the Show;
The Rubaiyat
By Omar Khayyam
- How Samuel Johnson Celebrated His Sixty-Eighth Bir...
- 《巴斯德的實驗室》
- 《羅素散文集》牟治中選譯
- Mortals and Others By Bertrand Russell 羅素《羅素短論集》
- 巴壺天著《禪骨詩心集》林義正編
- 聽艾略特獎得主Sarah Howe談談她的新作《兩制》
- Edward Albee 1928-2016
- Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., 1917-2007
羅素Russell Bertrand三零年代初期投美國報紙的雜文集。
我以他談論國家的強盛 (On National Greatness)
我以他談論國家的強盛 (On National Greatness)
網路上有此書之金句和"How to Become a Man of Genius"一篇。
Mortals and Others By Bertrand Russell 羅素《羅素短論集》
Expect of the young the very best of which they are capable, and you will get it. Expect less, and it is only too likely that you will get no more than you expect.
"On national greatness" (20 January 1932), pp. 52–53
"On national greatness" (20 January 1932), pp. 52–53
Hsiangyen Tang 因此你總是期待和鼓勵年輕人。謝謝你!
紐約市風聲緊,人心低沉:New Yorkers Feel Around for Psychological Shrapnel
紐約時報的旅遊刊物Travel Dispatch,十年來第一次晚一天發送。
紐約時報的旅遊刊物Travel Dispatch,十年來第一次晚一天發送。
5 Riviera Cocteau Treasures
The artist, Jean Cocteau, spent his later years on the French Riviera, and the area still enjoys the beauty he left behind. There are five Cocteau sites between Nice and Menton just waiting to be d…
這是隻小聰明的狐狸:約瑟夫.拉達著 《聰明的小狐狸》梁祥美譯,台北市:志文,1994。說這些智慧語來讓小王子復頌、學習、記憶的狐狸,是覺者。
“Goodbye,” said the fox. “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
“What is essential is invisible to the eye,” the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
“It is the time I have wasted for my rose—” said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember.
“Men have forgotten this truth,” said the fox. “But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose …”
“I am responsible for my rose,” the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.