2016年9月27日 星期二

0727 2016 二 颱風天Megi kills at least four people and injures hundreds

 Megi, the third typhoon to hit Taiwan this month, kills at least four people and injures hundreds.
Ih-Cheng Lai 覺得一陣寒意。對話 @ 颱風天
突然,Debbie說 " 我們還是不要急著退休.....",我說" 為什麼?",她笑著說" 我們整天在家裡,講不到十句話耶 ! "............

Google is 18 years old today.

昨晚7-Eleven 消夜--改善,少一層裝料的塑膠。 教堂廊道有人。
約12點下樓 (12點和16點風雨交加),麥當勞開早上,他們決定打烊。 管理員說可去爭鮮吃腐飯糰。




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美國總統辯論 關於Trump的supercut
It was a battle between the lawyer and the salesman - and for the most part, the lawyer came out on top.--bbc

The first presidential debate played out as our KAL cartoonist expected


北市水濁度破萬二,最快下下四點會停水, 要儲存用水晚餐若風雨變大,我看你就在麥當勞用餐好了
Jersey Boys is a 2014 American biographical musical drama film directed and produced by Clint Eastwood based on the Tony Award winning jukebox musical of the same name. The film tells the story of the musical group The Four Seasons. The film was released in the United States on June 20, 2014.[5][6] The film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed $67 million.[7]


In 1951, in Belleville, New JerseyTommy DeVito, narrating the story, introduces the audience to himself, Tommy's brother Nicky, and their friend Nick Massi, who perform together as The Variety Trio, and to a barber's son, 16-year-old Frankie Castelluccio, already well known in the neighborhood for his singing voice. Frankie has the admiration of Genovese Family mobster Angelo "Gyp" DeCarlo, who takes a personal interest in him.
One night, the group attempts a robbery of a safe, for which the police later arrest them. In court, Frankie is let off with a warning but Tommy is sentenced to six months in prison. After his release, Tommy reunites the group and adds Frankie as lead singer. Frankie changes his professional name to Frankie Vally, and then Frankie Valli. At a performance, Frankie is entranced by a woman named Mary Delgado. He takes her to dinner, and they are soon married.
The group, now called "The Four Lovers," is in need of a songwriter after Nicky leaves. Tommy's friend Joe Pesci tells him about a talented singer-songwriter, Bob Gaudio, and invites him to hear the group perform. Gaudio, now narrating, is impressed with Valli's vocals and agrees to join.
The band, having recorded several demos, attempts to attract interest, with little success. One day in New York City, producer Bob Crewe signs them to a contract. However, they quickly realize that it only allows them to perform back-up vocals for other acts (as The Romans and The Topix). Crewe says that the group does not have a distinctive image or sound yet. Inspired by a bowling alley sign, the guys rename themselves "The Four Seasons," and sing a new song Gaudio has written, "Sherry", to Crewe, who agrees to record it.
"Sherry" quickly becomes a commercial success, followed by two more, "Big Girls Don't Cry" and "Walk Like a Man". However, before an appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, Valli is approached by Jewish mobster Norman Waxman, a loan shark for one of the other Five Families, who claims that Tommy owes him $150,000. Frankie goes to DeCarlo, who gets Waxman to allow the group to pay the debt, which turns out to be considerably larger. Tommy must go to work for the mob's associates in Las Vegas until it is paid. Nick, irritated by Tommy's irresponsibility, not being involved in the group's decisions, and never being able to see his family, also leaves the group.
Forced to tour constantly to pay the debt, the band hires a set of studio musicians and becomes Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, with Gaudio now acting only as songwriter and producer. Valli learns from his now ex-wife Mary that his daughter, Francine, now a drug addict, has escaped from home. Valli tracks her down and regrets not acting as a better father for her when she was growing up. He also arranges for Gaudio to offer her singing lessons and for Crewe to cut a demo for her.
A few years later, the group has finally paid off Tommy's debt. However, this coincides with the news of Francine's death by drug overdose. Frankie and Mary both grieve for their daughter. Gaudio composes a new number for Valli to sing, his first as a solo artist. Frankie is at first hesitant, as he is still in mourning, but eventually agrees. The piece, "Can't Take My Eyes Off You", becomes a commercial success.
In 1990, the original Four Seasons are to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The quartet performs "Rag Doll" onstage, their first performance together in over twenty years. The music fades as the four men take turns addressing the audience. Tommy, in an ironic twist, now works for Joe Pesci, who has gone on to become an Oscar-winning actor. Nick claims to have no regrets about leaving the group, enjoying the time he spends with his family. Bob has retired to Nashville, Tennessee. Lastly, Frankie finally takes over the narration, stating that the best time he had during his time with the Four Seasons was before their success, "when everything was still ahead of us and it was just four guys singing under a street lamp."

空蝕現象(Cavitation),又譯氣穴現象氣蝕現象空洞現象,指的是在流動的液體中氣相的空穴 – 亦即極小的無液體空間(「氣泡」或「空隙」) – 產生與消滅的一種物理現象,是力作用在液體的結果。液體受到壓力的快速改變時會產生空穴,此時的壓力通常相當低,除了液體本身的蒸汽壓,可以說是真空。當環境的壓力變高,空穴分裂,產生強力的衝擊波

沒想到把書稿印出來仔細研讀時,發現這本書英文版 China's Guaranteed Bubble 的序文,竟然是 2013 年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 Robert Shiller 寫的,喔天哪,就是那個很有名的寫了《非理性繁榮》、當代研究經濟泡沫最出名的經濟學家席勒爺爺。

時間可能有誤: "一九九二年"?新台幣大幅升值到二十五元對一美元、股匯房市暴漲、台股三度破萬點、
Emmy Hu 九二年新台幣升值造成後續的事情。三度破萬當然是三個年份的事情了


參加吳國精夫婦請客的第5次(第10年) "電子工業研究所 (ERSO)"校友會。百多人與會。
我1981(研究所約1000人)-1985 (約1650人)在電子所服務。
0950 出發,走一段路才想到多年前還有一張亞聯的票,它繞一大圈。1140才清華大學。馬上到清華大學出版社,他們現在每年出版十多本,很熱絡,走普及路線,所以連研究生海外交流的經驗書都可以全彩出書300多頁呢。可能2011年他們百年校慶,校友服務中心約出版12本書,我買了一本:《人物清華》 (2011):有趣的是,我今晚與電子所(ERSO/ITRI)的2位長官(台大的校友)詳談,他們列入書中:胡定華博士(頁222-25),清華的榮譽博士,他當旺宏董事長時,與吳敏求(頁239-39)總經理協議捐當時最大的一筆(3億元);史欽泰博士(頁154-57)在當過工研院(ITRI)董事長後,到清華創科技管理學院。

《人物清華》書中多人談到大學以人為本,所以找優秀的學生和師資是最重要的。(孔祥重院士(頁150-53):"......大學是學校,應該是服務學生,以學生為主體才對......"( 頁153);他們與北京清華合作2年雙碩士......) 梅校長的教育家風範的故事:有研究生在實驗室偷製酒,校方管理人員找到物證,向梅校長告狀。梅校長哈哈一笑:"這樣難喝的東西怎麼會是酒....."。

2015年9月27日 9:47 ·

牟宗三 《五十自述》, 台北:鵝湖,1989 (只前二章是新稿:末幾篇約寫於1959), 頁123-25 有關於The Life of Jesus by Ernest Renan
第19章 《耶酥熱情的激烈化》之評語與修正。
2015.9.26夜, 讀《五十自述》,竟然引用 Søren Kierkegaard的話:契爾克加德:"沒有一個世代的人能從前一代學知真正的人生,由這方面來看,每一世代都是原始的。它所負的工作並無與前一代的有什麼不同!它亦不能勝過前一代而更進步。例如沒有一個世代能從前一代學知如何去愛,除從頭做起之外,也沒有一個世代能有任何其他開始點。同樣,信仰亦是如此。......"
“Whatever the one generation may learn from the other, that which is genuinely human no generation learns from the foregoing...Thus no generation has learned from another to love, no generation begins at any other point than at the beginning, no generation has a shorter task assigned to it than had the previous generation.”

--- 文徵明作沈周行狀稿 (莊喆先生有一大作品是給全世界的文徵明專家參加Richard Edwards(艾瑞慈)主持的文徵明國際會議討論的....
27日下午15點到17點,莊喆老師無私地跟數十人交流:聽演講的約40人,一起聽莊喆老師"說"作品的,約20人,2/3是女性。Wikipedia 莊喆條目不夠深入,他的恩人不少,都沒提起.....
另一區是由弟弟莊靈收集的 莊喆的家人之素描 (這應該是莊喆在東海大學建築系開的課程),非常好。寫老父莊嚴的像與信已發表在雄獅版的"莊嚴"。母親的兩張一是初老,一是垂垂老矣,很好。
Wikipedia:"莊喆出身書香世家,自幼耳濡目染很早變接觸中國歷代書法真跡,培養出對書畫藝術的興趣。" 妙的是,今天有人拿一幅據說可能是他16歲臨的國畫"鑑真偽",很不錯,莊先生說那印章是父親送的,假不了..... (他青少年期的國畫水平如此,怎可能在師大選國畫組.......)
美国下令60多所孔子学院全部停办 北京时间: 2016-05-24 09:34:09…

