2014年7月16日 星期三

0717 2014 四

下午改一下稿:無法用順稿的方式審稿的VISIBLE FIGURES 具體數據去具體。
吃了西瓜一顆;Adi 玻璃罐沒放好,我打碎了,很麻煩,因為我是赤腳的。

A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet has reportedly crashed in eastern Ukraine in an area where separatist rebels have been engaging Ukrainian army forces in recent weeks.


Charles Handy

BBC 很妙,竟然有這種簡易的管理大師介紹,還有英文註解。

我在1998年的"《轉危為安》 一首值得傳唱的史詩"有這樣一段:
這種整體思辨的思考方式,將成為讀者與作者對話時難以跨越的門檻。譯者有幸與某些戴明博士肯定的「導師」們砌磋,對於作者的「淵博知識體系」 Deming’s Profound Knowledge System,也可譯為「成淵之學」或「深遠知識」)之智慧,稍有認識,所以願藉本文來協助讀者作一次簡單的導遊,希望讀者能入寶山(本書為現代許多新管理學理念的百科全書)而有所得。本書可能成為傳世之作,誠如名管理哲學家韓第(Charles Handy)在其《非理性的時代》(The Age of Unreason)所說的,本書是所有主管都該讀的重要作品。韓第更學戴明式的思考法說:人類在思想上追求「真理」;而組織、企業的「真理」是什麼呢?「品質」是也!


The Handy Guide to the Gurus of Management
Charles Handy was, for many years, a professor at the London Business School. He is now an independent writer and broadcaster. He describes himself, these days, as a social philosopher.

S緌 Paulo, Brazil
Episode 11: Ricardo Semler
Listen to the radio programme in full
Download the complete script (pdf)
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Ricardo Semler, author and business manager, is celebrated as a role model of a Chief Executive who breaks all the traditional rules and succeeds, massively.

Semler eliminated what he called 'corporate oppression" from his company, Semco: time clocksdress codessecurity procedures, privileged office spaces and perks, they all went. There were to be no receptionists or secretaries.

He set up 'factory committees' to run the plants, in an attempt to get more worker involvement and Semler guaranteed that no-one could befired while serving on the committees or for at least a year afterwards.

Ricardo then introduced profit-sharing schemes for all the workers. The thought that they could directly influence their own pay encouraged the committees to look for savings and to question any procedures or layers of management that didn't seem to add value.

Managers were hired and fired by their own employees. More than that, the units were now inventing new businesses for themselves. And so Semco grew, entirely due to the initiatives of its workers.

The workers have unrestricted access to all corporate records and are taught how to read financial reports; they set their own wages and their own production quotas.

When the number of people in a Semco unit hits the 100 to 200 mark it is split in two, like it or not.

Semler lists six principles that guide his always experimental company:

1. don't increase business size unnecessarily
2. never stop being a start-up
3. don't be a nanny to your workers
4. let talent find its place
5. make decisions quickly and openly
6. partner promiscuously, you can't do it all yourself.

In our next talk we meet someone very different. He has been called the world's most successful business academic. He is Michael Porter.
Some useful business words:
celebratedwell-known, famous

role modela person whose behaviour is copied or is likely to be copied by others

breaks all the rules
somebody or something which goes against an accepted principle which says how things are to be done

time clocks
machines which record when a worker arrives for work and punches his card

dress codes
rules which tell workers what to wear on the workplace

security procedures
a set of actions necessary to protect an organization or its employees against violence, lawbreaking etc.


extra items given by a company to workers in addition to their salaries (such as company cars, private health insurance etc.)

large factories

worker involvement
action or direct connection on the part of the workers with something

dimissed from a job

profit-sharing schemes
arrangements where workers get a share of the profits of the company they work for

employed, given a job

unrestricted access
to be able to obtain, reach, see something without limits

production quotas
fixed amount of products which should be produced

a start-up
a new company just beginning to do business

a woman employed to take care of children in a family

partner promiscuously
to share business with lots of different people or organizations
BBC World Business
Business Words in the News
Other gurus
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夥計.接棒夥計.接棒李卡多.塞姆勒 智庫 出版 1994/11/1出版
勞資共治的落實典範  從來沒有一家企業,展現了對員工如此高度的誠信。從來沒有一本企業勵志書籍,呈現了如此開闊的胸襟。  作者李卡多.塞姆勒──巴西塞氏企業執行長,雖然強調「關愛應來自人,不來自公司政策」、「任何人不應被『一家人』的論調所迷惑」,但是唯有他真正做到了「勞資共治」的理想:除非攸關存亡,所有政策、決定全體員工一律享有投票權;所有財務報表公告在布告欄上、年終獎金由員工...

鄭明萱女士 (小讀者、丁丁) (2)與我們





Line breaks: prov|erb
Pronunciation: /ˈprɒvəːb


A short, well-known pithy saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice.


Middle English: from Old French proverbe, from Latinproverbium, from pro- '(put) forth' + verbum 'word'.

  1. 敬畏上主是智慧的肇基;只有愚昧人蔑視智慧和規律。
  1. 智慧在街上吶喊,在通衢發出呼聲;
  2. 在熱鬧的街頭呼喚,在城門和市區發表言論:「
  3. 無知的人,你們喜愛無知;輕狂的人,你們樂意輕狂;愚昧的人,你們憎恨知識,要到何時呢﹖
  4. 你們應回心聽我的勸告。看,我要向你們傾吐我的心意,使你們瞭解我的言詞。
  5. 但是,我呼喚了,你們竟予以拒絕;我伸出了手,誰也沒有理會。
  6. 你們既蔑視了我的勸告,沒有接受我的忠言;
  7. 因此,你們遭遇不幸時,我也付之一笑;災難臨到你們身上時,我也一笑置之。
  8. 當災難如暴風似的襲擊你們,禍害如旋風似的捲去你們,困苦憂患來侵襲你們時,我也置之不顧。
  9. 那時,他們呼求我,我必不答應:他們尋找我,必尋不著我;
  10. 因為他們憎恨知識,沒有揀選敬畏上主,
  11. 沒有接受我的勸告,且輕視了我的一切規諫。
  12. 所以他們必要自食其果,飽嘗獨斷獨行的滋味。
  13. 的確,無知者的執迷不悟殺害了自己;愚昧人的漠不關心斷送了自己。
  14. 但是,那聽從我的,必得安居,不怕災禍,安享太平。


賴格姆畫插圖畫的美女迷死人,去年在威尼斯買到他畫的《艾麗思漫遊仙境》我算是圓了一個夢。聽說,巴里的《 Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens》帶旺了肯辛頓公園,肯辛頓市政會送了一把公園的鑰匙給巴里,巴里把鑰匙借給賴格姆讓他隨時遊園寫生,一筆一筆畫出了那麼神奇那麼美妙的一組傳世插圖,一九○六年的初版成了那年聖誕節紅遍英國的暢銷書,一紅紅了整個愛德華時代。他的作品在米蘭在巴塞羅納都得過國際藝展會金獎章,威尼斯 Charta書籍裝幀作坊的老闆說賴格姆畫的人物意態最入骨:《 Looking very undancey indeed》畫出了褰衣踏青的風韻也畫出了佳人心中那一簾淡淡的幽情。
