2012年7月16日 星期一

0717 2012 Tue. 晴

“But how,” said I, “can one be sure that one possesses a real talent for plastic art?”
“Real talent,” said Goethe, “has an innate sense for form, relations, and colour, so as soon to manage all that well with but little guidance. Especially, it has a sense for the corporeal, and an inclination to make it palpable by judicious distribution of life. Even in the intervals of practice, it progresses and grows inwardly. Such a talent is not hard to recognize, but is best recognized by a master.”

“…….所以此書除了作為哥德的內面的和外面的生活的寫照有特殊的意義以外,也是一種極富有情趣風韻的德國的優美的散文。愛克爾曼的這種不朽的浩瀚的傑作,世界的各 文明國都有譯本,我以為我們無論從什麼立場上批評哥德,這書的翻譯,對於我國的讀書界總之是必要的罷。我不揣簡陋,於譯成了哥德的《浮士德》和《鐵手騎士 葛茲》之後,因興味上的關聯,在前一個寒假的一個月內完成了這種翻譯。……”
真了不起周學普譯序  一九三六年三月五日於青島
 《中古墓志詞語研究》,羅維明著 暨南大學出版社20033月出版
此書第一刷1000本一月內賣出 再刷3000
一個時代頂禮膜拜的,到了另一個時代可能就一文不值。「長門柳絲千萬結,苦無多舊時枝葉。」不必悲歎,無需哀傷,當我們的制度和社會風氣已將連知識學問在內的一切事物都用「錢」來衡量的時候,一切怪象的出現都不足為奇。對戲曲藝術、古典園林、老宅庭院以及紙墨筆硯,我們是自斷臍帶,自割血 脈。無視、藐視乃至自毀傳統經典的,大有人在。以前,我看著大片四合院拆了,心疼不已。現在不心痛了,拆了吧,包括紫禁城。因為懂的人都死了。大規模自毀 傳統,有三次。一次是建國初期,一次文革運動,一次改革開放,第三次最徹底,遠超以前之總和,它是以建設方式毀滅的,是以創新方式剷除的。不想多說,多說 要掉淚。也許,我們這個時代根本就不需要傳統,也不需要經典。張愛玲說了嘛:「文官執筆安天不,武官馬上定乾坤。」要什麼梅蘭芳!


榮祖先生的《史家陳寅恪》(台北聯經,1984) 第一章 "舊時王謝家" (頁1-28)就是陳家三世的家族簡史: "......陳氏一門  三代英才  洵不多見  然而 盛極而衰 更可傷感......憑弔陳氏一家的興亡     何異神州文化的興亡!"  21:00-23:00

TV :House 兄妹捐肺的故事   和年代新聞追追追

Yahoo Taps Marissa Mayer of Google to Be Its New Chief
The selection of Ms. Mayer, one of the top executives at Google, makes her one of the most prominent women in Silicon Valley and corporate America and is considered a surprising coup for Yahoo.
很久沒看晚間電視. House  第7季..
Ironclad is a 2011 action film

Fictional elements

The film is only loosely based on reality.[8] William d'Aubigny commanded the garrison but contemporary chroniclers do not agree on how many men that was. Estimates range from 95 to 140 knights supported by crossbowmen, sergeants, and others.[9] John did take the castle, most of the higher nobles being imprisoned or banished; and the French did not arrive in England until some six months after the siege had ended.[10] Characters departing significantly from the historical record include William d'Aubigny who was not an ennobled wool merchant (nor was he tortured and killed in the siege).
The closing narration explains that this was one of the first victories that the French had that would eventually lead to total victory. However, the rebellion was defeated by Royalist supporters of nine-year-old Henry III in 1217.[11]
The film's Danes are depicted as pagans when Denmark had been Christianized by that time.
