感動我的 (7):BEN CHEN 日語新聞分析"歷史的詛咒"夏含夷《丝绸之路之前》;韓國2022年萬聖節悲劇,官員無視。 ⋯ 相信陳永興在天之𩆜,Charles Feeney生前就散盡家財數十億;Henry Matisse 在病床工作. "每次相逢都遇陌生人 ~T.S. Eliot(Book: The Cocktail Party)". 美國電動車市場產品/服務標準化/bikini的設計靈感 1956. 晶華菁華:潘思亮從成長到重生的經營抉擇與哲思。川普因在網路上發布辱罵貼文違反禁言令而被罰款
查爾斯·菲尼 (Charles Feeney) 去世,享年 92 歲
在累積了數十億美元的生意後,他承諾在去世前將幾乎所有的錢捐給慈善事業。 他成功了,然後過著更樸素的生活。
Ih-Cheng Lai
昨天,我和顏老師代表淡江建築系參加學長 陳永興建築師的告別式,顏老師還特別開車來圓山捷運站接我一起過去,好貼心,非常感謝。一到會場,人好多,不難想像陳學長生前的好人緣,遇見好多淡江建築的系友和學生,看到我,過來打招呼,說著「老師,那我們跟您們一起,用淡江建築系的名義一起祭拜」。當司儀唸到「淡江大學建築系,主祭者 賴怡成、顏....」,站在我們後面,排著兩排滿滿的淡江建築系系友,好強大的向心力,很感動。非常喜歡 陳永興學長畫的這張草圖,代表了一種平靜、和諧、圓滿,以及人的謙卑,和對環境的尊重。祝學長您一路好走!
《富比士》稱,在這樣的富豪中,從來沒有人在生前如此徹底地捐出一筆財富。 但正如菲尼先生在簽署承諾書時所說:「我想不出還有什麼比在有生之年進行捐贈、親自致力於改善人類狀況的有意義的努力對個人更有價值、更恰當的財富使用方式了。”
Charles Feeney, Who Made a Fortune and Then Gave It Away, Dies at 92
After piling up billions in business, he pledged to donate almost all of his money to causes before he died. He succeeded, and then lived a more modest life.
Forbes said that no one of such riches had ever given away a fortune so completely while still alive. But as Mr. Feeney said as he signed on to the pledge: “I cannot think of a more personally rewarding and appropriate use of wealth than to give while one is living, to personally devote oneself to meaningful efforts to improve the human condition.”
After piling up billions in business, he pledged to donate almost all of his money to causes before he died. He succeeded, and then lived a more modest life.
We die to each other daily. What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then. To pretend that they and we are the same is a useful and convenient social convention which must sometimes be broken. We must also remember that at every meeting we are meeting a stranger. ~T.S. Eliot
gagging ordernounLAWnoun: gag order- a judge's directive forbidding the public disclosure of information on a particular matter."the council was forced to abandon an attempt to impose a gagging order on this newspaper on Friday"
- a judge's directive forbidding the public disclosure of information on a particular matter."the council was forced to abandon an attempt to impose a gagging order on this newspaper on Friday"
Japanese folk hero | |
上傳媒體 | |
維基百科 | |
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出生日期 | 956年 Ashigara Mountains |
死亡日期 | 1012年1月11日, 1011年1月21日 勝田郡 |
死亡方式 |
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職業 | |
僱主 |