2023年10月12日 星期四

Art Object, Language of object.西嘉·羅森Jessica Rawson相關直播 地圖的重要《 青銅禮器與黃金腰帶:中國文化場景的昔與今》( Bronze Banqueting Vessels and Golden Belts in the Landscape of Ancient China and of Today.) 2. 《祖先與永恆》(潔西嘉·羅森Jessica Rawson中國考古藝術文集) The Language of Objects: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Forum"《祖先與永恆》(潔西嘉·羅森Jessica Rawson中國考古藝術文集) The Language of Objects



《祖先與永恆》(潔西嘉·羅森Jessica Rawson中國考古藝術文集)

★2022唐獎漢學獎得主潔西卡‧羅森(Jessica Rawson)★ #親筆簽名
“ China's history and culture are a fundamental gift to the whole world. To preserve, pass down, extend, and develop this culture is a gift for all. I thank the Tang Foundation profoundly for their extraordinary support of this tradition and its future. ”
--Jessica Rawson, 2022 Tang Prize Laureate in Sinology
The 2022 Tang Prize in Sinology was awarded to Jessica Rawson for her gift and mastery of the craft of the visible to read the art and artifacts of Chinese civilization. By giving voice to the ancient world of objects, she has taught generations how to see when they look at things, and her acuity and vast visual learning have given new insight into the world of the lineages, transformations, and migrations of mute things.
For more information about Prof. Jessica Rawson, please see https://reurl.cc/QZY9gq
可能是 1 人、眼鏡和顯示的文字是「中國歷史文化是賦予全 世界的天賜。 保存 傳 承、拓展、 拓展 並發揚這個 文化,就是獻給所有人 的禮物。我衷心感謝唐 獎基金會對此傳統及其 未來的卓越支持 1 潔西卡 羅森 Jessica Rawson) T ★2022唐獎漢學獎得主 H 」的圖像

YouTube 唐獎中文頻道

2場直播     青銅禮器與黃金腰帶:中國文化場景的昔與今 《祖先與永恆》(潔西嘉·羅森Jessica Rawson  中國考古藝術文集) Banqueting Vessels and Golden Belts in the Landscape of Ancient China and of Today. 

The Language of Objects:  An Interdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Forum"The Language of Objects


art object

荷與龍 中國紋飾    大英博物館 1984

王德威《現代抒情傳統四論》的兩版本故事2011/2016;《抒情傳統與中國現代性--在北大的八堂課》2018 "課後"飛奔"到圖書館找沈從文《中國古代服飾研究 》等看一看......."【《學人側記》中的"王德威" By 黃進興 ; hc補記2023】





2022年唐獎漢學獎得主 #羅森 爵士

Professor Dame Jessica Rawson 

2022 Tang Prize Laureate in Sinology



The Language of Objects:

An Interdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Forum"



地點: 國立臺灣大學校史館



盧慧紋(國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 教授兼所長)

Hui-Wen Lu, Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University


王德威(中央研究院院士、哈佛大學東亞語言與文明系 講座教授)

David Der-wei Wang, Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature, Harvard University


李永迪(芝加哥大學東亞語言與文明系 副教授)

Yung-ti Li, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, the University of Chicago


林郡儀(國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 助理教授)

Emily Chun-yi Lin, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University










羅森教授即將來台領獎及演講,除了8/4故宮專題演講,您還可以報名8/2「第五屆唐獎漢學獎得主Jessica Rawson獲獎演講」,演講以英語進行,現場出借同步口譯耳機。※ 報名連結🔗https://forms.gle/H2ufJ5RokcEv5qDf9
※ 得獎人演講簡介:
在上古中國的土地上,黃河流域的王朝與北方草原民族如何交流、競爭?青銅禮器和黃金腰帶,是兩個族群對話的故事。Jessica Rawson將帶我們從出土器物看見三千年前歐亞大陸的文化交流場景。
✅時間:2023年8月2日(週三)11:00─12:00 (GMT+8)
Bronze Banqueting Vessels and Golden Belts in the Landscape of Ancient China and of Today
May be an image of 1 person and text
發現於墓葬中的古代玉器、青銅器及金器不但是世人所珍視的寶藏,更隱含上古社會崇敬祖先及強調世系的思想。唐獎第五屆漢學獎得主潔西卡.羅森 (Jessica Rawson)教授將通過本次演講為我們解讀大墓脈絡中的珍寶,揭開隱匿其中的悠遠過去。
唐獎第五屆漢學獎得主潔西卡.羅森 (Jessica Rawson)……

In Wednesday's lecture, Rawson used bronze banqueting vessels and golden belts to talk about her views of how China formed its culture, and how it relates comparatively to the Western world.

"A lot of art history, anthropology and understanding of China is based on Western ideas. And I want to suggest that we should look more closely at China and see how its views and ideas are constructed," Rawson said.

Rawson's lecture highlighted such environmental factors as climate, ecology, geography and the geological dynamics that predetermined the matrix of China's civilization, said David Wang (王德威), an Academia Sinica academician.

Rawson went on to talk about the human factors which enact or enable the possibility of contact and communication between people of different continents, regions, areas, cultures and civilizations, said Wang, who serves as chairman of Tang Prize selection committee for Sinology.

At a press conference, Rawson emphasized the importance of a comparative approach in researching different cultures to better understand the world as a whole.

Asked about Taiwan, Rawson said Taiwan has been an important player in the distribution of jade from the north to the south, because the use of jade continues southwards to the Philippines, adding that she will be interested to see very early jade artifacts when she visits the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum later this week.

Moreover, Rawson said that she also suspects that the use of jade spread from Taiwan into the Polynesian or Pacific Islands. "This is for a younger generation than me, but I think if we wanted to understand Taiwan better, we would also have to look deeper into the Pacific," she said.

"I very much admire Taiwan for its role in the world. And I hope very much you continue as you are," Rawson said.

(By Shih Hsiu-chuan)










西方傳統藝術史研究自建築出發,對「藝術」(art)和「裝飾」(ornament)兩概念並無明顯區別。羅森教授的研究即是奠基於此觀念,並主張由視覺系統(visual system)出發,深入西方建築、中國青銅器與瓷器、西伯利亞金腰飾,及伊斯蘭手抄本繪畫的形式與裝飾。每個文化都有一套談論器物的傳統或「物的言語」(language of objects),其中蘊藏著所謂視覺系統,使人們得以依據社會、信仰或其他層面上的概念、慣例或預設,將器物分門別類。因此也意味著其器物的材質、形式與裝飾具有特定的組合模式。每個社會的傳統與視覺系統都是獨特的,需經過學習才得以熟悉,也深深地影響人們如何看待與解讀所見之物。




羅森教授於1990年榮膺為英國國家學術院院士(British Academy),2002年因其在東方研究的貢獻獲英國女王授勳封爵(DBE),2012年獲選為美國藝術與科學院(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)外籍名譽院士,2017年獲頒弗瑞爾獎章(Charles Lang Freer Medal)。2022年唐獎漢學獎授予羅森教授,肯定其在中國藝術與考古領域的學術成就,不僅為該領域開創了嶄新局面,更加深了人們對中國文明的認識。





唐獎第五屆漢學獎得主潔西卡.羅森( Jessica Rawson)教授研究中國藝術考古,擅長透過器物細節及其被使用的方式,看見背後的文化體系。聯合文學雜誌連續3期透過作家張惠菁的筆及台大藝術史研究所教授施靜菲,帶大家看懂羅森教授的研究趣味所在。

❶ 物的旅行:如紋樣般重複,像嬰孩般新生


❷ 物的言語 從古老到流行


❸ 全球化時代下,「物的言語」助我們尋找自己的認同:訪二○二二年唐獎漢學獎得主潔西卡.羅森

