2021年9月25日 星期六

《寫實主義》Realism By Linda Nochlin :兩種中文版本的缺失,有時彩色版重要、INCA MASONRY;其中的《工人英雄萬歲》一節,The Stone Breakers By Gustave Courbet 1849 到 1857 by Henry Wallis


《寫實主義》Realism By Linda Nochlin :兩種中文版本的缺失,有時彩色版重要、INCA MASONRY;其中的《工人英雄萬歲》一節,The Stone Breakers By  Gustave Courbet 1849 到 1857 by Henry Wallis


Realism By Linda Nochlin 《工人英雄萬歲》

《寫實主義》Realism by Linda Nochlin 

The Earth (La Terre) is a silent film based on the 1887 novel of the same name by Émile Zola. It was directed by French theatre manager, André Antoine.



The Stone Breakers

Gustave Courbet 1849

170*240 CM   Destroyed during World War II

The Stonebreaker 1857 by Henry Wallis

The Stonebreaker is an 1857 oil-on-canvas painting by Henry Wallis


The Angelus, 1857 - 1859 - Jean-Francois Millet

三鐘經 - 讓 - 弗朗索瓦·米勒

Definitions of Angelus


a Roman Catholic devotion commemorating the Incarnation of Jesus and including the Hail Mary, said at morning, noon, and sunset.

宗教三要:pray祈禱; ritual 儀式;pilgrim朝聖(聖地;聖人、朝聖者)

The Angelus, 1857 - 1859 - Jean-Francois Millet 

胡適與晚禱、到 1933~34 The Angelus, 1857 - 1859 - Jean-Francois Millet 胡適與晚禱、到 1933~34 Dali 的畫Atavism at Twilight

Archaeological Reminiscence of Millet's Angelus.  1934.

Atavism at Twilight

Salvador Dali Fair Use

last edit: 7 Dec, 2016 by xennex

max resolution: 2016x1600px  

Atavism at Twilight

Salvador Dali

Date: 1934

Style: Surrealism

Period: Surrealism Period (1929-1940)

「其《聞鐘野禱圖》〔舊教之國教堂日禱三次,晨,午,薄暮。教堂鳴鐘,聞鐘者皆禱,禱時默誦禱文,其首句云:"Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae*..."故名"Angelus"。

胡適:《舊約· 鷺斯傳》法國米耐名畫; 札記1914.7.5


「其《聞鐘野禱圖》〔舊教之國教堂日禱三次,晨,午,薄暮。教堂鳴鐘,聞鐘者皆禱,禱時默誦禱文,其首句云:"Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae*..."故名"Angelus"。

胡適與晚禱等、西方祈禱書傳統;里爾克的祈禱書The Book of Hours By Rainer Rilke, 1905

The Hours of Catherine of Cleves 為例


 Remembrance Day , 1926


 祈禱書:Liturgy of the Hours 或 Book of Hours 。拉丁文稱作 Breviarium 

天主教辭典:同 Liturgy of the Hours 或 Book of Hours 。拉丁文稱作 Breviarium 。

Book of Hours :日課;祈禱書:是自中古時代起,隱修士開始(聖職人員及許多修會會士隨後跟進)每日使用的祈禱手冊,其中包括聖詠、聖歌、對經、祈禱文等。日課內容詳見 Breviary 。

 Breviary :每日頌禱;時辰頌禱;日課經;日課;大日課;本分經:是教會的公共祈禱,亦即聖職人士、修會會士和熱心教友每日(七次)祈禱時所用的法定經書,藉此履行領洗時所接受的王者司祭職;主要由聖經、聖詠和聖人訓誨組成;共分為:

 (1) 誦讀日課(今稱),即晨經 Matins 。

 (2) 晨禱,即讚美經 Lauds 。

 (3) 日間祈禱,又分為:(甲)午前祈禱,即第三時辰經 Terce ;(乙)午時祈禱,即第六時辰經 Sext ;(丙)午後祈禱,即第九時辰經 None 。

 (4) 晚禱,即晚經 Vespers 。 … 夜禱,即補充經 Compline 等部分。


R. Rilke1905年的詩集 (20首),前後至少十來譯本~~多德英文對照


Three Poems from Rilke's Book of Hours


The Book of Hours By Rainer Rilke, 1905

程抱一 :與友人談里爾克;2012;和亞丁談里爾克1972

里爾克的祈禱書 選13篇

程抱一 :與友人談里爾克;2012;和亞丁談里爾克1972

((時に B- of H-)) (ローマカトリックで)時祷じとう書,(ギリシア正教で)時課経:定められている祈祷文や聖書の箇所など,(定)時課(canonical hours)の内容と順序を記した本.

那是祈願 那是祈願:活在浪濤上, 不為時間所羈留; 那是慾望:平凡的時日中, 和永恆低聲對語。 那是生命:有朝一日,自過去 升起十日中最孤單的一刻: 異於其他時日,它微笑著, 沉默了,最終奉獻給永恆。



令我雙目失明:依然看見你; 令我雙耳變聾:依然聽見你。 失去雙足,我依然會走向你; 失去唇舌,我依然會呼喚你。 把我雙臂折斷,我執你不放; 不再以手掌,而乃是以心。 把我心窒息,腦仍會跳動。 萬一你執火入腦,焚燒它, 那麼我將成託你,以鮮血。

有時,晚餐之際,一個人起立, 他出門,遠行,遠行,遠行...... 因為東方有座教堂向他召喚。 孩子們祝福他,如同祝福死者。 另一個人,終死於住屋之內, 他乃常駐,在桌子間,在杯盞裡, 於是孩子們起身,出門,遠行, 走向他所遺忘了的教堂。

the Lucas Psalter, owned by Thomas Houchon Lucas (1460-1539),

 secretary to Jasper Tudor and Solicitor General under Henry VII.

With 347 illuminated pages each measuring approximately 535 x 380mm, the Sherborne Missa

l is probably the largest and most lavishly decorated English service book to survive from the Middle Ages.

時祷書(じとうしょ、ラテン語: horae, 英語: primer, book of hours)

ベリー公のいとも豪華なる時祷書の装飾ページ。1月の「ギフト交換の日」 のイラスト

ベリー公のいとも豪華なる時祷書の装飾ページ。1月の「ギフト交換の日」 のイラスト


The Hours of Catherine of Cleves

 produced in about 1440 by the anonymous Dutch artist known as the Master of Catherine of Cleves. 


クレーヴェ (Kleve, ドイツ語発音: [ˈkleːvə][2] 発音、1935年7月20日までの表記:Cleve) 

The Hours of Catherine of Cleves

The Hours of Catherine of Cleves

Catherine of Cleves kneels before the Virgin and Child. Her arms, with those of her husband, Duke Arnold of Guelders, are in the bottom center; the arms of her ancestors are in each corner.

Saint Ambrose with border of mussel-shells

Saint Laurence with a border of fishes.

The Art of the Bible

Illuminated Manuscripts from the Medieval World

Jean Pucelle (French, active Paris, 1319–34) | The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, Queen of France | ca. 1324–28

Jean Pucelle 1319–34) |

 The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, 

Jean Pucelle (French, active Paris, 1319–34) | The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, Queen of France | ca. 1324–28

The Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry


we’re sharing the cover of the June 1962 issue of Apollo, which contained several articles on gothic art. The cover image is from the Bedford Hours and Psalter.

The Bedford Hours is one of the most lavish surviving medieval prayerbooks. Made in Paris between 1410 and 1430, its prayers are illustrated by 38 large images and over 1,200 small marginal roundels.

Richard the Lionheart died #onthisday in 1199. Here he is, rather splendidly adorned, jousting in the lower margin of the Luttrell Psalter.

This colourful miniature shows two caparisoned knights which are generally believed to be Richard I and Saladin. The Luttrell Psalter, commissioned by a wealthy landowner in the first half of the 14th century, is one of the most striking manuscripts to survive from the Middle Ages. http://bit.ly/2o0X4oA

This particular manuscript was made in Germany in 1582 and shows a red-capped alchemist in flowing robes. Is anyone else very excited?

A falcon, a pelican and the usual mash-up of animal and human hybrids. Step in to May the Medieval Manuscripts way http://bit.ly/2pAsF1d

(Image: Calendar page for May, from a Book of Hours, St Omer or Théouranne, c. 1320, Add MS 36684, ff. 5v)
