Stand News 立場新聞
網上討論區「連登」早前有網民發起眾籌,以「Freedom Hongkong」名義,於各國主要報章刊登廣告,呼籲國際社會關注《逃犯條例》修訂,截至今天已於 12 份報章刊登。
「Freedom Hongkong」在當地時間 27 日開始,首先在英國《衛報》、德國《南德意志報》、歐盟 《POLITICO⋯⋯
更多“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.” ― from TO THE LIGHTHOUSE By Virginia Woolf, 1927